mhess13 said:
Well, we don't know everything, but there are no ovbious holes in the theory either. So I can answer some with a little guesswork based on what I have read.
-If the big bang is true, where did the matter come from? Matter cannot be created or destroyed, so where did it come from? Where did the energy come from that caused the explosion? Why are some planets spinning clockwise while others spin counterclockwise. This violates the law of the conservation of angular momentum. Why isn’t the matter in the universe evenly distributed?
My guess is that matter/energy is the binding energy of space/time. If you can release space/time you also release the energy that contained it. There are a lot of other theories, but this is just an example theory.
Planets spinning do not contradict angular momentum. Sometimes people confuse local conservation with universal conservation. So planets can spin backwards due to collissions and other forces as long as the total momentum of the solar system is conserved.
Matter is not everny dispersed probably due to quantum effects. It seems that there is some graininess on the planck scale.
-How did the matter organize itself?
By the forces like gravity, electromagetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces.
-Where did the laws that govern the universe come from? Laws such as gravity and inertia.
That may have been formed with the universe. Laws about creation of the universe do not have to apply to the creation of the universe. It is similar to laws of software in a computer do not exactly relate to the laws of hardware to create the computer.
-If the first life form came from a primordial soup, how did a living organism evolve from non-living material?
Part of the problem is the definition of life. The simpliest is probably some self replicating molecule. Amino acids are created naturally. They could form RNA of simple lengths. We could have natural cell walls from clay or bubbles or water pockets in porous rocks. There are many possibilities and we haven't found the simplest one yet. However, having a molecule that self-replicates is not magic or anything and it is the basis of evolution starting.
- When and how did the first life form reproduce?
Probably assually. You just need a molecule that can copy itself. RNA is a good candidate, but there are other molecules that coule perform this as well.
- How did evolution occur to allow a changeover from asexual reproduction to sexual reproduction?
Sexual reproduction allows for better passing on of mutations and evolvs faster. A study by CalTech and JPL in
National Geographic shows hat with a high mutation rate you can get single celled orgabisms to sexually reproduce.
-How did single celled plants become multi-celled?
All you need is a few similar single cell organisms that like to clump and you have multi-celled. Eventually the DNA will be customized for clumping behavior and will start to generate behavior that can alter how the cells clump.
-How can evolution explain the platypus or the bombardier beetle?
The playtpus was just coved a day or so ago. There is a good article on the evolution of the beetle at Basically, a lot of creationist litature have incorrect information about the beetle.
-Why would animals reproduce? Wouldn’t this hinder their chances for survival?
Survival is not as important as paassing on of the genes. The process of evolution is you take an existing DNA, mutate it, pass it on and judge success. Success creates the next generation. If a species had DNA that did not allow for reproduction not only would it die out from accidents, it would eventually be out designed by the rest of the creatures evolving to become better suited to the environment.
-How did intermediate life forms survive? Why don’t we find any of these transitional forms in the fossil record?
We find some. There are some good human transition fossils that were just posted a day or so ago. But basically evolution is a process with a lot of small changes instead of really big ones.