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[_ Old Earth _] Food for Noah's Animals


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And then along came..
Good link T-o-B --

It will be interesting to see if Orion is open minded enough to answer the question put here or read the information in that link.

I'm afraid that, after reading the link, it just isn't . . . . . "believable". "Many" is a loaded word. "Many" can make claims about the Noah flood being literal all they want, but the mainstream pier reviewed science journals would be a great place for them to present their evidence. If it can be duplicated then I see no problems with opening up such debates and preparing open minds for such evidence.

Hearsay is inadmissable in court and in the science room. If there are "many" who believe, then I would suggets that they gather up all their evidence and do as I mentioned above. Until that's done, I will have to remain on the side that, through scientific discovery, states that there is no evidence for a total world land mass emmersion under water for nearly a year. That isn't being "close minded", that is just the way it works. "Just the facts, ma`am, . . . . . .or sir, as the case may be."
Science has discovered that there is plenty of evidence for a world wide flood -- in fact even Darwinists posit that life started in the oceans and later moved to land so that means that even atheists admit to a time with no life on land -- and only life in the seas.

Surely Christians can muster the faith of an atheist.

Meanwhile we DO have lots of limestone (seashell deposits) at the tops of mountains -- in fact at the tops of the tallest mountains on earth!

The existence of exposed limestone in the mountains produces one of the more fascinating oddities of the Canadian Rockies... sea shells! As the continental plates ground together in this area, the earth was forced upward in high, steep, ragged ranges... exposing limestone from an ancient sea. It is those limestone layers that release the seashells in the mountain tops as the limestone is eroded. ... erness.htm

BobRyan said:
Science has discovered that there is plenty of evidence for a world wide flood.....

Do you have some links and/or references, please? I am not aware of such evidence and would be interested in following it up. Thanks.

Meanwhile we DO have lots of limestone (seashell deposits) at the tops of mountains -- in fact at the tops of the tallest mountains on earth!...

This was a quite interesting travelogue, but I am not sure of the point you are trying to make by posting the link (if, indeed, you are making a point). Pythagoras and Herodotus mentioned such things in the 6th Century BCE and Leonardo da Vinci observed similar phenomena in the 15th/16th Centuries and drew the conclusion that Earth's surface undergoes constant change.
BobRyan said:
Science has discovered that there is plenty of evidence for a world wide flood -- in fact even Darwinists posit that life started in the oceans and later moved to land so that means that even atheists admit to a time with no life on land -- and only life in the seas.

Surely Christians can muster the faith of an atheist.

Meanwhile we DO have lots of limestone (seashell deposits) at the tops of mountains -- in fact at the tops of the tallest mountains on earth!

The existence of exposed limestone in the mountains produces one of the more fascinating oddities of the Canadian Rockies... sea shells! As the continental plates ground together in this area, the earth was forced upward in high, steep, ragged ranges... exposing limestone from an ancient sea. It is those limestone layers that release the seashells in the mountain tops as the limestone is eroded. ... erness.htm


The catastrophic events at the flood not only cover dry-land with seashells they also include the "dividing of the earth" in the days of Peleg (large sections of sea floor moved") and they include the world-wide wind effect used to dry off land -- and likely to bury corpses in huge boneyard like pits.

Again - starting with a Christian message board POV -- "Bible is correct" -- it is up to the just-say-nay groups to come up with substantive arguments against it -- rather than to continually argue "I can imagine that the Bible is not true -- so it must not be".



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