My very first post here.

Being new, I dont want to come off as argumentative, so instead of doing the "quote-engage-discuss" thing, I'll just post my own little ramble, and join in later when people respond. (
(also, the ispell for some reason isn't working, so sorry for any misspellings))
I totally believe that baptism is not necessary. But that blatantly disobeying God when it is completely within your power to obey Him- this, to me, definitely wreaks of bad fruit.
The verse in Mark 16
a) technically, we could argue about it's being scripture at all. But I'm guessing no one's willing to go down that route (or am I totally wrong?)
b) The exact phrase "Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved" is then countered with, "he that does not believe is condemned". Seems to me that baptism is, then, not being named as necessary, but that belief is.
The verse in 1 peter
"Baptism now saves you-
NOT the washing of the flesh, but
the renewal of your heart/mind" (a bit of a paraphrase I know). Seems to me that Peter is trying desperately to say that baptism is NOT about being dunked but about having a renewed mind. Can one have a renewed mind without being dunked? I'd think so.
Jesus being baptized
This confirms my original position. Jesus was, in a sense, in a state of salvation already (I say "in a sense" because I'm obviously not saying that Jesus needed salvation. . .that'd be plain ole silly of me!). But He got baptized anyway. When it was within Jesus power to obey the commands and will of God, he did.
Rom 10- He who confesses "Jesus is Lord" and believes in His heart that God raised Him from the dead, will be saved
This specifically says "
WILL be saved". This verse is almost never brought up in batismal regegneration debates/discussions. I wonder why not? Seems very relevant to me.
Another question I've always wondered:
What if a guy's accepted Jesus (say an altar call, or to his mentor, or just when reading the Bible in his room at home), and they schedule a batism. The guy puts on the robe, steps down into the water, but then slips down on the last step, hits the edge of the pool and breaks his neck- dead. Is the guy saved? What if the preacher actually dunks him under, and somehow within the two seconds the preacher holds him down, the guy dies. Is he saved? (
(Obviously the point here isn't "well was the guy ever saved in the first place"?)).
If God asks us to do something and puts us into the position were not doing it would be blatant disobidience, then we should do it. How much more should we be willing to do something that God has deemed the "official" ritual/rite/symbol of entering His kingdom? Just because it doesn't save us, just because we can be justified even without baptism, doesn't mean we should just choose to be disobidient. I like how Catholics put it- you can be saved via "baptism of desire". if you can't actually be dunked (or even have no knowledge of this thing we Christians call "baptism"), yet are truly repentant and (if you do know about baptism) wish to be baptized, then that's "good enough".