Vic C.
- Mar 16, 2003
- 18,227
- 4
Heidi, you need to study the prophesies concerning the End of times for Israel.
Ezekiel 36
Israel was once a desolate wasteland, but its Soil has been Restored and its people have returned...and its Soil will be further Redeemed and the children of Israel will multiply upon the Land and be very numerous upon her Soil; the Word of G-d, according to Ezekiel 36. The nations have tried to make Israel their own, in contempt of G-d, "because of Israel's expulsion in scorn," and thus they thought they would rid the earth of Israel and of the memory of G-d's Laws, but it will not be so. Israel has been Restored in its Land, the entire House of Israel Will Be Restored in its Land, and the Rule of G-d Will Be Restored upon Israel; thus Israel Will Be Blessed with wealth and abundance.
But this will not be for the foolishness of Israel, that they might think they had done good in the "Eyes" of G-d. To the contrary, Israel has been Blessed for the sake of the world, that G-d's Name will no longer be disdained and His Laws will no longer be ignored. As it Is Said, "It is not for your sake that I Act, O House of Israel, but for My Holy Name that you have desecrated among the nations where you came...let this be known to you! Be embarrassed and ashamed of your ways, O House of Israel!" For "I Will Put My Spirit within you, and I Will Make it so that you will follow My Decrees and guard My Ordinances, and fulfill them. You will dwell in the Land that I Gave to your forefathers; you will be a people to Me, and I Will be a Judge Over you." That Israel should merit Redemption and deserve the many Blessings that will be earned.