- Nov 29, 2012
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- #21
I want to say a big yes, we are just sharing and studying, working at getting a clearer view on things.
I want to try and explain something I've come to see in regards to the whole event of the nation of Israel, from coming out of Egypt to the destruction of Jerusalem.
Have you ever seen a super detailed table top model of a city or building before?
Well when I look at the various accounts with the nation of Israel I see them as a model of how God is going to carry out his plan for the whole world, a global scale.
When they had the first passover and went free but first had to go into the wilderness, I see that happening each time a person becomes a believer partaking of Christ they enter a type of wilderness waiting to cross the Jordan to receive the promise.
When they entered the promise land I see that as a type for the future when the resurrection will occur and all the faithful will enter into their promised inheritance.
But also I see the events of the early Church as still a model.... with Christ they feed the hungry, healed, helped, resurrected all things that will happen on a far larger scale at the return of Christ, because everyone they helped still died, it was not time for the completion of God's Kingdom.
If you can get the sense here of what I'm trying to explain hopefully you will understand this next point about how I see Babylon the Great.
The unfaithful city of Jerusalem and her destruction is also a model/symbol/type for world events, just like many of the other events that happened with the Jews were types for future events leading up to God's Kingdom.
That's why we can see more than one application, yes we can see how the description of the destruction of Babylon the great matches what the Romans did to Jerusalem. However as with ALL the major thing that happened with Israel there is to be a grander fulfillment that is global in scale.
I see Babylon the Great as the opposite to the New Jerusalem.
For myself she is the symbol for our present day world wide civilization, a global like city network that most of mankind lives within.
Yet we are promised a new 'city' a new way of living in God's Kingdom.
And just like old Jerusalem fell so will this world wide civilization fall.
I see Jerusalem's destruction as a model for what is going to happen to Babylon the Great.
I want to try and explain something I've come to see in regards to the whole event of the nation of Israel, from coming out of Egypt to the destruction of Jerusalem.
Have you ever seen a super detailed table top model of a city or building before?
Well when I look at the various accounts with the nation of Israel I see them as a model of how God is going to carry out his plan for the whole world, a global scale.
When they had the first passover and went free but first had to go into the wilderness, I see that happening each time a person becomes a believer partaking of Christ they enter a type of wilderness waiting to cross the Jordan to receive the promise.
When they entered the promise land I see that as a type for the future when the resurrection will occur and all the faithful will enter into their promised inheritance.
But also I see the events of the early Church as still a model.... with Christ they feed the hungry, healed, helped, resurrected all things that will happen on a far larger scale at the return of Christ, because everyone they helped still died, it was not time for the completion of God's Kingdom.
If you can get the sense here of what I'm trying to explain hopefully you will understand this next point about how I see Babylon the Great.
The unfaithful city of Jerusalem and her destruction is also a model/symbol/type for world events, just like many of the other events that happened with the Jews were types for future events leading up to God's Kingdom.
That's why we can see more than one application, yes we can see how the description of the destruction of Babylon the great matches what the Romans did to Jerusalem. However as with ALL the major thing that happened with Israel there is to be a grander fulfillment that is global in scale.
I see Babylon the Great as the opposite to the New Jerusalem.
For myself she is the symbol for our present day world wide civilization, a global like city network that most of mankind lives within.
Yet we are promised a new 'city' a new way of living in God's Kingdom.
And just like old Jerusalem fell so will this world wide civilization fall.
I see Jerusalem's destruction as a model for what is going to happen to Babylon the Great.