glorydaz said:
Mysteryman said:
Quote Vic : "it is very clear and C nailed it... "
Hi Vic
Yes, you are correct, C. did nail Christ back on the cross. > I Corinth. 11:26 - "show the Lord's death"
I Corinth. 11:20 is clear by the apostle Paul. "When ye come together into one place, this is not to eat the Lord's supper" (KJV).
We are to walk by faith, not by sight.
We are the one bread, the body of Christ. We no longer take part, we now partake = give out.
LOL You just can't stand to see the Corinthian Church being rebuked, can you? :biglaugh
They were turning the Breaking of Bread into a drunken picnic. They were babes and couldn't do anything right.
It really is a sign of spiritual immaturity to claim Christians are nailing Christ to the cross by doing the very thing He asked us to do in remembrance of Him. I'm thinking you need to start with Christianity 101 and begin with line one...please, for your own good.
Hi glorydaz
Paul said that there were heresies among them, and that when they came together into one place, this is not to eat the Lord's supper. We have these same heresies within the church today.
Most people are so indoctrinated into what they beleive, they have become so blinded, that they can not even read a clear verse of scripture anymore. "This is not to eat the Lord's supper" < means what it says, and says what it means.
The RCC believes that they "
are" eating the Lord's body and that they "
are" drinking the Lord's blood.
Others believe that doing a ritual, pretending that I Corinth. 11:20 does not exist, read down further and just read what their eyes want to see - "do this in remembrance of me". What you see, is what you do !
Those who are mature in the scriptures, read the whole context and skip over nothing. Right down to clearly understanding, that if you do a literal Lord's supper, you show his death. Which is nailing Christ back on the cross.
Christ has died, been buried, and has risen and ascended. There is no need to put him back on the cross and show his death again, and again, and again !
Paul didn't mind if they came together to eat, as evidenced by verse 33 in I Corinth. chapter 11.
What Paul was trying to clear up for them, is that they were not caring for the members of the church. Which is for the most part, the same sad case today. You go to church, you pray, sing , leave a little money eat a morsel of bread and a sip of juice or wine, and depart. < This is not caring for one another. And this is not the purpose for coming together ! We are to come together for the worse, not the better.
We are to operate the nine manifestations of the Spirit. We are to take care of one another, carnally and spiritually. The Word tells us to be especially good unto the household of God. Yet, most churchs only want to do ceremonies and sing, and take your money and send you on your way and say bless you. What good is it, if there is a need in the church, and they never ask if there is a need, and how they can take care of that need ?
What good is it to support missionaries, who go out in the field, when the members themselves are not taken care of ? Talk about hypocrisy !
I know that some churches do a better job than others. And I am not grouping them in all together. However, that does not mean that they can't do better, and grow more spiritually.
WE are the one bread = We are the one body of Christ !
We do not eat and drink the body of Christ, which we are ! ! Read chapter 12 it talks about the body of Christ which we all are a part.
When one member suffers , we all suffer. When one member be honoured , all the members rejoice
I Corinth. 12:13 - "We have been "made" to drink into one Spirit" < Its not a choice !
We were baptized into one body - I Corinth. 12:13 < Its not a choice !
WE choose righteousness "after" we were chosen, not before ! No man could be made righteous by the law ! We were saved by grace and not of works. You can try and appear righteous as much as you want too, but you yourself are not made righteous. God made you righteous in Christ. God placed you in the body where it pleases him. You do not have a choice where you are in the body of Christ !
And if one thinks they are showing themselves to be righteous by doing the Lord's supper, they deceive themselves , and others . For whoever follows your example will fall in the ditch with you. You will be held accountable for leading them into the ditch.
WE are the body of Christ, and you do not eat the members of the body of Christ !. We have been made to drink. We don't drink of our own free will. We were made righteous IN Christ, not of ourselves ! Least any man should boast !
Agape love , never fails. But what is agape love ? Leaving a few dollars in the can at the entrance of the door, not knowing what this money is to be spent on ? ! < This is blind faith people ! God wants you to know what your giving is for, and its purpose. The minister is worthy of his labour, and then giving starts with the household of God. To meet the needs of the members so that there is equality. A healthy church is one who cares for the members. An unhealthy church is one who only cares to do rituals and ceremonies.