You certainly have, as well as mungo a right to have your assumptions...the paleo Hebrew text most definitely disagrees with your interpretation. Genesis 26:5....because Abraham obeyed My Voice, kept My charge, My statues, and guarded My Commandments, and kept My Laws.Genesis 2:
1 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the host of them.
2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.
Sabbath is the seventh day, which by our calendar makes it a Saturday. It is the day God rested after creating everything including man and woman. God sanctified it meaning He set it apart from all the other days as a day He rested from all His work. From the time of Adam to that of Mt. Sinai it was never commanded as being a holy day or that all mankind was to rest on that day. It was a holy day as God being Holy and rested that day.
The Hebrew Sabbath was instituted by God given to Moses in Exodus 16 as a day that started from Friday at sunset to Saturday at sunset as a day of remembrance or a memorial of the Exodus exile as God parted the sea bringing the Hebrews to the promised land by defeating their foes. Hebrews used a Lunar Calendar that is different from our Gregorian calendar we use today.
The Sabbath was a ceremonial law practiced and that of the Old Covenant, the same covenant that circumcised and sacrificed animals. Some may literally circumcise, but we do not sacrifice animals anymore. This ceremonial law was only for Israel and not the Gentiles as now under the new covenant that joins Israel and Gentiles together under the grace of God the ceremonial laws no longer exist as Jesus is now our sacrifice whom we find rest in.
Mungo says, same words but different meaning between Abraham and his children.
Adam and Eve by the sweat of their brow ate their bread....and you honestly think their Creator did not speak to them concerning His Sabbath ? Right !