- Oct 23, 2003
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- 664
There are so many Christ PLUS formula's in play in the various christian sects I've lost count of them all.I know, we've been down this road before. If my memory were better, I would have seen it coming. As it stands, I didn't remember until you posted I actually said "Oh, that's right..." out loud sitting here at my computer. My wife asked "What's right?"
Anyway, I just don't think the "Judaizers" were attempting to make the Gentile converts uphold "love your neighbors as yourself", nor do I think anyone was even talking about upholding things in the moral or natural law. Just the Mosaic law, specifically circumcision, which Jews REQUIRED for acceptance into Judaism and, by extension, Heaven. Paul's letters were written in response to specific things that were going on at the time. I don't think many of the "faith alone" adherents take that into consideration when interpreting.
Ultimately I've come to see all of these various demands as man or men collectively posturing themselves as God over other people, demanding them to bow down to their various formulas OR ELSE.
It's a symptom of the dire internal human condition. I'd call it more megalomania than legitimate theology. Some, in fact MANY christian people just love to think they and their views have ultimate power over (their OWN) or other people's eternal destiny, and it's a very real internal affliction that has divided the churches from the beginning.
The typical theological logical fallacy that is employed usually goes thusly. God gave us "all truth" therefore we have "all truth." And they then go about constructing the various Christ PLUS formulas which are used to justify themselves and to condemn, even other believers, sadly.
Paul laid out this matter quite clearly. He only saw in part. Therefore "all truth" was not even in his own hands. It is not, I repeat NOT possible to have ALL TRUTH with only PART SIGHT.
It is logically impossible to make such claims of having "ALL TRUTH", if we apply Paul's facts.
Any claims of part seer's individually or collectively as being "all truth" are automatically suspect. Any believer who claims to speak truthfully WILL speak from the seat of PART SIGHT. So there is the first clue about who is honest and who is not so honest.
So, what is a believer who only see's in PART to do?
Live in FAITH.
There is no Christ PLUS formula that will save anyone. As much as many would consider they have and hold in all of our various sectarian views. If we all saw honestly, there would be no divisions.
We will have ALL TRUTH when we are ALL CHRIST. Until that day arrives, we wait in anticipation of His Perfection, and not our own. IN the meantime we should live honestly and speak honestly that we are all, factually, IMPERFECT no matter what Christ PLUS formula's we apply.
At least faith is not deceptive in this way. If faith can not allow a person to be honest, then what good is it?
Romans 3:9
What then? are we better than they? No, in no wise: for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under sin;
On this ground, of being still sinners, we are all quite entirely and woefully equal. There is no sinner who is better than any other sinner as much as some formula makers try to claim otherwise.
Paul takes us all to the VERY BOTTOM to rise up IN FAITH, that we would STAND in no other position of ourselves.