Would you say that Jesus is the ultimate revelation from God?
Got to be in the top 10 in my opinion ...

... maybe
nature (Romans 1) is number one for us ...subjective ... could be one's parent I suppose though the parent would be the instrument of God.
I've noticed that the reformed use a lot of scripture from the OT when revelation was not yet complete.
I hadn't noticed.
Is revelation ever complete? Maybe you mean scripture.
Would you say that Jesus demonstrated no love for humankind?
- Love can be measured by the amount of favor; agape love is goodwill, benevolence, and willful delight in the object of love.
- God's Love is a bond of unity (Col. 3:14)
- Habakkuk 1:13b You cannot look on wickedness with favor (where favor is love)
Now that we have a definition of love (favor) and some aspects of love as a foundation we can go to your question.
Since the elect are In Christ and God sees them like Christ: J
ohn 17:22 I have given to them the glory and honor which You have given Me, that they may be one, just as We are one ... this seems to fit the definition of love to the utmost. Being In Christ satisfies Col. 3:14 and since the elect's sins are imputed to Christ we have no problem with Habakkuk 1:13 contradicting God's love for them.
Some call this the love of complacency
Let's do the same analysis for those who are not elect ....
Hmmm, definitely not favored as they will spend eternity in Hell. They obviously have little bond of unity with God (Col 3:14) and God does not favor them according to Habakkuk 1:13. That being said, I believe God's loves (favors) the unelect to a small degree as indicated by:
Matthew 5:45b for He makes His sun rise on the wicked and on the good, and makes the rain fall upon the upright and the wrongdoers [alike]. But this is a minimal measure of love at best; wrath and hate being their major portion.
Some call this small measure of love the love of beneficence.
Loving your neighbor is very relevant to this thread.
God made us in His image.
I've rarely met someone that can define using biblical sources the definition of "made in His image" and high jack is meaning to fit their agenda. It is a concept people don't understand. To make things worse, the image was corrupted by Adam's sin. I still don't see the relevance ... unless you are saying our love is the same as God's love because we were/are made in His image. Too many assumptions ... and if I'm right, you are not applying "made in His image" properly. I don't think you can define it using scripture; few can.
Agreed .. but unlike you.... I have defined what LOVE means using the bible ... most people don't know what it means even. Give a biblical definition or use my definition.
Jesus taught us to love our neighbor the same way that God loves all of His creation.
While Jesus taught us to love our neighbor ... there is no verse saying we are to do it the same way as God. God is infinite; man is finite ... man can't do anything the SAME AS GOD (maybe both know 1+1 =2)
Aside: Loving our neighbor is another tangent that few can define if questioned more deeply as whatever definition they put forth will be 'wanting' and/or 'torn apart with questioning' IMO.
Do YOU love your neighbor?
Not relevant to the thread. You probably define it differently than scripture so we would be talking past each other due to different frames of reference.
Are You made in the image of God?
Not relevant to the thread. You probably define it differently than scripture so we would be talking past each other due to different frames of reference.