I see the Godhead Doctrine as just another REQUIRED Doctrine Of Christ that is seen in the last FALLING AWAY.
2 Timothy 3:16 Tells us that we need the complete whole of [ALL Scripture] to understand the Doctrine of Christ. 'Doctrine', 'Reproof', 'correction', and 'instruction in righteousness'! And as Christ Himself stated that 'man does not live by bread alone, but every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.' Matt. 4:4.
This doctrine is the testing truth of the great whole. The 'devil has from the beginning of the bible, to its ending, attacked Christ. In Gen. 4:7 we see that the Lamb of God Sacrifice itself, was attacked! (Christ was the Lamb projected by faith) And in today's setting, we see the exact same Eternal Christ being attacked! Some say that Christ is not God, that He had a beginning, that He is not part of the Godhead, that He was 'just' the Son of God.
Notice the Words of 2 John 9-11. 'Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God.He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. [If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.]'
What is the 'Doctrine of Christ' then? Remember that above it states All Scripture, and Every Word that proceedeth from the mouth of God! There is no way to have the Doctrine of Christ understood any other way! John for one, had many other books that he was Inspired to write. In Rev. 14:6 we see him start out with the 'EVERLASTING GOSPEL', think of what that means?
Now, the 'lamb' in Gen. 3:15, & Cain's folly, this was the 'centerfold' of the Everlasting Gospel! The Doctrine of Christ is how old? Everlasting and Eternal! (Immortal!)
Then comes Paul with what Christ [is], His very moral makeup, His Character, 'His Epistle' or letter! He states that this Covenant (God is Love) of Hebrews. 13:20 is also Everlasting! And that this Ten Commandment 'Epistle' of Christ is to be recreated into the heart & mind of the Born Again ones. See 2 Cor. 3:3 & Hebrews.10:15-16.
So, we see that it takes both the Everlasting Gospel which is Christ and His righteousness, and the garments of Christ righteousness.. His very moral fiber makeup, + His Everlasting Covenant.. to have a Doctrine of Christ! One without the other is not possible.
No eternal Christ, equals no Gospel whatsoever, period! That is what satan was having Cain buy into in Genesis 4:7, and that is what satan is doing today with a Christ that is not ETERNAL! This doctrine has gone off of the path of the 'Doctrine of Christ' as John warned of!
And not only that which we see above, but the word of everlasting or eternal finds no ending or starting period for either the Gospel or the Character of Christ! (His Covenant) In heaven itself before the creation of man, there was the first rebellion that proved to be Covenant breaking. And the breaker of the Covenant stood over the Ark of the Godhead where in were the Royal Law of the Universe. Inside of the Ark was this eternal covenant, which was & still is (Rev. 11:19) covered with the 'Mercy Seat' and which we once again see, represented the 'Everlasting Gospel' of Christ!
So what is the Bottom line?
Any Doctrine that claims to be of God, which teaches that Christ is not God Immortal, is not the Everlasting Gospel Doctrine of Christ! Plain and simple!
Yet, dear friend, to have ones in your yoked membership teaching opposite this doctrine [openly], makes any member a Partaker of his evil deed of Revelation 18:4, & was just another step to foster the shaking and falling away of 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3
2 Timothy 3:16 Tells us that we need the complete whole of [ALL Scripture] to understand the Doctrine of Christ. 'Doctrine', 'Reproof', 'correction', and 'instruction in righteousness'! And as Christ Himself stated that 'man does not live by bread alone, but every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.' Matt. 4:4.
This doctrine is the testing truth of the great whole. The 'devil has from the beginning of the bible, to its ending, attacked Christ. In Gen. 4:7 we see that the Lamb of God Sacrifice itself, was attacked! (Christ was the Lamb projected by faith) And in today's setting, we see the exact same Eternal Christ being attacked! Some say that Christ is not God, that He had a beginning, that He is not part of the Godhead, that He was 'just' the Son of God.
Notice the Words of 2 John 9-11. 'Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God.He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. [If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.]'
What is the 'Doctrine of Christ' then? Remember that above it states All Scripture, and Every Word that proceedeth from the mouth of God! There is no way to have the Doctrine of Christ understood any other way! John for one, had many other books that he was Inspired to write. In Rev. 14:6 we see him start out with the 'EVERLASTING GOSPEL', think of what that means?
Now, the 'lamb' in Gen. 3:15, & Cain's folly, this was the 'centerfold' of the Everlasting Gospel! The Doctrine of Christ is how old? Everlasting and Eternal! (Immortal!)
Then comes Paul with what Christ [is], His very moral makeup, His Character, 'His Epistle' or letter! He states that this Covenant (God is Love) of Hebrews. 13:20 is also Everlasting! And that this Ten Commandment 'Epistle' of Christ is to be recreated into the heart & mind of the Born Again ones. See 2 Cor. 3:3 & Hebrews.10:15-16.
So, we see that it takes both the Everlasting Gospel which is Christ and His righteousness, and the garments of Christ righteousness.. His very moral fiber makeup, + His Everlasting Covenant.. to have a Doctrine of Christ! One without the other is not possible.
No eternal Christ, equals no Gospel whatsoever, period! That is what satan was having Cain buy into in Genesis 4:7, and that is what satan is doing today with a Christ that is not ETERNAL! This doctrine has gone off of the path of the 'Doctrine of Christ' as John warned of!
And not only that which we see above, but the word of everlasting or eternal finds no ending or starting period for either the Gospel or the Character of Christ! (His Covenant) In heaven itself before the creation of man, there was the first rebellion that proved to be Covenant breaking. And the breaker of the Covenant stood over the Ark of the Godhead where in were the Royal Law of the Universe. Inside of the Ark was this eternal covenant, which was & still is (Rev. 11:19) covered with the 'Mercy Seat' and which we once again see, represented the 'Everlasting Gospel' of Christ!
So what is the Bottom line?
Any Doctrine that claims to be of God, which teaches that Christ is not God Immortal, is not the Everlasting Gospel Doctrine of Christ! Plain and simple!
Yet, dear friend, to have ones in your yoked membership teaching opposite this doctrine [openly], makes any member a Partaker of his evil deed of Revelation 18:4, & was just another step to foster the shaking and falling away of 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3