Quath said:
ThinkerMan said:
"logically consistent WITH me" ....I'm sure that is a typo Quath, but it made me laugh.
Heh a type.
blueeyeliner said:
Sounds like death entered into the world the same time sin did!!!
Did plants have seeds and grow? If so, they would have taken over the garden unless they could die. Could we digest food without bacteria in our intestines? If the bacteria could not die, they would fill us up until we could no longer pass food. Did God magically change animals to be meat eaters and gave them sharp teeth that were bad for plants?
Where there is no death, there can be no growth. (Cubedbee pointed this out on another thread.)
:B-fly: Does anyone here besides God know what the human body was like before age began to take over? Sin changed the condition of the human body,it had to in order to cause it to eventually die,even though it was originally meant to live forever,and you can still tell this is true by the
design of the heart and all the organs and muscles in the body.
Sin did horrible things to the human body. I have not seen many plants have to die to produce seeds. Some of them may die,but not all of them.
some plants are annuals,some are bi-annuals,and some are perienials that come back every year.
I have house plants they have not died,but they reproduce,like my huge Aloe- Vera plant.
If you were not there in the Garden of Eden,then you don't know the original state of all the living creation of God.
Sin had to have taken it's toll on the whole world to some degree. Adam and Eve would have to get the food from the earth by working,when before,they had all the food they needed in the Garden of Eden. The earth was changed,and it produced thorns,ect.....
Man had to work by the sweat of his brow to have food after he sinned against God. To this day,food still has to come from the earth and the animals.
When things changed,God made another way so that people could survive in their new physical and mental condition. Sin caused death,and death is an enemy of all creation. Why is death an enemy if people were already
destined to die in the beginning?
Man kind was not created for death.
satan wants us to die and he wants to make sure that most if not all people die before they are saved.
satan is jealous of us,and satan will do anything he can to hurt God.
satan is the greatest liar of all liars,and he knows he is going to end up in the lake of fire,the place that was made just for him.
when a person saved and believes in God, satan goes out of his way to steal their new found faith and joy.
satan desires that people be unhappy,and he wants people to denie God because he has nothing to gain any longer. He lost his right standing with God,and he is still blinded by his own sick & twisted love for himself.
He fell in love with his own beauty.
God could have destroyed satan right away,but God is letting the devil destroy his own self. satan is going learn that his way will naturally cause him harm,and his way is wrong.It is doubtful he repents of his ways,but at least he will see for himself that it was not God that caused his demise,it is evil itself that destroys.
We are all created by God,and God could have destroyed his creation,yet he loved it instead,and he has been very patient. So patient that scoffers don't believe that Jesus is coming back anymore.