1). What is God's elect and how do you become part of the elect? we become the elect the moment of salvation.. unless your a calvinisist
That has nothing to do with forgiveness. And before the thread goes off on a Calvinism/Arninian tangent, there is one word which can describe both camps: SAVED. The difference is in the methodology and the
ordo saludus. the way of salvation
2). If you are a part of God's elect or one of the chosen people, do you have the qualities that come with being a child of God? Holy and beloved? Beloved describes those who, carrying out by their present holiness the purpose of their election, are the children of God's abiding love. 1 Thess 1:4. at the moment of salvation we are given the power of the Holy Spirit.. the comforter councelor -spirit of truth. that helps us. is this easy.? yes and no
A heart of compassion? Compassion for those who have done wrong...
yes is it easy ? no can it be yes.
Kindness? If we are led by the Spirit of God, we must show the same spirit—a heart of kindness to all.
Lowliness? Not proud, haughty, not thinking highly of self.
Meekness?—Gentile and forbearing.
If you are a child of God, and you are created for one purpose: to glorify God and to live with Him in eternity. EVERYTHING else is secondary. Because you are a unique human, you will glorify God differently than would Tim Tebow, for example
Long suffering? It is so natural for us when falsely accused to feel that we must defend ourselves, or to resent such treatment; but of our Lord we read that when false witnesses had risen up against him "he gave him no answer, not even to one word"."
We do have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the Righteous. But remember that Paul was not afraid to use the legal system of his day to exonerate himself from false charges. OTOH you need to determine if these false charges warrant action by you; it is not wrong to protect yourself, that is a matter of common sense.
But there are times when we simply have to pray silently when falsely accused, and pray silently, Jesus vindicate me". Scripture says that it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of an angry God, and I have seen the results of unjust actions against me, and others. It is not a pretty sight.
If you are part of the elect you will be blessed with these qualities, therefore, would it be so hard to forgive or even question it?
ALL of God's children are uniquely gifted with differing talents and abilities. God does not make cut coolies.
How can not forgiving be such a good thing? done answered that. the key to all your questions is found in the word of GOD.... so what does it say?
That is a good thing to the extent that it prevents you from being abused again and again and... forgetting is not the same as forgiving. Even a dog will not go back to a human who caused it to have pain, and you are more important than a dog to God.
Below, I am re-posting something I posted earlier, hoping it will help you.
Not forgiving is like your eating rat poison,and then hoping the rat will die.
I know that from the abusive past I had, and the rage that came from righteous indignation directed inward. It could be measured.
When we can come to the point and be able to say within ourselves to our nemesis, "You owe me nothing, despite what you have taken away" You know that you have started on the forgiven road. BUT forgiveness is NOT the same thing as forgetting. Sometimes God will allow us to forget the horrid past so that we can heal. That is a gift. Other times God will not permit us to forget so that others, or ourselves do not repeat the same abuses as were done to us. That ALSO is a gift.
We know that we HAVE forgiven when we hear something good about our nemesis, and we can rejoice in God's mercy and blessing on them.
It is not easy. Sometimes it takes a long time. Surely it is better than eating those rat poison sandwiches!