one_lost_coin said:
There is no delicate balance between faith and works it is rather simple, Mary got it right when she said to the servants, "Do whatever he tells you."
rather there is a giant chasm seperating "faith and works" from "our working" our way to heaven.
If the issue is so clear cut as you suggest, then why did Paul and James find it necessary to clarify the very same matter which we are still debating upon 2000 years later?
Jesus daid "Abide in Me and you will bear much fruit." He also said that we would know who are His by the fruit which they bear. We all bear fruit, for we are all abiding in something. But if one is abiding in the truth, in the vine which God Himself planted, then the fruit we bear is good fruit. If we are abiding in that which is error, or in a corrupt church, the fruit we shall bear is corrupt. As Jesus says, you don't get apples from orange trees, or words to that effect. :wink:
Many do appear to be bearing good fruit however, but they do not know Jesus. The fruit of the Spirit are listed. Satan can counterfeit many of them, but the real fruit are those which bear the imprint of the Master.
Love of the Spirit is self-sacrificing. It loves even your enemies.
Joy of the Spirit is a deep heart felt contnetment that no circumstance can alter.
Peace of the Spirit does not argue or defend itself when faced with even wrongful accusation.
Longsuffering is patience when waiting upon God's answers to prayer when all your senses dictate that no answer is forthcoming.This is not a blind faith, but an assurance in God's love being borne out in patience.
Gentleness never argues or seeks dominance over others.
Goodness is being transformed into the very image of God.
Faith is not a head belief in a 'higher power'. It is a immoveable trust and surrendering of oneself for the sake of your heavenly Father.
There are of course many other variations on the above themes. Those are just personal to me. But do you get the idea? Good fruit is bound up in the very righteousness of the Saviour. And it is the imparting of that righteousness that is inevitable if we are attached to the vine. It is a natural growth that comes from the root, flows through the branches and bears the fruit.We must however be willing to be transformed. We do have a part to play, a part in co-operating and 'working out our salvation with fear and trembling', knowing the fate of those who are disobedient and unfaithful.
The thing we have to work at is
not the bearing of the fruit , but rather what we need to work at is
remaining a part of the vine. The fruits of a righteous character will be manifest in any person who is abiding in the vine, and is willing to co-operate and obey.