- Apr 25, 2011
- 218
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Later I eventually did my B.S. online through Liberty University (www.liberty.edu). FANTASTIC college. Very Biblically rooted, good education, low tuition, options to do my college online or in class, and was overall a great experience. The only problem with their online degrees is that they are fairly limited.
Really? I had the opposite experience. Worst college experience I've ever had. The Bible was hammered down my throat so much I spat it back out and almost went atheist when I left. It was a miserable experience and very obviously, it cares about money. Not Christianity or it's students. Money. That's why they're cramming as many students in as possible without having a freshman orientation program that allows students to meet each other. Without a doubt, this is one of the worst places to go to grow in Christ. You really won't grow, you'll just get sick of it. 2
I know how old this thread is but if I can prevent just one person from making the decision to attend this university, I'll have achieved what I'm trying to do.
To Liberty students, so sorry. But take a look around and you might see what I see. If you're happy, maybe you've found a good side of it, I'm not denying that there are.