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Does man naturally have ability to Seek God ?

Can you Biblically prove she was without sin?
Luke 1:26 And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth,
Luke 1:27 To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary.
Luke 1:28 And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.

If Mary was full of God's grace and highly favored then she would have been filled with the presence of the Lord having no sin found in her. No one is a sinner until they violate God's Spiritual law. When scripture speaks of death spreading to all it means Spiritual death, not physical, as man has allowed themselves to fall away from God like Adam did losing that Spiritual fellowship with God. None of us are guilty of Adams sin and none have inherited the sins of their father.

1John 3:4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.

It's only those who break God's commandments that are guilty of sin as they do not seek God or believe in God's greatest commandment of love.
Let me rephrase, are you still capable of sinning?

Thank you
No, I am not for Christ dwells in me and I in Him as God's Holy Spirit indwells me. I no longer willingly sin as I would be putting Christ back up on the cross bringing shame to Him who already bore my sin. It is no longer I that lives, but Christ who lives in me.
Luke 1:26 And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth,
Luke 1:27 To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary.
Luke 1:28 And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.

If Mary was full of God's grace and highly favored then she would have been filled with the presence of the Lord having no sin found in her. No one is a sinner until they violate God's Spiritual law. When scripture speaks of death spreading to all it means Spiritual death, not physical, as man has allowed themselves to fall away from God like Adam did losing that Spiritual fellowship with God. None of us are guilty of Adams sin and none have inherited the sins of their father.

1John 3:4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.

It's only those who break God's commandments that are guilty of sin as they do not seek God or believe in God's greatest commandment of love.
Nothing in those scriptures say she was sinless. She needed a savior. The onli sinless human whoever lived was Jesus Christ.

To many scriptures that say man is born a sinner. I have already poste this.

Grace and peace to you.
No, I am not for Christ dwells in me and I in Him as God's Holy Spirit indwells me. I no longer willingly sin as I would be putting Christ back up on the cross bringing shame to Him who already bore my sin. It is no longer I that lives, but Christ who lives in me.
Christians cannot be sinless in this life.

1Jn 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.
1Jn 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
1Jn 1:10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar and His word is not in us.
Nothing in those scriptures say she was sinless. She needed a savior. The onli sinless human whoever lived was Jesus Christ.

To many scriptures that say man is born a sinner. I have already poste this.

Grace and peace to you.
Believe as you want as I can only give what scripture says and what I believe to be truth. I believe Mary was sinless and found much favor in God. If you disagree, so be it.
Believe as you want as I can only give what scripture says and what I believe to be truth. I believe Mary was sinless and found much favor in God. If you disagree, so be it.
Fair enough.

I would believe she was as well if Scripture taught that she was sinless.

The Bible says there was only ones sinless human, that is God that came in the flesh as Jesus Christ.

Many reject that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh as they also reject the Trinity.

Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Christians cannot be sinless in this life.

1Jn 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.
1Jn 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
1Jn 1:10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar and His word is not in us.
When we first came to Christ each one confessed our own sin if we had any when we were in the flesh. If we have truly mortified ourself not to walk in the lust of the flesh, as many did before accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior, then we have truly put on the new Spiritual inner man no more willing to walk in sin as we now have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and no more will we be willing to sin. Colossians 3:1-17; Galatians 5:16.

Being that we are still housed in this mortal corruptible body, and by no means an excuse to sin, we will mess up at times as the flesh and the Spirit will always war against each other as we are not perfect, but being perfected daily and this is what Paul's thorn in the flesh was all about, but God's grace is sufficient to forgive us when we do mess up. Now if we are going around and willingly sin then there is no more sacrifice for that sin and it will bring about certain consequences in our life as there is no more sacrifice for sin.

Heb 10:26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,
Heb 10:27 But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.
Fair enough.

I would believe she was as well if Scripture taught that she was sinless.

The Bible says there was only ones sinless human, that is God that came in the flesh as Jesus Christ.

Many reject that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh as they also reject the Trinity.

Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Merry Christmas to you and yours.
When we first came to Christ each one confessed our own sin if we had any when we were in the flesh. If we have truly mortified ourself not to walk in the lust of the flesh, as many did before accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior, then we have truly put on the new Spiritual inner man no more willing to walk in sin as we now have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and no more will we be willing to sin. Colossians 3:1-17; Galatians 5:16.

Being that we are still housed in this mortal corruptible body, and by no means an excuse to sin, we will mess up at times as the flesh and the Spirit will always war against each other as we are not perfect, but being perfected daily and this is what Paul's thorn in the flesh was all about, but God's grace is sufficient to forgive us when we do mess up. Now if we are going around and willingly sin then there is no more sacrifice for that sin and it will bring about certain consequences in our life as there is no more sacrifice for sin.

Heb 10:26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,
Heb 10:27 But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.
So you do, sin.
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Again, tell us how a baby sins.

Nobody said a baby sinned, but that the babies adult representative sinned, and God because of that union with Head and seed, Gods says all he represented sinned. So babies come out with a sin nature having sinned not in themselves yet, but in its federal head, but because its underdeveloped at the time of birth it doesn't act out immediately but it will, because of its nature.
Paul was surely difficult to understand even back then.
We can stop being totally fleshly and keep our sinful nature under control.

John Calvin spoke a lot about how depraved we are,
How the reprobate are without excuse (except of course, but for the fact the HE made them that way).

He says man is ignorant, prideful and very stubborn.
He says that most are so degenerate that in no part of the world can genuine godliness be found.

Great words to love by...

source: John Calvin's Institutes
Book 1, Chapter 3 and 4
Various paragraphs
How was Paul difficult back then?
You missed my point, now worries.

Please do not waste your time posting the Scriptures. I have been of the mind of what you believe. But the Lord opened my eyes to His truth in Soteriology. I cannot go backwards in doctrine.

I have been down this path more times then I would like to admit and it will not get us anywhere.

Again, I have believed as you do at one point since I have been saved.

Mangia Mangia
It's not so much that this is not going to get us anywhere.
We won't be changing each other's minds.

You were not a Calvinist at one time, so there's not too much I can explain to you.
But I've never been a Calvinist and there sure are some concepts I'd like to understand
about it.

I use the word Concept, which should really be Theology, I guess, because, quite frankly, I do
believe calvinism is heretical.

Heretical in the true sense of the word - not as an insult.
It just means a belief that does not adhere to the accepted, or mainline, theology/belief.

The reason I believe it's heretical is because the early church worked very hard to keep gnosticism, some of which sects did include predestination, and other heresies out of the church.

I also believe it's heretical because it was conjured up by one person....really more, but he wrote about it and was very influential and so he got his name on this belief system.

As I'm sure you know, it all has to do with free will.
If we have free will, calvinism cannot be true or make any sense at all.
If we do not have free will, then it would work.

I'd like to discuss a bit but it seems the discussion ends up in insults or one line replies
or remarks that only calvinists could accept the real god, and others are just unable to do so.

IF, you'd care to continue...I'd have my first question to you - which I've asked to many.
I try very hard to understand HOW God shows His grace to man by sending most of humanity to hell.

I also asked the other member but, alas, he didn't answer either.
You could take it or leave it...If this is going to end up in personal insults, just let it go.

Nobody said a baby sinned, but that the babies adult representative sinned, and God because of that union with Head and seed, Gods says all he represented sinned. So babies come out with a sin nature having sinned not in themselves yet, but in its federal head, but because its underdeveloped at the time of birth it doesn't act out immediately but it will, because of its nature.
Wow, Brightfame.
I think you've got it !

I hope you see the difference between what you've stated above and
proclaiming that babies are born SINNERS.

Now, since you've come this far, it's apparent that calvinism MUST BE incorrect because of the statement you've made above.

Think about it a bit...
Do I assume you are alluding to Catholic belief?

If not please explain.
In post 988 it was mentioned that Mary was not a sinner.

What I'm alluding to is the Immaculate Conception.
I grew up as a Catholic and taught Catechism in that church and I'm familiar with Catholic doctrine.
I left that church and the story is long, so let's just jump to say that I became Protestant many years ago.
But as I look again now, I see many doctrines of the CC that I understand how they could be correct.

For instance, the Immaculate Conception.
Was Mary born with the sinful nature?
The sinful nature is a dark stain on the soul of a person,
it's a stain also on their spirit part - although we could argue that the spirit is always pure and only the soul is defiled.
(but when we sin, it affects our spiritual relationship with God also).

Wouldn't it make sense for God to have Jesus be born to a pure woman with no sin on her soul?
It should especially make sense to a reformed believer and easy to accept that God predestined Mary to be immaculately conceived.

There is real discussion in Catholic theology as to WHEN this would have happened.
Before conception...
At conception...
After conception...

But if we ponder it, it does seem to make perfect sense.
I know we can't understand God perfectly, but I think He does make sense.
Again, tell us how a baby sins. Since Jesus was born of a woman that would mean He was born with sin since He was also fully man.

Being brought forth in iniquity in that verse is about David who sinned against God after he had gone in to Bathsheba.

Many go astray after they are born, but does not say babies are born with sin as we are only born with a nature to sin and is not activated within us until we do transgress against God.

According to Luke 5:30-32 many have been righteous in the eyes of God since birth as they were trained up by Godly parents and never turned away from their training.

Calvinist, like so many others, love to use those scriptures to prove their point, but yet do not search out the full context.

Point blank, a baby can not sin because they have no concept of what sin is.
Another unscriptural post
Another unscriptural post
Please read my post again as you must have overlooked the scripture I gave.

BTW, you have never answered our question in telling us exactly how does a baby sin and please do not use those scriptures you have already given that only Calvinist like to use to prove their point as a few of us have told you they do not cause a baby to sin. If you keep up this line of babies sin then this would have made Jesus a sinner at His birth.
Please read my post again as you must have overlooked the scripture I gave.

BTW, you have never answered our question in telling us exactly how does a baby sin and please do not use those scriptures you have already given that only Calvinist like to use to prove their point as a few of us have told you they do not cause a baby to sin. If you keep up this line of babies sin then this would have made Jesus a sinner at His birth.
You fail to grasp rom 3:23 and rom5:12-21 the need for the virgin birth, because you fail to grasp federal headship.
Someone else said babies are born saved...totally unscriptural
Until you answer my question we have nothing more to discuss.

BTW, telling others that they fail to grasp scripture just because they do not agree with you is a violation of the ToS 1.1. Please keep this in mind.
I did not say anything about you agreeing with me or not. If you want the truth come here.
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