Vic C. said:
C desired to look at this from it's spiritual perspective and it got derailed in no time. :ohwell
My heart feels so heavy this morning when I think about the church world wide. Its difficult to find anybody on the forums who celebrate the Word and its truth. When I do a Bible study on another forum, there are at most two or three that cares about it. But if there is a debate about doctrine, everybody seems to jump in and enjoy the fight. Its always about their beliefs and the beliefs of their denominations. "My church is right" and "No, its me and mine that is right !"
It strange to me that most have their heads in the sand regarding the times we are in. Most are not even aware that we have indeed entered the period of time where we will be entering the tribulation.Sooner than soon ! While we debate, God has been going ahead as planned and prophesied, not stopping because we are in error, not stopping because most do not care. God has been breaking my heart, because I have seen how that many people are going to die , so very soon. So many are lost and we are debating about a Saturday being a Sabbath, about bread being real flesh, about getting into the water or not. And yet, few of us know how to use our faith in the Word, to overcome the common cold. Few know how to use their faith, to place food on their tables. Few have learned how to walk in "My God shall supply all my needs" and most think it is not even meant for them.
The tribulation is almost here, and although many think they are going to fly away, they will soon see that they are indeed stuck here with the rest. All of a sudden the medical fraternity that they have placed all their hopes and faith in, will disappear like mist before the sun. Food is going to disappear off the shelves. Gas pumps will first skyrocket (this year !!! ) and then will run dry. Electricity will go, toilets will stop flushing, its going to be a problem cooking whatever food you can get.
Last year toilets stopped flushing in the city if Harare in Zimbabwe. People ran out of office blocks. It came back on after a few days. In the tribulation, they will not come on again. We need electricity to work the pumps. One EMP and life as you know it will seize to be. No communication. They took that TV series off the air called "Jericho" because
it was too close to the truth. But even that movie is not revealing all of it.
Christians are NOT prepared for this. They have not been eating the flesh and drinking the blood ! Let me be clear about this: Many are going to die, because of a lack of knowledge of the Word. Many have read the Bible and know the doctrines, but few have "eaten the Word" so that their spirit man Christ can grow. Denominational doctrines have robbed Christians of the essential ingredient that they must mix with the Word to make it work : Faith.
Most believe "faith" is believing in God.
But that is not true. Faith is
believing God.
Many are going to fall in this wilderness.
Heb 3:17 And with whom was he displeased forty years? was it not with them that sinned, whose bodies fell in the wilderness?
Heb 3:18 And to whom sware he that they should not enter into his rest, but to them that were disobedient?
Heb 3:19 And we see that they were not able to enter in because of unbelief.
The church is about to flee into the wilderness where there is only God and their faith in His Word (Christ)Rev 12:6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that there they may nourish her a thousand two hundred and threescore days.
Those who do not believe the promises are real , will fall in the desert. That includes me as well. I cannot preach this and then not walk it. I am responsible for every word that I post here.