The mistake you're making is not realizing that the conscience is a vehicle through which more than just our own minds speaks. Conscience is educated by God too. We know this from Romans 2:15 NASB.
When I was 18 years old, and quite lost, a pastor explained to me how conscience was proof of God. It was a major revelation that helped me get saved about five years later.
The unsaved have a conscience also. I also believe it's God that put our conscience in there, and if the law is written on our heart, it should effect our conscience and choices.
Everyone has a different conscience about things, Paul saying why should I be judged by another mans conscience.
However, God gave us hands also, and if I burn my hand that God gave, it's not God's fault, neither is it God that convicts us through our own conscience He gave us.
That was the whole thing of the OP.......... The Statement was that the Holy Spirit does not convict us.
i find both sides have valid points its a who lot like eating chicken ya eat the meat and throw the bones a way. i have yet to find any one person who knows it. i have met some who THINK they do. if someone wants play hard ball that i can do no problem at all.its not my 1st rodeo
We need another thread for this, not my first Rodeo also.
Election-Calivinsim-Predestination-No free will
Foreknowledge-Arminianism-Free will, But........God knows all choices.
There is no such thing as Arminianism. it would have to revert to election.
God knew before the foundation of the World Adam would blow it. Adam made a choice that God knew He would make............ Arminianism.
God made Adam blow it, Adam was doomed from the start to fill the Plan of God and Salvation. ..............Election.
Forknowledge is the same as knowing the plan that will happen anyway. If God knew, yet Set Adam in the Garden with the currect conditions God placed Adam in, then it's no longer Foreknowledge or Arminianism.
Knowing something and going through with it is Election.
The only way Arminiansim would work is for God to just be clueless until He looked into the crystal ball at times and said, "Ah, that is what is going to happen,"
That can't be the case, so Knowledge of what is going to happen with a man as God puts the spirit in man means God is doing so knowing the outcome. That is called election.
So it has to be Calvinsim. Calvinism is also wrong though.