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- #401
MarkT said:Our will is to do the will of the Father but as Paul said we don't always do what we ought to do. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. The Holy Spirit leads us to understand the Scriptures and gives us what to say but as I said the flesh is weak. As for election, that term is reserved for the ones who have obtained a faith of equal standing with the Apostles. The elect are the ones who seek knowledge and wisdom and understanding and God gives them the higher gifts of prophecy and spiritual understanding. So if you think you are chosen it's because you are. I wouldn't waste my time arguing with the goats and the sheep. How many Apostles and prophets do we have in the church today? How many churches have a prophet? It's interesting what Jesus said, 'there will be two men working in the field and two women working in the field and one is taken and one is left behind' The elect are few in number. In fact there may be only four left in the end if I'm not mistaken. The vast majority of Christians belong to the sheepfold and among the sheep we have the goats. If they don't recognize you Heidi and they cast you out, just remember they did the same thing to Christ.
Sorry, friend, but the only one who has power over the devil is God. If we could resist the devil, then we wouldn't need Christ's redemption, or the Holy Spirit. We could just decide not to sin.

That means we could decide to be as perfect as God is. And that is a huge lie of Satan. So here's how Satan deceives us:
1) He deceives us into thinking that we came from monkeys (evolutionists really and truly believe this)
2) He deceives us into thinking that we have comtrol over our sins like he deceives an addict into thining that he has control over his addiction
3) He deceives us into believing that we can be perfect but simply choose not to

4) He deceives Eve into thinking she would be as wise as God if she ate the fruit
5) He deceieves unbeievers into thinking that Jesus is not Lord
6) He deceives us into believing that the earth is 4.5 billion years old
7) He deceives us into believing secular scientists who disagree with God
8) He deceives unbelievers into believing they don't sin
9) He deceives the Muslims to believe that allah is God
Satan is the ruler of the air. And none of us, not you, not Eve, not anyone can break through the lies of Satan. Only God can. God knows how impossible it is to copnvince an evolutionist that monkeys didn't breed humans. That should be as easy to see as the earth is round. But they can't see it because satan is blinding their eyes to the truth as 2 Corinthians 4:4 says.
We have no prophets today because God removed them as he said he would.
Faith is a gift from God so that no one can boast. But there is a tremendous amount of boasting going on here about one's own ability to believe through his own free will. But it is a lie. One can no more muster up his own faith than he can choose not to believe that the world is round. One can only see what he is capable of seeing and understanding and nothing more. There is no scripture to back up free will. Because of human pride, most people simply don't want to believe that God controls the universe. They'd like to believe that they have the control. That's called fear and fear is from the devil. :wink: