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Freewill religion is the Man of Sin !


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If it's NOT God's will that some believe they have a freewill, by who's will are they deceived?:eeeekkk

If it's NOT God's will that some believe they have a freewill, by who's will are they deceived?:eeeekkk

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Registered Member Join DateMar 2009LocationS.C.Posts2,319

Re: Freewill religion is the Man of Sin !

Originally Posted by Sinthesis
If it's God's will that some believe they have a freewill, by who's will does one try and correct them?:eeeekkk

How many time you say that same thing Scriptureless stuff, does not show free will, but just ones lack of any 'personal' savvy!:robot:cryingVery Sad! Gen. 6:3

So we see that the Man of Sin Religion That Man has a freewill in this Matter of Salvation has a Pretentious view of Man ! Man denies his total inability in Spiritual matters, denies that he is dead to God.

Next, this Freewill or Man of sin religion has a Degrading view of God !

The Natural religions of men think of God as liken to themselves Ps 50:21

21These things hast thou done, and I kept silence; thou thoughtest that I was altogether such an one as thyself: but I will reprove thee, and set them in order before thine eyes.

One of the main comments the man of sin religion makes in his defense of freewill, but man is made in the Image and Likeness of God, and since God has Freewill, surely we men must have freewill to do as we please since God does and we are in His Image !

Being made in the Image and Likeness of God has nothing to do with being given the Divine Prerogatives that God Alone has, men are God's creatures, and made lower than the Angels, and these Holy Creatures [The Ones who did not sin] can not but blush and be astonished at the thinking of sinful men.

The freewillers denies and opposes God's Sovereignty, oh sure with lip service they will acknowledge that God is Sovereign, but not over all things. In many things they believe God's will is subservient to the will of men. They will deny that ultimately the person is saved or delivered from this evil world by the will of God as per Gal 1:4

4Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father:

And instead, they proclaim, this deliverance cannot occur unless man's will gives God consent !

They do not come right out and deny the Death of Christ and the accomplishments of His blood, but they limit its efficaciousness to finally be decided by the mighty freewill of Man !

They deny the work of the Holy Spirit as being the effectual applier of the Life that proceeds from the risen Christ to all for whom He died, and proclaim that ultimately the freewill of man decides who has Spiritual life applied to them, for this is degrading to the Work of the Spirit. It is the work of the Spirit of God Paul writes to bring one unto belief of the Truth 2 Thess 2:13

13But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:

Faith or believing the Gospel [The word of Truth [Eph 1:13] is the result or fruit of the Sanctifying work of the Spirit, and not the freewill of man. !

So this man of sin religion, the religion of freewill sovereignty, has a degrading view of Almighty God, the Triune God whom Alone should receive the Glory for the Salvation of a Man..
So we see that the Man of Sin Religion That Man has a freewill in this Matter of Salvation has a Pretentious view of Man ! Man denies his total inability in Spiritual matters, denies that he is dead to God.

Next, this Freewill or Man of sin religion has a Degrading view of God!
So... Is it God's will that man denies his total inability in spiritual matters; denies that he is dead to God?

Is it God's will that this freewill or man of sin religion has a Degrading view of God?:eeeekkk
Sin is of the flesh and is not of our own wills except to the carnal minded. I think the point of this thread is to say that sin is slavery not freedom. This is made apparant by the fact that the carnal mind cannot be subject to God and that we are in need of a saviour.

Very well said!:thumbsup But it does not stop there, huh? Rom. 8:14
If it's NOT God's will that some believe they have a freewill, by who's will are they deceived?:eeeekkk

Respectfully, your question is a loaded question. No offense intended, but as I don't think we've had discourse before this thread, I would not feel comfortable answering it without first agreeing to a definition of freewill. That and the googly eyed dude scares me. Some believe they have the right to choose, denoting sovereignty over one's self, some the ability to choose, denoting reasoning capabilities through mental deliberation, and some believe we are describing freedom of action, denoting control over one's physical actions. These are only some definitions, and each of these would require different answers. Please describe the definition of freewill you are refering to and it would be most helpful if it would be kept pertaining strictly to moral direction.
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Respectfully, your question is a loaded question. No offense intended, but as I don't think we've had discourse before this thread, I would not feel comfortable answering it without first agreeing to a definition of freewill. That and the googly eyed dude scares me. Some believe they have the right to choose, denoting sovereignty over one's self, some the ability to choose, denoting reasoning capabilities through mental deliberation, and some believe we are describing freedom of action, denoting control over one's physical actions. These are only some definitions, and each of these would require different answers. Please describe the definition of freewill you are refering to and it would be most helpful if it would be kept pertaining strictly to moral direction.
Of course it's loaded.:shocked! But I didn't start the thread so perhaps you should get your definition of freewill from the original poster.
Here's the bottom line as far as reality goes..

Can a person hear the gospel of God concerning His Son, be convicted of sin, righteousness, and judgment.. and then freely place their faith and trust in the person of Jesus of Nazareth..

a) Yes

b) No
Here's the bottom line as far as reality goes..

Can a person hear the gospel of God concerning His Son, be convicted of sin, righteousness, and judgment.. and then freely place their faith and trust in the person of Jesus of Nazareth..

a) Yes

b) No
You pose a good question but lost in semantics. The answer, is that some are seeing and some are not. It has come to man by grace. And so inevitably a man may not see but then one day he sees. One believes and one does not, is this not so? How does this happen is an even better question. Why did Jesus speak in parables? How does the carnal mind think differently than the spiritual mind? The heart is the soil for the seed, if the soil is good it will bear fruit.
Sinners must do something !

The Man of sin religion or the freewill religions all have one thing in common, they require man to do something to be come saved and some will require something to done to stay saved ! Even those groups who proclaim Grace ultimately make Justification before God a act of man, mans faith or believing or repentance. The Man of sin religion will always give man a occasion to boast in the flesh. Oh no he will not come right out and brag about it, he will say, but all i did was accept a gift, as that is suppose to mean he is not considering his final decision to accept the gift took away the fact that salvation for him was decided by something he did, he ACCEPTED the gift.

The word accept is a VERB and it means:

to take or receive (something offered); receive with approval or favor: to accept a present; to accept a proposal.

2. to agree or consent to; accede to: to accept a treaty; to accept an apology.

3. to respond or answer affirmatively to: to accept an invitation.

A verb denotes a performance of an action.

So if one denies that they did anything to become saved , but only accepted a gift, they have just lied to you.

The difference between saved and lost for them was their performance, whereas another who had the same gift offered them but refused to accept it, then it was because they did not perform the action of accepting. So they made themselves to differ, thats boasting, thats the religion of the man of sin, the freewill religion. Its a flat out repudiation of Salvation by Grace.

In my opinion the freewill religion is of Lucifer Isa 14:12-14

12How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

13For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

14I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

This my friends epitomizes the concept of freewill, I WILL..
Eventide & Childeye

Man looks at the outward, God looks at the inward. God is within all things being everywhere (Ps 139). God is not the creation. But neither is he separate from the creation. That’s the idea of Deism.

When we look at the outward we see things that are sometimes illusionary. Sometimes we see things that we expect to see or we want to see. We can’t always go by what we see. We have to know our limitations. Especially where the supernatural is concerned. That’s why we’ve been given a revelation, so that we can be helped to see, naturally and supernaturally.

The accounts in the Gospels that refer to being able to know them by their fruit refer to the Jews, to the Jewish nation that was about to be replaced physically with a more expansive Spiritual nation through the New Covenant. The Jewish nation had become very degraded by the first century. The knowing by the fruits is currently being interpreted to refer to any individual. In spite of the fact that Paul was clear that there are some who act like men and we can’t be sure whether they’re believers or not by outward appearance (1 Cor 1-3).

The more extreme of the Calvinists would answer the above question with a resounding no because they seem to have the impression, in their desire to give God all the credit that is due, that man is a machine programmed to do the bidding of the Creator. When in actuality, God created man with something of Divine nature inside (Gen 2:7). Man is more like God than they want to admit. Because to them that somehow makes God something less. When in reality it makes God something more. Especially in Christ. Those who are in Christ are added to God. That is, if one believes that Christ is Divine. And if one believes that those who are in Christ are part of the Body of Christ.

Man can never become God. But man is part of God by creation, something that can’t be said about any other living thing, or the rest of creation. Both the old creation in Adam where man is tainted by the fall (Rom 5:12-14), and even more in the new creation in Christ (2 Cor 5:17). “Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord, According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue: Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.†(2 Pet 1:2-4 KJV)

There’s a much closer relationship between man and God then some want to admit. They think that such a relationship smacks of Pantheism. Christians are much too afraid to see things that some non-Christians may already see intuitively, though imperfectly or too extremely. The non-Christians may see things, but we have the revelation that perfects what they see. If we are looking at that revelation through the eyes of Jesus Christ through the Spirit.

What has been tainted by the fall is regained in Christ. Our completion, our salvation, is in Christ. That has always been the intention of God, from the beginning (Ephesians). The Tree of Life in Genesis is the beginning of Life that is completed in Christ (John, Revelation). Christ is all things to us who are in Christ. Christ is also all things to those who are not in Christ. They just don’t see it yet. The main work of God (Eph 2:10) is that through we who are in Christ, by walking by the Spirit and keeping the unity of the Spirit, all may see and experience the Life that is in Christ for themselves. It is very evident in something that Jesus himself said, “Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.†(John 17:20-23 KJV)


The verbs “accept†and “receive†are action verbs, like “talk†or “runâ€. There is nothing passive about these words. No one can accept for us, not even God. Salvation in Christ is a free gift. We have to accept the gift or we are simply without the gift. The ability to do that is free will. Whether or not it is given by God.

It’s strange to me that you can think that “freewill religion is of Luciferâ€, but you can’t see that Christianity is a man-made religion. Since you give credit to Satan for so much, maybe you can think that Christianity is a Satan-made religion. But then, as you admitted, “IN MY OPINION the freewill religion is of Lucifer â€. It’s also MY OPINION that Christianity is a man-made religion. And it’ll be rare indeed that any will come to the same opinions as ours because to the ears of most, we are just extremists. Indeed, we are extremists to each other. But fight on bro.


The verbs “accept†and “receive†are action verbs, like “talk†or “runâ€. There is nothing passive about these words. No one can accept for us, not even God. Salvation in Christ is a free gift. We have to accept the gift or we are simply without the gift. The ability to do that is free will. Whether or not it is given by God.

It’s strange to me that you can think that “freewill religion is of Luciferâ€, but you can’t see that Christianity is a man-made religion. Since you give credit to Satan for so much, maybe you can think that Christianity is a Satan-made religion. But then, as you admitted, “IN MY OPINION the freewill religion is of Lucifer â€. It’s also MY OPINION that Christianity is a man-made religion. And it’ll be rare indeed that any will come to the same opinions as ours because to the ears of most, we are just extremists. Indeed, we are extremists to each other. But fight on bro.

Christianity isn't a man-made religion, there are just many man-made doctrines that try reinvent what Christianity really is. Like the Calvinists. "Total depravity" is an idol, prideful in believing they are premade for salvation like a robot, having nothing to do with obedience, because of their "chosen state" there is no need for repentance as they try to look like the wheat, the work on the cross means nothing to them and why should it, they are "chosen" w/out having to obey, regeneration begins BEFORE belief.
I could go on and on as the Calvinist's do about "the chosen" - it's definitely an idol to them.
You pose a good question but lost in semantics.

Your generic answer to anything that doesn't support your view.. lol

The answer, is that some are seeing and some are not.

Or that some love darkness and will not come to the light lest their deeds be exposed..

It has come to man by grace.

No doubt about that..

And so inevitably a man may not see but then one day he sees. One believes and one does not, is this not so?

Yes, because again.. He's that true light which ligheth every man that comes into the world although not all men are willing to come to the light..

How does this happen is an even better question.

It's called a decision.. it's called agreeing with God.. it's called counting the cost.. it's called willfully laying down my life for the infinitely glorious life of Christ.

Why did Jesus speak in parables? How does the carnal mind think differently than the spiritual mind? The heart is the soil for the seed, if the soil is good it will bear fruit.

It's all just semantics if you're led by the teaching of calvinism.. lol
We are in the END OF TIME! Of course it is ONLY GOD that saves, the PROBLEM is not that at all! It is the ones that He just flat out can not reach by His LOVING STRIVING HOLY SPIRIT! Gen. 6:3

Matt. 7's Broadway ones were at one time His special people, (mighty miracles +) Rev.17:1-5 had a promising start, and now look who they are! Old Israel were His very own HOUSE of God Vineyard & they as the the Virgin HOUSE became DESOLATE!!! Then the last FOLD are ALL as a fold SPEWED Out. And His GRACE was the problem??? WAKE/UP from the D-E-A-D!

And here you all come with the Saving message of Eze. 9??? You best see which class of one of only TWO that you are of here! No, with what ALL of these ones already knew in the past are to be saved, they now all have increased truth that they will not accept! They JUST WILL NOT YIELD THEIR FALSE satanic GARBAGE of I,I,I,I,I know best 'l'ord,

You know 'l'ord that this has all been changed for me 'now', and just an only speaking of the words that I BELIEVE is sufficent, and my loving You is because of You giving me your Grace to live IN SIN! (SICK!)

What I see requires a lot of natural and Spiritual knowledge, and apparently a unique experience. It can be easily misunderstood. I suggest you stick with Cyberjosh, my young friend. I don’t want to be the cause of you going over to the dark side.


What I see requires a lot of natural and Spiritual knowledge, and apparently a unique experience. It can be easily misunderstood. I suggest you stick with Cyberjosh, my young friend. I don’t want to be the cause of you going over to the dark side.

You are not causing me to go anywhere :), I was simply pointing out SBG's false doctrine.

The verbs “accept†and “receive†are action verbs, like “talk†or “runâ€. There is nothing passive about these words. No one can accept for us, not even God. Salvation in Christ is a free gift. We have to accept the gift or we are simply without the gift.

You are espousing the very concept that I just posted about see post 29
Does Lucifer have a will of his own?

I would venture a guess that your posting's think(?) that he was a robot,:robot as some Sin Against The Holy Ghost [FULL CUP] ones are now? (Psalms 19:13 James 1:15)


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