So, you believe that 'dinosaurs' have NO common ancestors TODAY? Hmmmm........And you believe that the fossil records are ONLY 9000 years old? That, in fact, the EARTH is only 9000 years old?
John. What 'reason' do we have to believe in a LITERAL 'six day creation'? For the NT plainly offers that a day to God can be as a thousand years and a thousand years a day. This in itself offers that the USE of the term 'day' in Genesis is MOST LIKELY a sybolic use to indicate 'time periods'. For there is NO REASON, (considering the vastness of variety), to contain 'creation' in six LITERAL days. That would mean that EVERYTHING that happened BEFORE the creation of man HAPPENED in a matter of DAYS literally. Come now, you don't really believe that all the fossil records PREDATING mankind were created, died, and became fossils in two or three days? How would you account for ANY 'infant or adolescent fossils if this were the LITERAL case? For HOW would ANY pre-historic animal OR plant have the opportunity to MATE, gestate, etc,,,,,,,,offspring in A DAY or TWO?
Or, do you believe that Noah was still living with T-Rex or Saber Toothed kitties?
While I am a FIRM believer in 'creation', I also believe that much of what has been offered in scripture concerning creation was offered in the means of the limited understanding of the TIME that it was offered. That Moses would certainly have been confused if minute details of creation had been offered. Sufficient was to offer that God CREATED and that it was done in 'time periods'.
For to take Genesis literal for NO OTHER reason than to believe in a 9000 year old earth makes NO SENSE. And we can PLAINLY see that much of what is offered THROUGHOUT the Word IS Symbolic.