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Fig tree 101


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Jesus said that Jerusalem would be trampled under foot by the gentiles UNTIL the times of the gentiles are fulfilled. Jerusalem was indeed trampled under the feet of gentiles in 70ad and remained under the foot of gentiles UNTIL 1967 at which time Jerusalem was no longer trampled under the feet of gentiles but came under the control of the Jewish people again. The time of the gentiles was fulfilled,how do you explain this?
Jerusalem/Israel is not in control of Jerusalem it is a divided city.
isreal controls less then a third of modern day jerusalem. most of it belongs to the arabs.

they have military control but do to pressure from the un and us they let the arabs control much.

tel aviv is the functional capital of isreal and ironically that is where ezekiel saw alot of his visions and was in exile.(tel abib in the kjv)
isreal controls less then a third of modern day jerusalem. most of it belongs to the arabs.

they have military control but do to pressure from the un and us they let the arabs control much.

tel aviv is the functional capital of isreal and ironically that is where ezekiel saw alot of his visions and was in exile.(tel abib in the kjv)

I agree on Jerusalem, but you're about 500mi off on the location of Ezekiel's visions.

Tel Abib - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I disagree there,Jerusalem is totally under Israelis control, the Jews ALLOW the Muslims to be in control UNDER THEIR CONTROL. All of Jerusalem is under Jewish control.
Look the Jews do not control the temple mount they have appeased the muslums to the point that many times of the year the jews are locked out to allow the muslums to have their way. If israel gets real control of jerusalam they will knock down the dome of the rock and rebuild the temple. Jerusalam is still trampled underfoot by the Gentils.
:lol All this and the quote from Jesus probably refers time lapsed during the destruction:yes

At any rate no one can offer a definition because the term is not defined in the Gospels or letters. So regardless of your position its not a good foundation.
if one had full military control that is hindered by the internation pressure that aint control.

we were forced to go into lybia , obama did it under un pressure. likewise if isreal were to take the muslims and build the temple back, the arab world and the un would go nuts the violence there would be non stop and far worse.

why would you as a jewish nation(isreal in its papers is id as the lion that we call jesus with the crown of thorns aka lion of the tribe of judah)let the goyim insult you if you could easily take them out and build your temple so that the hamashiach could come back?

until yesterday i was on many a pro-isreal pages and reading up on what obama has done and the reactions. many of the jewish side use the prophets to claim divine right to all of jersusalem. they are willing to cede some land if the muslims were peaceful. jerusalem isnt on that list.
Again, what part of "all these things" don't you get?

You've put yourself in the unenviable position of calling Christ a liar because the only thing "incomplete" in that list I gave you is your understanding of it!

I find it amazing that you would build a whole doctrine out of a single, allegorical phrase, the "fig tree" and ignore Christ's plain words - "ALL THESE THINGS" - to which it points! :nono2

I really thought you would be smarter than to reduce yourself to calling Christ a liar. Guess I was wrong.

You really do struggle with that context thing huh...

Luke 21v31 So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand.
32 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled.
33 Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.
34 And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.
35 For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.
36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

To escape all these things, its a forgone conclusion that they wouldnt be directly exposed to all those hazards, just some of them, but all of them could be escaped from if they watched, and prayed.
Just how do you suppose a 3 1/2 year seige on Jerusalam could come up as a snare on the whole earth
Jerusalem/Israel is not in control of Jerusalem it is a divided city.
Jerusalem is presently the captial of Israel and is 100% under Israelis control, the pseudo control of the Temple Mound by the Muslims was GIVEN by Israel and is under Israel control, since 1967 Jerusalem has been under Israelis control,Israel told the Muslims they could have a certain amount of pseudo control over the Temple you people ever read the news???
Jerusalem is presently the captial of Israel and is 100% under Israelis control, the pseudo control of the Temple Mound by the Muslims was GIVEN by Israel and is under Israel control, since 1967 Jerusalem has been under Israelis control,Israel told the Muslims they could have a certain amount of pseudo control over the Temple you people ever read the news???
Yes !!! The Jerusalam post and the peeps are always complaining about being locked out of Grounds at he temple mount. In fact many artificts have been dug up and destroyed by the muslums trying to destroy any hystorical claim to the land by Israel. Jerusalam is the capital in name only, the actual capital operations are not there.
the parable of the fig tree isnt about 33 A.D or 70 A.D or 1948 or 1967, but is about all 4 of those times plus all time, the parable of the fig tree is about everything leading up to Rev 21.

everything Jesus spoke of just before giving the parable must take place for "summer" to be at the door, in other words, all of that must take place and the complete kingdom is right at the door, the events of Rev 21 are about to occur, they are not occuring right away, but the door is right there after all the things spoken by Jesus just prior to the parable occur.

The generation spoken of cannot pass away until all of those things take place, so in other words the generation spoken of will pass away, it will end, but it cannot until everything takes place first.

Heaven and earth will pass away, but His words will by no means pass away, we are apart of Him through Him, we are a part of the Word through Redemption and will not pass away, ever, as Rev 21 shows, but the generation shall after all spoken of by Christ is done, heaven and earth will pass away, and when it does, we know that God the Father will create a new heaven and earth, present New Jerusalem and dwell among men, with Christ, who will subject Himself to the Father that God may be all in all, the former things will have passed away, wickedness will no longer exist and the generation spoken of in the fig tree parable will have passed away.

The last thing Christ speaks about prior to the parable of the fig tree is His return, the coming of the Son of Man, when that occurs, know that summer is at the doors. Revelations explains what occurs after His coming in further detail.
When death is destroyed, the former things have passed away, it has occured, summer occurs and the generation will have passed away.
35 For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.
36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

To escape all these things, its a forgone conclusion that they wouldnt be directly exposed to all those hazards, just some of them, but all of them could be escaped from if they watched, and prayed.
Just how do you suppose a 3 1/2 year seige on Jerusalam could come up as a snare on the whole earth
See that word "earth" there? Know what the Greek word for it is?

(pronounced "ghay.") You do understand that the word means more than just "earth", right?

Greek Word: γῆ
Phonetic Pronunciation:ghay
Root: contracted from a root word
Cross Reference: TDNT - 1:677,116
Part of Speech: n f
Vine's Words: Earth, Ground, Grounded, Land

Usage Notes:
English Words used in KJV:
earth 188
land 42
ground 18
country 2
world 1
earthly + <G1537> + <G3588> 1
[Total Count: 252]

contrete from a primary word; soil; by extension a region, or the solid part or the whole of the terrene globe (including the occupants in each application) :- country, earth (-ly), ground, land, world.

Strong's Talking Greek & Hebrew Dictionary.

Jesus was talking to Jews about events that were going to befall Jerusalem. THAT is the context! That word , when taken in context, refers to the entire LAND of Judea that was going to suffer these things: NOT the whole earth as we understand it!

Here's how Young's Literal Translation interprets the same verse!

{35} for as a snare it shall come on all those dwelling on the face of all the land, Luke 21:35 (YLT)

What land??? THE LAND OF JUDEA!!!

Darby and Scofield have so corrupted the meaning and intent of the original Greek with their heresy that it's little wonder people don't understand what this means!

Next time you want to lecture me on "context", you might want to consider taking the advice you so freely offer! :grumpy
See that word "earth" there? Know what the Greek word for it is?

(pronounced "ghay.") You do understand that the word means more than just "earth", right?

Jesus was talking to Jews about events that were going to befall Jerusalem. THAT is the context! That word , when taken in context, refers to the entire LAND of Judea that was going to suffer these things: NOT the whole earth as we understand it!

Here's how Young's Literal Translation interprets the same verse!

{35} for as a snare it shall come on all those dwelling on the face of all the land, Luke 21:35 (YLT)

What land??? THE LAND OF JUDEA!!!

Darby and Scofield have so corrupted the meaning and intent of the original Greek with their heresy that it's little wonder people don't understand what this means!

Next time you want to lecture me on "context", you might want to consider taking the advice you so freely offer! :grumpy

parden me, but the context there is not just earth/ land, but the statement (face of the whole earth) or if by your favored word, (face of the whole land). You are presuming to limet this to Jerusalam, but that limet is not naturaly read in the statement itself.
if all revalation is done and over and judgment past.stormcrow, what of the generations that have sinned and didnt repent?what of their judgment? what warning do you tell them?

i cant be he is coming, and when we die will each christian be united with each other or eternally seperated one in life here and now and the deceased in heaven.
parden me, but the context there is not just earth/ land, but the statement (face of the whole earth) or if by your favored word, (face of the whole land). You are presuming to limet this to Jerusalam, but that limet is not naturaly read in the statement itself.

What part of this statement...

{20} "But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then recognize that her desolation is near. Luke 21:20 (NASB)

doesn't make the context perfectly clear?????

Read the WHOLE chapter!!! :nono2
if all revalation is done and over and judgment past.stormcrow, what of the generations that have sinned and didnt repent?what of their judgment? what warning do you tell them?

Each individual stands before God the moment they die to be judged, jason. Those who reject Christ; who sin and don't repent, face the same fate of those who rejected Christ and died under God's judgment of Jerusalem. We all have the same choice with the same consequences now. No one is favored yet everyone can be saved.

i cant be he is coming, and when we die will each christian be united with each other or eternally seperated one in life here and now and the deceased in heaven.

I don't understand what you're asking here. When Christians die, they immediately go to the Father and we are reunited with each other the moment we arrive there. Because there is no time in heaven (what is time to one who lives forever?), what we perceive as "separation" here doesn't exist there.

In other words, what may seem as a separation of years here from our departed Christian friends or loved ones is literally only the "blink of an eye" to them. There is no concept of "separation" there, as I understand it.

There is no "first or last" in the race Paul ran: only those who finish and those who don't. For those who finish, there is only joy.
Each individual stands before God the moment they die to be judged, jason. Those who reject Christ; who sin and don't repent, face the same fate of those who rejected Christ and died under God's judgment of Jerusalem. We all have the same choice with the same consequences now. No one is favored yet everyone can be saved.

I don't understand what you're asking here. When Christians die, they immediately go to the Father and we are reunited with each other the moment we arrive there. Because there is no time in heaven (what is time to one who lives forever?), what we perceive as "separation" here doesn't exist there.

In other words, what may seem as a separation of years here from our departed Christian friends or loved ones is literally only the "blink of an eye" to them. There is no concept of "separation" there, as I understand it.

There is no "first or last" in the race Paul ran: only those who finish and those who don't. For those who finish, there is only joy.

why then does the lord say the meek shall inherit the earth and also its said in the book of isiah near where you quoted.

we were never made for heaven. how do you get that out of pauls statement of a clear physical resserection.

and the idea of the whole creation growning for the return of the lord?

the curse shall be no more on the earth.


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