Osgiliath said:
Notice how quiet the full-preterists are when there is no wiggle room for twisting Scripture. Putting pride above Biblical truth is the hallmark of false teachers.
Again, you are wrong! I am breaking my silence just this once to again correct your false accusations. I ceased answering you, Osgiliath, because of your arrogance and your rudeness. I will gladly present what I believe to those who are willing to dialogue respectfully.
Osgiliath, I wish, for your own sake, you would take caution to stop accusing others of things for which you are guilty! Be careful lest you find that it is YOU who is putting pride above biblical truth and lest you be found the false teacher and guilty of twisting the Scriptures. Do you even consider yourself capable of such things? Let us examine ourselves!
Do you want to openly study the word without posting lists of verses without putting them in their context? That is not Bible study, my friend. I have taken great care to concentrate on a limited number of verses so that I could present them in their contexts. What do I get from you in respsonse? You accuse me before others of NEVER presenting Scripture. With as much love as I can portray be words only, Osgiliath, that is a complete misrepresentation. I do not believe that it was a lie, because I think that you actually believe the things you accuse others of! Again, I caution you to be careful. I have presented much Scripture--your accusation is false! Would you like to actually do exegesis of passages and accept what they clearly say in spite of your preconceived ideas? If you do, I will re-engage communication with you.
I see that Parousia70 continues to communicate with you. Under present conditions, I will not. You can consider that whatever you want, but I wish to do serious Bible study and not the sharing of opinions and the demonizing of others who disagree! You are as stubborn and unbendable in your beliefs as you accuse others of being, my brother in Christ.
It is you, Osgiliath, who refuses to look at a simple verse of Scripture and accept what it says.
Who is twisting the Scriptures, Osgiliath? Jesus said, "THIS generation will by no means pass away till ALL these things take place." You and those like you are twisting the Scriptures when you refuse to take those words of Jesus at their face value--when you give the words of our Lord a meaning He NEVER elsewhere gave them!
Who is twisting the Scriptures, Osgiliath? John was clearly shown those things which were in his day to "shortly" take place because the time was "near." Preterists take that at face value--we don't twist it; we accept. Some of us have suffered the loss of friendships and have been branded as heretics for such literalism! By accepting the CLEAR, undeniable timing indicated in the Revelation itself, we understandably and justifiably see NERO as the Beast. You, however, who claim to be such a biblicist and literalist twist the clear meaning of shortly and near and force the Revelation far into the distance. Who is twisting the Scriptures, Osgiliath?
Jesus said directly to His disciples standing right there with Him--"When YOU see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet . . . (Mat. 24:15). Preterists take that to mean that those disciples of Jesus' day were to see it. You are still looking for this abomination of desolation. Yet it is preterists who twist the Scriptures!
Jesus told the Twelve as He was sending them out to the lost sheep of Israel--"YOU will not finishing going through the cities of Israel before the Son of Man comes? (Mat. 10:23)! How does one mistake the clear meaning here? But preterists "twist" this passage by actually believing Jesus' words and thinking that Jesus was saying to those disciples that they would not finish going through the cities of Israel before the Son of Man came! How silly of those literalist preterists! Again, who is twisting the Scriptures to his own end?
Again, Jesus said to His disciples standing right there with Him--"There are some standing HERE who will not taste death till THEY see the Son of Man COMING in His kingdom" (Mat. 16:28). Hmmmm? Those foolish preterists--they actually understand Jesus to say that some of those very disciples would live to see Him coming in His kingdom? Oh how those preterists do twist the Scriptures! :rolling
What about Jesus standing before Caiaphas and the Sanhedrin after they had charged Him with blasphemy. He looked straight at THEM and said, "YOU will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of power and COMING on the clouds of heaven" (Mat. 26:64). Preterists take those words at their face value. Jesus was telling that very flesh-and-blood Caiaphas that HE and the SANHEDRIN were to see Him coming on the clouds of heaven! Is this twisting the Scriptures? According to you it is!
I could go on and on but you will not listen to the plain words of the Bible. You are proud to be a dispensationalist. You have been taught a certain system of eschatology and nothing--not even the simple truths of the Word of God--will allow you to even consider anything else. You are right and preterists are wrong. Period. You don't want to be confused with the facts!
I have no time for such nonsense. Let's study the Word and accept the Word as it is clearly presented! If we cannot do that, why bother?
Again, Osgiliath, I caution you to be careful of what you accuse others. Remember, when the finger of accusation points out at others, three fingers are pointing back at the accuser! Let us be cautious and be sure our accusations are justified and established in truth!