Getting Back In Shape

Mace Workout
20lb Mace
Overhead Swings. 20
Right Arm Swings 20
Left Arm Swings. 20
Rev Grip Swings R.20
Rev Grip Swings L 20
Curl Catch. 20
Right to Left. 20
Left to Right. 20
Side to Side Right 20
Side to Side Left. 20. 200 reps
Repeat with 15lb Mace. 200
Repeat with 10lb Mace. 200
Repeat with. 10lb Mace. 200
Repeat with. 7lb. Mace. 200
1,000 reps
The last three weeks I’ve had pain and only worked out one day a week. The pain was so bad I went to the ER Saturday. I am using a cane. They gave me a steroid shot and a shot for pain and a prescription for methyl prednisolone.
I’ve gained 20 pounds back.
I had some time off and I go back to work tomorrow. I’m much better than I was Saturday but still pretty bad when I first stand up
I alternated between a TENS unit and ice packs yesterday. I have RFA again in August and September then they want me to try a spinal cord stimulator
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Sorry to hear. I hope you get it sorted out and get feeling better soon.
I went to Urgent Care last Sunday, I had to use a cane. They gave me a steroid shot, a pain shot and prescriptions for Toradol and Prednisone. I didn’t work Sunday and Monday, worked Tuesday and Wednesday and I got the promotion Wednesday. Then I started my off days.
I haven’t been able to do much, but I am a little better today. I go back to work tomorrow.
I have an MRI next Friday then I will see a neurosurgeon and see what he suggests. I have RFA again August 8th for the left side and in September for the right side. After that they want me to try a spinal cord stimulator. I don’t know if I’m going to do that yet.
I’m going to workout starting Wednesday using the bands and the Total Gym. I just have to be careful not to stress my lower back.
I started at 340, got down to 277 and over the last 6 weeks gained back to 310. I’m 300 now and want to get down to 240
I haven’t worked out since July 4th. The nerve pain in my leg has gotten so bad I use a cane when I’m not at work. I’ve had to miss a few days. I had another MRI and I have severe facet arthropathy at the L4-L5 vertebra, moderate in one other place and mild in a few.
I have an appointment with a neurosurgeon on 9-17 for him to look at the MRI and see what he suggests.
It’s been really hard to get around, I’m hoping I can have minimally invasive surgery and recover quickly.
There is no problem sticking up for yourself but physical retaliation should be a last resort. I also used to fight alot in my past, but realised strong words back away someone from trying to physically hurt you. Do not let the anger build and then unleash it. Be calm and composed but address the issues earlier than you planned to.
Prayer warriors, I need your help.
I hate to miss work and I was working while I was in pain and should have stayed home.
They said I have to get a doctor to clear me to come back to work, I'm on FMLA, I did get the surgery moved up, I told them I needed to do it while I still had insurance. So surgery is October 11th.
There is two months recovery after surgery then I doubt they are going to let me come back to work.
I will have to find something else.
I was in a situation like this in 2008, I lost everything but I survived.
I just pray that God gets me through this again.
Thanks for the prayers. I'm just trying to cover all the bases in case they don't let me come back to work.
I'm trying not to worry, get anxious or depressed. None of that will help or change anything.
I'm looking into other jobs and how to apply for disability if the surgery doesn't fix the problem.
I'm counting on God to get me through this. Thanks again for the prayers
Thanks for the prayers. The leg pain has not went away but there has been very little back pain since the surgery. Praying that the leg pain goes away and I can go back to work.
So far they are still holding my job for me.
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My left leg, calve, ankle and foot are severely swollen and I am short of breath.
I may have a pulmonary embolism. I'm going to the ER this morning in a little while.
I had a pulmonary embolism.
Luckily it didn't damage my heart. Spent 2 days in the hospital.
Home now and on a blood thinner.
Still having nerve pain in the left leg.
The site director and the director of security for all Baptist hospitals came to see me and they are holding my job for me
I appreciate prayers for my recovery. The nerve pain in the left leg is bad, I need a knee replacement for my right knee I have been putting off and it's hurting. I need to move around but it's painful.
My breathing is bad after the simple things like getting in bed leaves me out of breath.
I need a miracle
The insurance company is probably going to try to deny long term disability claiming a preexisting condition.
I will fight that, I didn't have a preexisting condition for a pulmonary embolism.
Also please pray for me to have a good attitude and not worry
Also please pray for me to have a good attitude and not worry
Dear heavenly Father touch our brother in Christ in his time of need and heal his body and touch his spirit in Jesus's name we pray , Amen . :pray
I went to the pharmacy to get my Eliquis and they said it was $600. I said my insurance is current. They said insurance paid &100