Thanks for helping me work out how to use the quotes. (:
I’m gonna quote Jesus and Paul and then say something below about your exact statement (and because I quoted you, you and I both know what exactly was said):
And I say to you, everyone who confesses Me in front of people, the Son of Man also will confess him in front of the angels of God.Luke 12:8 - 12:8&version=DLNT
is what Jesus taught about confessing Him, not just “one verse from Paul”. And it was said by both of them in the context to salvation.
that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord and you believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.Romans 10:9 - 10:9&version=DLNT
So, do you still believe “...confessing Jesus came from one verse from Paul taking out of context”? Or has what Jesus and Paul both said about confessing Jesus convinced you otherwise?
I will start by focusing on the scripture from Jesus in Luke 12:8 and Romans 10:9. Both of these are still being taken out of context. We must understand that confessing Jesus back then was a serious issue. Unlike today, in the west, there are no repercussions for proclaiming Jesus as Lord. In fact, you are seen as 'respectable', a nice guy, if you confess Jesus. In Jesus' and Paul's time if you were to confess belief in Jesus, then you were hunted down, murdered or put in jail. Just the act of confessing Jesus was met with these consequences. It takes great amount of faith to do that. Even if you continue reading Luke 12, you will see Jesus going on and saying not to worry about going before Kings, governors, etc. for His name sake. He was preparing people to be ready to die or be imprisoned for proclaiming His name. Where is this happening in the west? I agree, if someone is in a Muslim country and they will kill you for professing your faith, then I would consider them saved because they will have died a martyr. There faith isn't dead like most Christians in the west. People confess Jesus as Lord all the time, yet their hearts are far away from them. (Matthew 15:8)
On judgment day, Jesus will deny people entrance into Heaven even though they 'confessed' Jesus as Lord (Matthew 7:21-22 & Matthew 25: 31-46) Notice in both these teachings, Jesus is requiring us to do more than just "confess" him to be saved.
Jesus throughout His ministry questioned people who would profess Him as lord, yet wouldn't obey Him (Luke 6:46). This teaching of only "confessing" Jesus as lord in order to be saved allows for lawlessness. Sure, I understand that may not be the intent, but when it becomes a consistent theme in the fruit of the people obeying such a doctrine, then we must question the origin and see if it lines up with the author (Jesus). If we honestly do this with the teachings you are promoting, then we will see that it doesn't come from Jesus, rather it comes from teachers that want to tickle people's ears. Instead of giving them the truth as Jesus gave it. It won't make them popular, so they twist the scriptures to fill in their churches.
Anyway, what I said and what I believe is that confessing Jesus is Lord is not a ritual it’s a confession. Confessions are not rituals. Look up the definition of both words and you’ll see I’m correct in what I actually said.
Confessing Jesus is part of the ritual. You are correct when you say confessing Jesus and a ritual have two different dictionary definitions, but so does being dunked in water have a different definition than a ritual. That doesn't
prove it is not part of a ritual that people came up with as the formula for salvation. Jesus taught confessing Him in the context of being tried by someone who will either kill or arrest you for confessing belief in Jesus. This type of persecution can happen on a smaller scale, but keeping these two scripture in context (Luke 12 & Romans 10), we get the conclusion that they both were preparing people to die for this confession. A great amount of faith will be required for this.
You are confusing two different words again. A confession is not a ritual and neither is a confession a “work”.
This is the same argument as you used above. I made my point clear.
Please quote the Scripture saying ‘it was all finished by Jesus so we have no part in determining our eternal salvation’. You might just be confusing something He actually said with something you think He said.
The scripture I was eluding to is when Jesus said "it is finished" on the cross. I am making the point that people take this saying as a way to justify disobedience to everything that Jesus said. Since Jesus did it all, there is nothing we should do. This isn't consistent. People say we don't have to
do anything, yet they later say that we must do these rituals to be considered a believer (eg. confess Jesus with our lips, get water baptized, go to church). If people don't
do these things, then they are not considered a believer. How can they say this, yet don't consider any of these things as works? It seems pretty strange to me.
In addition, the fact that all the prophecies associated Jesus’ crucifixion was finished on the cross in no way means all the prophecy associated with His resurrection was finished on the cross. And it certainly doesn’t mean God chooses who goes to Hell.
The is no evidence (Biblical or that I have stated) that means God chooses who goes to Hell and who doesn’t.
I agree. I don't think God chooses people to go hell. If people think that there is nothing we can do to receive salvation, then they MUST believe God chooses people to go to hell. Not because it is biblical, but because it is the rational conclusion that this doctrine must follow to keep it true.
I'll elaborate.
Jesus paid for the sins of the whole world. We can agree to this. Therefore, everybody is covered under the blood? Correct? If you answer yes, then you are being consistent with your doctrine. We don't need to do anything to receive God's free gift. That means every
sinner will go to Heaven because Jesus paid for their sins; down to the last atheist and satanist. Past, Present, and Future. This is where people will disagree. Fair enough. I also disagree.
Most likely people will say only those that believe the gospel or Jesus (or something to this effect) will go to heaven. Pause. Are people putting a condition on salvation? I thought it was free? If it is free, then why do people say that we must "believe" in Jesus. Of course! Because that is a requirement that Jesus laid out in John 3:16. Duh!
Now the big question is: How do we believe Jesus? We already learned that we can't just confess him as lord, because Jesus will still send people to hell that has professed Him as Lord. What is it then?
I'll leave it there.
In peace