blueeyeliner said:
:angel: Hey,calm down a bit! I'm not blasting you or trying to attack you.
It appears that you don't believe God or the word of God.
I do believe believe God,and The word.
thats where we are different.
See? Now we're getting somewhere.
I never actually stated that I don't believe in God, although I'm certainly not going to deny it at this point. I clearly don't.
But even when I did, I still had a problem with the creation story of Adam and Eve, because it directly contradicted many theories of science. Not just evolution, but all fields of science.
For example, let's take astronomy. Astronomers can point to other planetary systems in the universe that are in various staged of formation. We know how planetary systems form, yet the creation story of the Bible tells a very geocentric story of an Earth that is formed first with a bunch of superficial stars hung around it.
And that's another interesting thing... stars. Over 99% of stars are not visible to the naked eye, and yet this God hung them in the sky, apparently in anticipation for the one day that we would invent the telescope and look at them.
And the silly thing about these stars is that they're all millions and billions of light years away. A light year, as I'm sure you're aware, is a distance of measurement of how far light travels in an Earth year. In other words, if something is 2.2 million lightyears away, such as the Andromeda system, then the light from Andromeda took 2.2 million years to get here. That's how lightyears work.
But that's not even the farthest known object. The farthest known object is some galaxy 10
billion lightyears away.
And yet the creation story of the Bible tells of an origin that is no less than 10,000 years ago. I find that a little difficult to accept in light of the astronomical evidence to the contrary.
Man can come up with all sorts of arguments and things.
I like having a standard to live by and the bible is a great guide.
I am not going to use Darwin,or any liberal teachings.
What do you want to use?
Well, the thing about Darwin's theories is that his theories came from an observed source. A phenomenon. He didn't wake up one morning and say "Hey, things evolve!" He went out and observed and collected evidence that lead him to a hypothesis of common ancestry.
That doesn't mean you have to use Darwin's teachings to make a case for creation, but at least use some form of argument that would verify the Bible. Independant artifacts are a good example.
If you use the Bible to prove the Bible, you run into the extraordinary risk of using a circular argument, because what you're saying is that God exists because it's in the Bible, and the Bible is true because God wrote the Bible.
Now I may not believe in God, but at least understand my position here. I have no preference to whether or not a God exists. If he exists, and I discover it, then I'll be man enough to admit it. I simply don't care either way.
My intention is the follow the truth wherever it leads, even if I don't like the truth.