You are right. It is fun, BUT...my GOAL IS HEAVEN, as everyone's should be.
1st Peter 4:18 says, "If it is with difficulty that the righteous is saved, what will become of the Godless and sinner," and so many more verses warning us about the impossibility of heaven especially on our own.
Claiming Jesus as my savior is just the beginning of a long journey of trials, struggles, being a piece of clay shaped by the POTTER, painfully sometimes, and having the fiery trials of sin being removed by God, that can be excruciating as we choose Him and surrender to being His not our own, 1st Co. 6:19, and getting to know our God personally, instead of choosing our own path to destruction.
(I've been writing this on one monitor and researching the verses I used here on the other monitor. 56inches of horizontal monitors.
Totally independently of each other, and yet I can move my cursor from screen to screen, and even move pages from one screen to another and study them side by side and have a blank monitor, that I can choose other pages, up to 2 more, and put them side by side and study them too, now having 4 pages, or split them even more and have 8 pages to study at once - PRETTY WILD. Think about having 1 or 2 more monitors - Crazy, but I don't lose pages now).
I'm convinced that God calls us to a personal way of study for our growth of faith that suits each of us by God's design.
No one has to study my way, as this is just what God has called me to do for my growth that I'm commanded to accomplish with the help of the Holy Spirit.
I have learned in my 43 years of study, especially lately, to just GO FOR IT when I feel God calling me through the Holy Spirit, to a new level of learning, and a new season of faith.
It's exciting to step out in faith, as you have no idea of what God has in mind or how
SATAN is going to attack me as he has in the past, but I have learned to put that and many other things of my life and faith in God's care, and be courageous in Christ, and let Him take care of me, as I move forward to grow and share with others which SATAN just hates.