..................I think you may be getting your "kingdom" models mixed up.
Actually as you know,, im very clear to distinguish the difference between a poverty- sickness Kingdom, which is the devils Kingdom of Darkness , with our kingdom ....The Kingdom OF God with Christ as the Light and us as children of the Light, and within this Kingdom sickness and poverty are not a part as they are curses and no curses exit within the Kingdom of God.
And you are to take up your cross, and that is the denying of your self will.
"you are crucified with Christ", and that means your old nature, the fallen nature, you are to mortify it according to Colossians 3:5, ..u are to NOT yeild your body to be used for the purposes of enjoying sinful pleasure, Romans 6:13....
And in obeying these scriptures you are denying your "SELF"< which is your desires, and your flesh.
When you do this, you are walking in the Spirit and are taking up your cross.
And when you do that you are being obedient to God's will.
And when you do this, God sees it, and if you do it diligently, it becomes a habit, and about the time it does, God will promote you, as you have achieved something that matters the most.
And in his promotion that comes from the Lord, there is increased prosperity.
And the reason is, you have earned it, and also, you will need it for the next level of your faith walk.
God will supply it according to your need, according to Philip 4:19 and Proverbs 10:22.
Its your selfish self centered WILL and your body being used for sinful pleasure that you are to deny, and you are to submit instead to the will of God and live a HOLY Life.......................