This is somthing I've noticed both with you and right wing media outlets in general and I'd think I'd share this observation with you.
In the event where a Muslim fundimentalist extremeist attacks a western nation, Christian conservatives including yourselves are often quick to denounce not only the extremist but also the views they hold and in doing so you extend it beyond the simple values held by the attacker and extend it to the entire religion of islam and I have seen on numerous places on this forum where you all recite how dangerous a religion islam is for the reason above.
Yet recently a christian fundimentalist has commited a terrorist act in Norway, I needn't go into intense detail as it was already highlighted in the news section, I notice how you didn't mention his religion.
you can read his manifesto he uploaded his rambling thoughts online and I have read it he clearly belives the christian god is behind him and he accuses the typical groups for the decay of the moral fabric of socioty, Marxists, Homosexuals, Liberals, and most of all Muslims.
Really this murderer should be the poster child for fox news but he's not.
a fair number of you on this forum would superfically empathize with his values, I'm not calling you serial killers it's just that his values are derived from the same core as yours.
Yet you as a communty of christians refuse to accept that your own moral code can when implaced in a paranoid mind give rise to this dark act. And I know what you'll say...
"Well he isn't a christian he isn't anything like us we have not responciblity"
Norway Shooter not Christian: Anders Behring Breivik; Not Extremist or Christian‏ - YouTube
I've seen this before you did it to ME personally when I told you my own story for the pain I've faced at the hands of christians.
You just told me that my attackers arn't christians therefore you or the views you espouse arn't in any way responcible.
It's a double standard you refuse to accept that a "real-christian" who shares many of your values could be so vicious. thus cover yourselves saying they arn't real.
But you don't get it my attackers this lunatic the hundreds of thousands of other violent lunatics who would kill me and others like me, THEY ARE christians they sit in your pews listen to the same preists and when you say things like that simply dismissing your religions involvement and influence on their own moral devlopment to protect yourself you are actually PROTECTING them and others like them by defending their justifications as they commit the act. and avoiding espousing scrutiny for this group and others.
In the event where a Muslim fundimentalist extremeist attacks a western nation, Christian conservatives including yourselves are often quick to denounce not only the extremist but also the views they hold and in doing so you extend it beyond the simple values held by the attacker and extend it to the entire religion of islam and I have seen on numerous places on this forum where you all recite how dangerous a religion islam is for the reason above.
Yet recently a christian fundimentalist has commited a terrorist act in Norway, I needn't go into intense detail as it was already highlighted in the news section, I notice how you didn't mention his religion.
you can read his manifesto he uploaded his rambling thoughts online and I have read it he clearly belives the christian god is behind him and he accuses the typical groups for the decay of the moral fabric of socioty, Marxists, Homosexuals, Liberals, and most of all Muslims.
Really this murderer should be the poster child for fox news but he's not.
a fair number of you on this forum would superfically empathize with his values, I'm not calling you serial killers it's just that his values are derived from the same core as yours.
Yet you as a communty of christians refuse to accept that your own moral code can when implaced in a paranoid mind give rise to this dark act. And I know what you'll say...
"Well he isn't a christian he isn't anything like us we have not responciblity"
Norway Shooter not Christian: Anders Behring Breivik; Not Extremist or Christian‏ - YouTube
I've seen this before you did it to ME personally when I told you my own story for the pain I've faced at the hands of christians.
You just told me that my attackers arn't christians therefore you or the views you espouse arn't in any way responcible.
It's a double standard you refuse to accept that a "real-christian" who shares many of your values could be so vicious. thus cover yourselves saying they arn't real.
But you don't get it my attackers this lunatic the hundreds of thousands of other violent lunatics who would kill me and others like me, THEY ARE christians they sit in your pews listen to the same preists and when you say things like that simply dismissing your religions involvement and influence on their own moral devlopment to protect yourself you are actually PROTECTING them and others like them by defending their justifications as they commit the act. and avoiding espousing scrutiny for this group and others.