- Feb 16, 2010
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Cornelius said:As it is true that the church has adopted many false doctorines, and because of this they have fallen from grace. But even thought this is true, they will not wander in the wilderness as you have presented. God's promises are true. Christians have the mind of Christ !
If they indeed had the mind of Christ, they would agree with the Word and not add to it like you are admitting that they do with their many false doctrines.
God has ALWAYS handed His people over to the Beast when they went into error. Israel was forever repenting because God handed them over to the enemy when they went astray. God is the same God today. Christians have become hard of hearing and so He is handing them over to the enemy so that they can repent.
We do not have long to wait to see if my words are coming true. The next thing that is going to happen is the US economy is going to fall apart .
My friend Cornelius
You yourself are as guilty as others, when it comes to believing false doctorines. Why is it that you believe you are greater than everyone else here ? Your words do not show the wisdom of God. People only go back into bondage, when they want to believe as negative as you do ! Also, people who claim to be Christians, and live according to the law, are also back under bondage once again.
You believe that God is going to hand over his children to the enemy of God , so that they will repent ? How absurd !
My friend , if one falls from grace, we who are more mature, are to restore them . Not make them feel like they are going to be handed over to the devil.
The children of Israel where not Christians. They were a chosen nation. God was suppose to be married to Israel but they constantly wanted to go back into paganism, and worship other gods. God gave them a divorcement because of this. And even though he did this, he never left the children of Israel. The innocent, the children were allowed to go into the promise land. So God kept his promise unto Israel. And God will keep his promises unto his children. Christians are children of God. Israel was not !
We are to look at how God dealt with Israel as an example for us to follow. However, the promises of God will not allow his children to wander in the wilderness. The same held true with the children of Israel, as God allowed them into the promise land. This is why in the church epistles we are called children of God. God will not allow his children to go through what you have preached !
And so what, if the things happen as you say they will. God "shall" provide ! Not maybe, or if, or per chance. He shall supply !
I am not sure who put these false idea's (doctorines) in your head. But you need to come to the realization that they are false.
We have been sanctified, and justified, and made righteous. We might not act it from time to time. So God wants those in the church to help restore them, and pray for them. Not threaten them with fear tactics !
What you have said today in the posts I have read, are not of the true God. It did not come from the table of the Lord !
I exhort you Cornelius to step down from your high horse, and become meek once again to the truth. Humble yourself from the error's of your ways, and be restored once again in the grace of God.
Promote truth and walking in righteousness, and the grace and mercy of God towards his children. Help restore those who have fallen for the pernicous ways of the adversary of God. Walk in Galatians 6:1 & 2 and stop walking by your carnal mind.
And remember Galatians 6:3 Cornelius, as it pertains to you at this paticular time in your life.
I ask this if you have eyes to see and ears to hear. Other than our conversations between us, you must remember that I actually do not know you. I only know what you type on the forums. I trust God, that if it be possible, that he will enlighten you towards the truth.