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[_ Old Earth _] Evolution stopped after billions of years.

Genesis points to the fact that birds were created before insects.

Fowl on the fourth day, insects on the fifth day..

[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]The Mesozoic Era
The Challenges Of Life On Land

[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Gen. 1:20 And God, (Father Nature, Reality), said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, (fish, amphibian, and reptiles) and (the dinosaurs which will evolve into winged animals), fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

I think you may have misread Genesis.
The word for fowl used by the English translators actully includes insects and all winged animals.
These animals evolved during the fifth duration, or the evening of the Paleozoic Era and the Morning of the Mesozoic era.
This corresponds with what Genesis calls the fifth day.

Does this help make my case here?

These were
The facts remain – creationists say God created via supernatural processes; theistic evolutionists (an oxymoron) say God created via supernatural processes; and naturalists (atheists) say something (the universe) can from nothing via purely naturalistic processes (a logical absurdity). All three positions are based on statements of religion.

RC Sproul, who recently changed from the “framework hypothesis†to the traditional six twenty-four–hour periods for creation makes the excellent point that the most accurate hermeneutic is the concept that God created the world in the space of six twenty-four–hour days. This hermeneutic fits best with the “plain meaning of Genesis 1–2â€.
For most of my teaching career, I considered the framework hypothesis to be a possibility. But I have now changed my mind. I now hold to a literal six-day creation, the fourth alternative and the traditional one. Genesis says that God created the universe and everything in it in six twenty-four–hour periods. According to the Reformation hermeneutic, the first option is to follow the plain sense of the text. One must do a great deal of hermeneutical gymnastics to escape the plain meaning of Genesis 1–2. The confession makes it a point of faith that God created the world in the space of six days... ~ RC Sproul

1) You mistated the case for Theistic Evolutionist in that we belive the Bible (theistic, therefore), and are convinced that god used the process of evolution, a function of His Natural Laws, to accomplish the acts stated in Genesis.

2) Though many people continue to insist that Gen 1:14 was an unnecessary commentary on an already existing 24 hour day, Theistic Evolutionist see this sepoarate creation of a Solar Clock as specifically telling the reader the seven "days" of creation were different durations.
1) You mistated the case for Theistic Evolutionist in that we belive the Bible (theistic, therefore), and are convinced that god used the process of evolution, a function of His Natural Laws, to accomplish the acts stated in Genesis.
I would respectfully disagree - I do understand that Theistic Evolutionists believe via faith that God created in the beginning but the concept of "Theistic Evolution" is not demonstrated in the Bible or via the the scientific method. The point you miss is that classical Darwinism (atheism) denies a Creator-God out of hand. It does not allow god-talk - god-talk is anathema to atheists.

2) Though many people continue to insist that Gen 1:14 was an unnecessary commentary on an already existing 24 hour day, Theistic Evolutionist see this sepoarate creation of a Solar Clock as specifically telling the reader the seven "days" of creation were different durations.
And of course you are entitled to your opinion but as Sproul correctly points out -
"One must do a great deal of hermeneutical gymnastics to escape the plain meaning of Genesis 1-2...that God created the world in the space of six days...
I would respectfully disagree - I do understand that Theistic Evolutionists believe via faith that God created in the beginning but the concept of "Theistic Evolution" is not demonstrated in the Bible or via the the scientific method. The point you miss is that classical Darwinism (atheism) denies a Creator-God out of hand. It does not allow god-talk - god-talk is anathema to atheists.
It doesn't matter that you disagree, they believe what was stated. Evolution could be the method by which God created, hence, theistic evolution.
It doesn't matter that you disagree, they believe what was stated. Evolution could be the method by which God created, hence, theistic evolution.

Nor does it matter that you believe in Theistic Evolution and the truth remains, Theistic Evolutionists simply believe by faith that God created using some unexplained form of evolution that is not demonstrated in the Bible or the scientific method, i.e., theistic evolutionism remains outside of Scripture and science. You are free to make it your creation myth but it remains your myth.
Nor does it matter that you believe in Theistic Evolution and the truth remains, Theistic Evolutionists simply believe by faith that God created using some unexplained form of evolution that is not demonstrated in the Bible or the scientific method, i.e., theistic evolutionism remains outside of Scripture and science. You are free to make it your creation myth but it remains your myth.
Evolution is evolution, regardless of whether is theistic or naturalistic. As far as the science goes, most of it is the same. As for the Bible, the Bible simply doesn't say how God did it so you are going beyond Scripture by stating that it isn't "demonstrated in the Bible."
Evolution is evolution, regardless of whether is theistic or naturalistic. As far as the science goes, most of it is the same. As for the Bible, the Bible simply doesn't say how God did it so you are going beyond Scripture by stating that it isn't "demonstrated in the Bible."

Well - "evolution" is not necessarily evolution. Biological evolution is science and naturalistic Darwinism is religion passed off as science. The Bible certainly doesn't present the notion that Adam and Eve descended from 'beasts of the field" - they were part of God's special creation. Naturalistic evolution presents the error that you are the result of "Goo to You By Way of the Zoo" evolution. Where does that leave you?
That the OP suggests that evolution did take place but has ended after billions of years at least admits to what science has proven within the realm of its own discipline, that the Universe is way older than 6000 years
No that is not what I believe, I believe God created all animals in their kind and created man. I am just saying evolutionist believe it took billions of years to get this far and apes just stopped evolving into humans and etc...and the excuse is the niche is filled. Read my other post.
Gould actually makes the same point, Spartakis. He said words to the effect (and I can't immediately lay hands on it) that it is surprising that there are such things as distinct species. If evolution is going on, there should not be any such things.

Barbarian happily overlooks the facts such as there has not emerged a new genus in the last 2 million years or so, asccording to Broom and I think, Huxley.

He also overlooks the facts of palaeontology which I'll quote here from google:

"What one actually found was nothing but discontinuities. All species are separated from each other by bridgeless gaps; intermediates between species are not observed. ... The problem was even more serious at the level of the higher categories."(1)

--Leading 20th Century Evolutionary Biologist Ernst Mayr

A striking example is the Cambrian explosion, where nearly all of the major living animal groups (called “phylaâ€) appear in the fossil record in a geological instant about 530 million years ago. As one college-level textbook acknowledges, “Most of the animal phyla that are represented in the fossil record first appear, 'fully formed,' in the Cambrian ... The fossil record is therefore of no help with respect to the origin and early diversification of the various animal phyla."(15)

"The absence of fossil evidence for intermediary stages between major transitions in organic design, indeed our inability, even in our imagination, to construct functional intermediates in many cases, has been a persistent and nagging problem for gradualistic accounts of evolution."

Stephen Jay Gould (Professor of Geology and Paleontology, Harvard University), 'Is a new and general theory of evolution emerging?' Paleobiology, vol.6(1), January 1980,p. 127.

The extreme rarity of transitional forms in the fossil record persists as the trade secret of paleontology. The evolutionary trees that adorn our textbooks have data only at the tips and nodes of their branches; the rest is inference, however reasonable, not the evidence of fossils. Yet Darwin was so wedded to gradualism that he wagered his entire theory on a denial of this literal record:

Read more:

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Ms sans serif]This is the discontinuity of the variation among organisms. If we assemble as many individuals living at a given time as we can, we notice at once that the observed variation does not form any kind of continuous distribution. Instead, a multitude of separate, discrete, distributions are found. The living world is not a single array in which any two variants are connected by unbroken series of intergrades, but an array of more or less distinctly separate arrays, intermediates between which are absent or at least rare.

[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Ms sans serif] Biological classification is simultaneously a man-made system of pigeonholes, devised for the pragmatic purpose of recording observations in a convenient manner, and an acknowledgment of the fact of organic discontinuity. [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Ms sans serif]Dobzhansky

There are lots of others like this. So, friend Barbarian, why this discontinuity in today's species, and in the fossil record?

Why no new genus for >2 million years?
Thanks for helping me explain it 18 pages and I am sure the point will get dodged back to something else.
No that is not what I believe, I believe God created all animals in their kind and created man.

Why not trust Him completely and accept the way He did it?

I am just saying evolutionist believe it took billions of years to get this far and apes just stopped evolving into humans

You seem to think that apes can only evolve by becoming humans. One group did, but others evolved into all sort of other things, and as you learned, continue to evolve.

and etc...and the excuse is the niche is filled.

Turns out, a filled niche generally excludes others from that niche. It's been verified by observation.
Gould actually makes the same point, Spartakis. He said words to the effect (and I can't immediately lay hands on it) that it is surprising that there are such things as distinct species. If evolution is going on, there should not be any such things.

Given your history of quote-mining, it's very likely that's not what he said at all. If all organisms ever born survived, there would be no species, just a continuum of organisms. But as Gould pointed out, speciation usually happens when a small group gets isolated from the rest, and then genetically diverges until they can no longer reproduce with the original population.

Barbarian happily overlooks the facts such as there has not emerged a new genus in the last 2 million years or so, asccording to Broom and I think, Huxley.

Entomologists would disagree with you. So would the Institute for Creation Research, which claims that new species, genera, and families have evolved in the last ten thousand years. You guys can't keep your stories straight. Pan troglodytes evolved in the last 2 million years. The genus Homo is about 2 million years old.

"What one actually found was nothing but discontinuities. All species are separated from each other by bridgeless gaps; intermediates between species are not observed. ... The problem was even more serious at the level of the higher categories."(1)
--Leading 20th Century Evolutionary Biologist Ernst Mayr

Note the past tense. If I can show you a series of fossils spanning tens of millions of years, with no differences between adjacent fossils greater than is found in many species today, would you admit that you were wrong?

A striking example is the Cambrian explosion, where nearly all of the major living animal groups (called “phylaâ€) appear in the fossil record in a geological instant about 530 million years ago.

People once thought so, because hard skeletons evolved at that time, but now it is clear that there were antecedents to many phyla long before the Cambrian. Would you like to learn about those?

"The absence of fossil evidence for intermediary stages between major transitions in organic design, indeed our inability, even in our imagination, to construct functional intermediates in many cases, has been a persistent and nagging problem for gradualistic accounts of evolution."
Stephen Jay Gould (Professor of Geology and Paleontology, Harvard University), 'Is a new and general theory of evolution emerging?' Paleobiology, vol.6(1), January 1980,p. 127.

Gould is here discussing the evidence for punctuated equilibrium. But instead of you presenting carefully edited quotes, let's test your argument. Name any two major groups said to be evolutionarily connected, and I'll see if I can find a transitional. Wait. We already did that, and you guys lost.

Want to try again?

Since we proposed punctuated equilibria to explain trends, it is infuriating to be quoted again and again by creationists—whether through design or stupidity, I do not know—as admitting that the fossil record includes no transitional forms. Transitional forms are generally lacking at the species level, but they are abundant between larger groups.
--Stephen Jay Gould, Evolution as Fact and Theory, Hen's Teeth and Horse's Toes: Further Reflections in Natural History, New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1994, p. 260


There are lots of others like this. So, friend Barbarian, why this discontinuity in today's species, and in the fossil record?

As the fossil record shows (notice Gould's statement) extinction of intermediate forms. But don't take my word for it. Show me two major groups said to be evolutionarily connected, and I'll see if there's a transitional to be found. Good luck.

Why no new genus for >2 million years?

See above. Surprise.
I would respectfully disagree - I do understand that Theistic Evolutionists believe via faith that God created in the beginning but the concept of "Theistic Evolution" is not demonstrated in the Bible or via the the scientific method. The point you miss is that classical Darwinism (atheism) denies a Creator-God out of hand. It does not allow god-talk - god-talk is anathema to atheists.

And of course you are entitled to your opinion but as Sproul correctly points out -
"One must do a great deal of hermeneutical gymnastics to escape the plain meaning of Genesis 1-2...that God created the world in the space of six days...

1) When you argue that Darwinism must imply atheism, according to you, you insist that I can not be both for a God behind the process and for the process.

You then can support what you say by making it a rule, that Bible believers who accept the one concept, (evolution), by your rule, qualify themselves for a charge of atheist, by the rule you have asserted.

What the Theistic Evolution Bible interpretor is saying to you is, the rule is that evolution and god using it is possible.

2) "day" four... the Earth day is established by God, who makes the sun authority over a Solar Clock just for Earth, a different clock for all other places.

Only on Earth can the sun keep time as 24 hour days:

Gen. 1:14 And God, (The First Cause), said, (for the purpose of Sidereal Time), "Let there be (these two) lights in the firmament of the heaven, (for the reason) to divide the (12 hour) day from the (12 hour) night (in units of 24 hour days); and let them be for (the purpose of the stars of the Zodiac), signs, (which are used, astronomically, as symbolic references to the Constellations), and for (the purpose to designate) times, (separating the almost life-less Cryptozoic Eon from the abundant, life-filled Phanerozoic Eon), and for (the 24 hour periods to be called) days, (the â€days†of 24 hours as distinguished from the "days" of the Seven Geological Eras), and years (of 365+ days)."

(note: Bracketed comentary is used to illustrate how the interpretation of the passage is understood by Theistic EVolution Bible believers)
It doesn't matter that you disagree, they believe what was stated. Evolution could be the method by which God created, hence, theistic evolution.

Thank for the clarity.

The actual state of our religious discussions on this issue has three sides now, only in the last generation or so.

Previously, one was either a atheist and a Darwinian, or a theists "Creationists."

Today, there is a growing body of people who, as you said, can believe in god and see evolution as the process used to accomplish the 12 acts of God in that first chapter.

The benefit to the the church and Christianity is Theistic Evolution represents a Welcome Mat for new believers among our educated people, simple affording them a rational interpretation by being flexible enough to admit to this third view, Theistic Evolution.

Half the country does not attend church nor believe in Creationism.
Theistic Evolution hopes to e,brace these people and welcome them to the Bible by admitting that Genesis does not demand they accept what other readers have thought was written between the lines.
Given your history of quote-mining, it's very likely that's not what he said at all. If all organisms ever born survived, there would be no species, just a continuum of organisms. But as Gould pointed out, speciation usually happens when a small group gets isolated from the rest, and then genetically diverges until they can no longer reproduce with the original population.

Entomologists would disagree with you. So would the Institute for Creation Research, which claims that new species, genera, and families have evolved in the last ten thousand years. You guys can't keep your stories straight. Pan troglodytes evolved in the last 2 million years. The genus Homo is about 2 million years old.

"What one actually found was nothing but discontinuities. All species are separated from each other by bridgeless gaps; intermediates between species are not observed. ... The problem was even more serious at the level of the higher categories."(1)
--Leading 20th Century Evolutionary Biologist Ernst Mayr

Note the past tense. If I can show you a series of fossils spanning tens of millions of years, with no differences between adjacent fossils greater than is found in many species today, would you admit that you were wrong?

People once thought so, because hard skeletons evolved at that time, but now it is clear that there were antecedents to many phyla long before the Cambrian. Would you like to learn about those?

Stephen Jay Gould (Professor of Geology and Paleontology, Harvard University), 'Is a new and general theory of evolution emerging?' Paleobiology, vol.6(1), January 1980,p. 127.

Gould is here discussing the evidence for punctuated equilibrium. But instead of you presenting carefully edited quotes, let's test your argument. Name any two major groups said to be evolutionarily connected, and I'll see if I can find a transitional. Wait. We already did that, and you guys lost.

Want to try again?

Since we proposed punctuated equilibria to explain trends, it is infuriating to be quoted again and again by creationists—whether through design or stupidity, I do not know—as admitting that the fossil record includes no transitional forms. Transitional forms are generally lacking at the species level, but they are abundant between larger groups.
--Stephen Jay Gould, Evolution as Fact and Theory, Hen's Teeth and Horse's Toes: Further Reflections in Natural History, New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1994, p. 260


As the fossil record shows (notice Gould's statement) extinction of intermediate forms. But don't take my word for it. Show me two major groups said to be evolutionarily connected, and I'll see if there's a transitional to be found. Good luck.

See above. Surprise.

You make many excellent scientific points in your debate, but do you accept that Geneis can be read to support Cosmic Evolution, which includes Biological Evolution?
Well - "evolution" is not necessarily evolution. Biological evolution is science
This is where this statement should end. Biological evolution is essentially the same regardless of whether one is a naturalist or a theist. You are confusing terms and equating science which may point to biological evolution with the worldviews through which that science is interpreted and understood.

zeke said:
and naturalistic Darwinism is religion passed off as science. The Bible certainly doesn't present the notion that Adam and Eve descended from 'beasts of the field" - they were part of God's special creation. Naturalistic evolution presents the error that you are the result of "Goo to You By Way of the Zoo" evolution. Where does that leave you?
Even with theistic evolution there is room to argue, as I believe Barbarian has done, that Adam and Eve were in some way created special, that they were made in the image of God and put in charge of the rest of the earthly creation, just as the Bible says.

It leaves me right where I am.
Given your history of quote-mining, it's very likely that's not what he said at all. If all organisms ever born survived, there would be no species, just a continuum of organisms. But as Gould pointed out, speciation usually happens when a small group gets isolated from the rest, and then genetically diverges until they can no longer reproduce with the original population.

There would not be a continuum. That was stated perfectly clearly in the quote. Denton and Linnaeus agree on the matter. THERE IS NO CONTINUUM, apart from in your overheated imagination.

Taxonomy identifies about a zillion distinct species. Unless the taxonomists are all a pack of morons, and you alone are right, then you have a serious problem. THERE IS NO CONTINUUM.

And I don't quote-mine. That is the only refuge you have when faced by a barrage of adverse citations. Why don't you face the facts?

We have the sudden appearance of a zillion new species etc in the Cambrian. You can't face that fact - and no matter how many experts in the field say that they appear suddenly, all you can do is shout, boringly and predictably, 'Quote-mine'.

Entomologists would disagree with you.
On what point precisely? Yahya shows large numbers of photos of fossil insects which are exactly the same today as they were then. They have not evolved one little bit.

View attachment 2839

The upload is very poor. Go here to shake your confidence irrevocably:

So would the Institute for Creation Research, which claims that new species, genera, and families have evolved in the last ten thousand years.
I don't care what IRC says. It matters not one bit. Evolution-convinced authorities I've quoted say no new genus has appeared in 2 million years. So what are you going to do with them?

You guys can't keep your stories straight. Pan troglodytes evolved in the last 2 million years. The genus Homo is about 2 million years old.
What tripe. Go here for a serious refutation of this nonsense:

"What one actually found was nothing but discontinuities. All species are separated from each other by bridgeless gaps; intermediates between species are not observed. ... The problem was even more serious at the level of the higher categories."(1)
--Leading 20th Century Evolutionary Biologist Ernst Mayr

Note the past tense. If I can show you a series of fossils spanning tens of millions of years, with no differences between adjacent fossils greater than is found in many species today, would you admit that you were wrong?
I'd like to see this.

And don't forget, while you're at it, to produce some nonsense about the evolution of the cetaceans from ungulates.:toofunny

People once thought so, because hard skeletons evolved at that time, but now it is clear that there were antecedents to many phyla long before the Cambrian. Would you like to learn about those?
What? Hard skeletons 'evolved'? You gotta be joking. Evolved from what? Soft-bodied creatures?!!! My my my! SHAZZAM! Lo and behold, billions of hardbodied creatures! How?

'OHHHHH-MMMMMM 'mutations and natural select--ii---ooohhh---nnnn!'

Let's suppose there are a zillion antecedents of the Cambrian animals in the pre-Cambrian. What have you succeeded in doing?

Nothing much, really, except having to account for the origin of those! What are you going to do then? Look in the granite basement, of course!!! Hah hah hah!:toofunny

Stephen Jay Gould (Professor of Geology and Paleontology, Harvard University), 'Is a new and general theory of evolution emerging?' Paleobiology, vol.6(1), January 1980,p. 127.

Gould is here discussing the evidence for punctuated equilibrium. But instead of you presenting carefully edited quotes, let's test your argument. Name any two major groups said to be evolutionarily connected, and I'll see if I can find a transitional. Wait. We already did that, and you guys lost.
Gould is at least honest, and trying to face the facts, which is more than I can say for you.

What's punctuated equilibrium? It's the long non-evolution-taking-place time.

Then a sudden burst of new species appearing.

Isn't that creation? Sure looks like it to me!

Since we proposed punctuated equilibria to explain trends, it is infuriating to be quoted again and again by creationists—whether through design or stupidity, I do not know—as admitting that the fossil record includes no transitional forms. Transitional forms are generally lacking at the species level, but they are abundant between larger groups.
--Stephen Jay Gould, Evolution as Fact and Theory, Hen's Teeth and Horse's Toes: Further Reflections in Natural History, New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1994, p. 260
This is utter nonsense, and you know it.

If there are no transitionals between species, how can there be transitionals between larger groups? Larger groups of what? Of individual species. But there aren't any transitionals there. So, ipso facto, Gould was talking tripe. He was feeling the pressure from the establishment, and decided to shut up before his reputation was shot!

As the fossil record shows (notice Gould's statement) extinction of intermediate forms. But don't take my word for it. Show me two major groups said to be evolutionarily connected, and I'll see if there's a transitional to be found. Good luck.
Oh, the bats and shrews or whatever lse you care to choose.

Come forth with your special pleading.
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Address the arguments and not the person.

From now on, I am going to request that no charge of quote-mining be made unless it is at the same time shown to actually be so. To be fair, I am also going to request that quotes only come directly from the source, as they should.
Hello Spartakis, it seems this thread has gone in multiple directions and you aren't getting answers to what you are looking for. maybe I can help you with that. :)
Now take away all the arguments of the past on both sides. Let's think with an open mind for a moment. We do not know anybody that was in the past to document any proof of evolution. As a believer we know of the creator who was there and documented what happened for us, but lets say you don't believe that. Put away all the hypothesis for a moment. No one can prove what happened.
Ok, lets see what we can discover together. :)

So look around you, what do you see? All animals in their form.
If you mean by form, as they currently are, I have to say that animals, fungus, plants, bacteria, and Archea Bacteria really can't be in any other form then what they currently are now. :)

When was the last time you seen a horse with a neck almost grown to be a giraffe,
I don't think the actual neck could turn into a giraffe.
an ape human,
Well, considering that the species Human belongs to the ape family. Whenever I see another human. :)
or any transitional animal.
I see transitional in all living creatures.
There is no present proof of evolution. Don't tell me you see any.
I thought you wanted to go into this discussion with an open mind? By the way, evolution is the phenomenon of living creatures adapting and changing to their environments. So animals, plants, fungus, etc. that changes to adapt to their environment are examples of the phenomenon of evolutions. :)

Even the evolustionist faviorite stephen hawkins says we have entered a new phase of evolution. Basically coming up with an excuse of why we do not see what we should see if evolution was real.
Considering that Hawkins isn't an evolutionary biologist and his expertise is elsewhere, he really dosen't hold any kind of authority in the matter. The theory of evolution is the model that explains how living organisms adapt and change in their environment. With explanations of various forms of Natural, Sexual, and convergent selection.

The topic of population genetics is actually quite interesting. :) I don't see how any of this information would imply that there is an excuse? :yes
There would not be a continuum. That was stated perfectly clearly in the quote.

Actually, there would. If every organism that ever lived was still alive, we'd have a continuum.

Denton and Linnaeus agree on the matter. THERE IS NO CONTINUUM

For the reason stated. Discrete species are largely because of the death or extinction of intermediates.

And I don't quote-mine.

I like Free's solution. From now on, we only quote directly. And we'll asking for checkable sources if not given. That will be a great improvement.

We have the sudden appearance of a zillion new species etc in the Cambrian.

In every geologic period, in fact. The big deal in the Cambrian was the evolution of hard exoskeletons, which suddenly produced lots of fossils. But the Precambrian had many, many incomplete fossils with bits of armor, for which the otherwise soft-bodied organisms were lost. But we now know, from a variety of locations that there were Precambrian antecedents to all those species. Want to learn about them?

You can't face that fact

As you see, it's not a fact. It's an assumption that turned out to be false.

and no matter how many experts in the field say that they appear suddenly,

Well, let's take a look...

Nature 303, 415 - 418 (02 June 1983); doi:10.1038/303415a0
Two new pre-trilobite faunas from western North America
Philip W. Signor III*, Mark A. S. McMenamin†, Debra A. Gevirtzman* & Jeffrey F. Mount*
Perhaps the greatest puzzle in the history of life is the nature and cause of events comprising the Precambrian–Cambrian evolutionary radiation of Metazoa, The major stumbling blocks to resolving this puzzle are a scarcity of late Precambrian and earliest Cambrian faunas in the fossil record and difficulties in correlating the few faunas that are known. The most diverse and best-known basal Cambrian (Tommotian) faunas are from Siberia1–3, and other pre-trilobite shelly faunas are known from the UK4,5, Newfoundland6,7, Mongolia8, China9–11, Scandinavia12 and northwestern Canada13. Here we report the discovery of two new early Cambrian shelly faunas from western North America, one from Nevada and the other from Sonora, Mexico. These faunas consist of small calcitic tubes and cones, some of which are closely related to previously known fossils from other areas. Both faunas are found hundreds of metres below the first trilobite occurrences, below the first presumed trilobite trace fossils, and seem to be earliest Cambrian in age. This is the first discovery of a diverse pre-trilobite shelly fauna in the classic Precambrian–Cambrian sequence of western Nevada and the White-Inyo Mountains of California, and the first report of pre-trilobite small shelly fossils from Mexico. These new finds may lead to an understanding of the pattern and dynamics of the Precambrian–Cambrian metazoan radiation, and to improved biostratigraphical correlations of the strata recording that event.

Surprise. There's a lot more like that. Want to see some more?

all you can do is shout, boringly and predictably, 'Quote-mine'.

Apparently, that's not going to be a problem, anymore. If you quote, you'll have to use the primary source. And that will let every check it with a minimum of trouble.

Barbarian chuckles:
Entomologists would disagree with you.

On what point precisely? Yahya shows large numbers of photos of fossil insects which are exactly the same today as they were then. They have not evolved one little bit.

Well, let's take a look...
Sphecomyrma is an extinct genus of ant which inhabited the northern hemisphere of the supercontinent Laurasia approximately 80 mya in the Cretaceous.[1] It is one of the earliest known species of ant.

In 1966 a specimen of Sphecomyrma freyi was found embedded in amber which had been exposed in the cliffs of Cliffwood, New Jersey by Mr. Edmund Frey and his wife. In 1967 E. O. Wilson, F. M. Carpenter and William L. Brown, Jr. published a paper describing and naming Sphecomyrma freyi.[2] They described an ant with a mosaic of features, a mix of characteristics from modern ants and aculeate wasps. It possessed a metapleural gland, a feature unique to ants, it was wingless and possessed a petiole which was ant-like in form. The mandible was short and wasp-like with only two teeth, the gaster constricted and the middle and hind legs had double tibial spurs, wasp-like features. The antennae were, in form, midway between the wasps and ants, having a short first segment but a long flexible funiculus.


Barbarian continues:
So would the Institute for Creation Research, which claims that new species, genera, and families have evolved in the last ten thousand years.

I don't care what IRC says. It matters not one bit. Evolution-convinced authorities I've quoted say no new genus has appeared in 2 million years.

As you see, opinions don't do much, do they. But I've shown you some evidence. And that's the way it should go.

So what are you going to do with them?

Use evidence. It trumps anyone's opinon, especially opinions asserted to be, but lacking a checkable source.

Barbarian observes:
You guys can't keep your stories straight. Pan troglodytes evolved in the last 2 million years. The genus Homo is about 2 million years old.

What tripe.

It's a documented fact. The oldest known example of Homo is about 2 million years old. Our own species refutes your claim.

Go here for a serious refutation of this nonsense:

Better yet, tell us what evidence they presented was most compelling to you.

Then we'll talk about it.

What one actually found was nothing but discontinuities. All species are separated from each other by bridgeless gaps; intermediates between species are not observed. ...

Would you like me to show you such a series with less difference between them than is found in most species?

The problem was even more serious at the level of the higher categories."(1)

Was. But time moves on. Let's test your belief. Name me two major groups said to be evolutionarily related, and I'll see if I can find a transitional.

Barbarian suggests:
Note the past tense. If I can show you a series of fossils spanning tens of millions of years, with no differences between adjacent fossils greater than is found in many species today, would you admit that you were wrong?

I'd like to see this.

But you won't give us an answer? If you want to take up that challenge, put in a new thread, answer my question, and I'll show you.

And don't forget, while you're at it, to produce some nonsense about the evolution of the cetaceans from ungulates.

The evidence consists of numerous fossil transitionals, genetic data, the ungulate digestive system of whales, and of course, the occasional production of legs complete with bones, in whales.

Barbarian on the "sudden" appearance of Cambrian fauna:
People once thought so, because hard skeletons evolved at that time, but now it is clear that there were antecedents to many phyla long before the Cambrian. Would you like to learn about those?

What? Hard skeletons 'evolved'? You gotta be joking. Evolved from what? Soft-bodied creatures?!!!

Mostly from partially-scleritized creatures:

Early Cambrian lobopodian sclerites and associated fossils from Kazakhstan
Palaeontology (2003)
Volume: 46, Issue: 1, Publisher: Wiley Online Library, Pages: 93-112

A low diversity fossil assemblage dominated by Mongolitubulus spines, from the Early Cambrian Geres Member of the Shabakhty Formation at Koksu, Malyi Karatau, Kazakhstan, enables identification of its sclerite variability within the scleritome. No other sclerotised structures could be matched with the spines, indicating that these were the only sclerotised part of the body and were periodically shed. The prominent spines of Mongolitubulus have a scale-like external ornamentation and fibrous internal structure. Possibly they armed the body of a lobopodian similar to Xenusion. The Mongolitubulus spines belong to a series of Cambrian phosphatic fossils, the other end members of which are sclerites of Microdictyon, the second most abundant component of the Koksu assemblage. The latter superficially resemble schizochroal trilobite eyes, but in life covered the dorso-lateral sides of the body segments, as is evident from complete specimens from the Chinese Chengjiang locality. A pair of sclerites of Microdictyon, representing uncompleted exuviation, from Koksu show that each hole originally contained a non-phosphatised lenticular body. This makes a compound eye nature of the Microdictyon sclerites likely, and even their homology with arthropod eyes cannot be excluded.


My my my! SHAZZAM! Lo and behold, billions of hardbodied creatures! How?

Sclerites turned out to be a pretty good idea. And over time, those with more coverage tended to survive. BTW, there is evidence of this in the Burgess Shale, which preserved soft body parts.

Let's suppose there are a zillion antecedents of the Cambrian animals in the pre-Cambrian. What have you succeeded in doing?

Well, it seems there weren't as many different kinds then. Hard exoskeletons opened up a lot of new opportunities.

If the laws of sigmoidal growth regulated the earlyi diversification of life, then ther is nothing special about the Cambrian explosion. It is merely the log phase of a process determined by two factors: (1) the event that initiated the lag phase well within Precambrian times, and (2) the properties of an environment that permitted sigmoidal growth.
_ Stephen Gould Is the Cambrian Explosion a Sigmoid Fraud? p. 130

It would be worthwhile for you to read it. A lot of your questions are answered there in plain and untechnical detail.

Nothing much, really, except having to account for the origin of those! What are you going to do then?

Look at the Ediacaran fauna. Soft-bodied, trilobite-sorta things, as well as others that match with coelentrates, and others.

And from that, more primitive things. There are even earlier, and simpler eukaryotes:

Look in the granite basement, of course!!! Hah hah hah!


Barbarian suggests:
Gould is here discussing the evidence for punctuated equilibrium. But instead of you presenting carefully edited quotes, let's test your argument. Name any two major groups said to be evolutionarily connected, and I'll see if I can find a transitional. Wait. We already did that, and you guys lost.

Gould is at least honest, and trying to face the facts, which is more than I can say for you.

It's understandable that you might become frustrated. It's not O.K. to toss accusations unless you can back them up.

What's punctuated equilibrium?

Darwin talked about it. It's called "stabilizing selection." When a well-adapted population is in a stable environment, then natural selection prevents evolution, for reasons you can probably figure out for yourself.

A population, encountering a new environment, particularly a small population of them, tends to quickly evolve into several species. This is called "disruptive selection."

Isn't that creation?

It is. But creationists don't approve of it.

Gould writes:
Since we proposed punctuated equilibria to explain trends, it is infuriating to be quoted again and again by creationists—whether through design or stupidity, I do not know—as admitting that the fossil record includes no transitional forms. Transitional forms are generally lacking at the species level, but they are abundant between larger groups.
--Stephen Jay Gould, Evolution as Fact and Theory, Hen's Teeth and Horse's Toes: Further Reflections in Natural History, New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1994, p. 260

This is utter nonsense, and you know it.

In fact, it's demonstrable. There are still a few cases where we don't have transitionals, but every month we find new ones. It's pretty well filled in by now. Even more important, we never find a transitional were it shouldn't be.

If there are no transitionals between species, how can there be transitionals between larger groups?

That merely means that we don't have a fossil of every species of some evolving population, but we do have a fossil for genera or higher taxa. It's a matter of finding them. Getting every single species is tough. Getting every Genus isn't so hard.

Larger groups of what? Of individual species. But there aren't any transitionals there. So, ipso facto, Gould was talking tripe.

Nope. You just jumped to a faulty conclusion.

As the fossil record shows (notice Gould's statement) extinction of intermediate forms. But don't take my word for it. Show me two major groups said to be evolutionarily connected, and I'll see if there's a transitional to be found. Good luck.

Oh, the bats and shrews or whatever lse you care to choose.

Bats don't seem to have evolved from shrews. But let's look at shrews, then. They are the most primitive and generalized of the mammals, and now there is this one:

Juramaia sinensis

The only thing that differentiates it from the late cynodont reptiles, is the single lower jawbone. The others are by this time disarticulated from the jaw, but still connected to the middle ear. Note the abdominal ribs and traces of cervical ribs. Aside from the jaw, this would be classified as a cynodont therapsid reptile.

A remarkable find.
Why not trust Him completely and accept the way He did it?
I do trust him completely and every thing he told us. Why not take take his word serious and literal like he meant it. Instead of making it bend to fit your beliefs.

You seem to think that apes can only evolve by becoming humans. One group did, but others evolved into all sort of other things, and as you learned, continue to evolve.
Like what apes. Like you have learned all groups are still in their own kind. You can learn that pretty easy.

Turns out, a filled niche generally excludes others from that niche. It's been verified by observation.
What determines a filled niche and who determines it the blind watch maker as dawkins puts it. Ya I have observed it to, no species evolving into the supposed other kind they should be.
Thanks for letting me know evolutionist excuse though the niche is filled. But repeating your same comments are getting nowhere.