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...greater works than these shall he do

You know, kidron, there is one thing missing from your posts and in my opinion in much that is preached about health, prosperity, etc being what every Christian should have....and that is HOW.

The how is simple.... the execution is progressive.
1st, Recognize your rights as a believer, and then begin to recreate your mindset by meditating on the Word.
There is a difference between knowing and believing.
Follow me?
There is a difference between believing and being.

Are u familiar with this scripture?
"with God nothing is impossible."
Now, reconstruct it so that you understand it to mean this...
"with God, its impossible for him to do nothing".
Do u see it?

Listen, the only thing that separates you from the abundant life that Jesus said he came to give is 3 things.
1.) recognize that being filled with Joy is the greatest riches in heaven of all.
2.) learn to be content with whatever you have, as this is the place that God wants you to be so that whatever he brings over and above this, you wont become fixated on the stuff.
3.) recognize that your faith is a force...its not a feeling...its not a definition, it is a a wind, like sunshine, like, boiling water.

Faith, is a real and tangible word-power that God used to create the universe and it is the same dynamic and divine equipment in your mouth that it is in his.
Do you believe this ?
If not, then stop being concerned with my "tone" and just deal with the Principals im sharing......Ok?
Did u ever read the verse in John that said...."ye are gods" and Jesus refers to this verse when speaking about humans?
Do you believe this?
U realize we are made in God's image, and this means in his likeness and regarding his power as well as sharing Jesus's glory.
Recall that Jesus said, in the Gospel of John, that he gave you "his Glory".
Do u believe this?

So, the thing that can become a stumbling block to you is for you to accept that you are indeed on the same level as Jesus.
This is the hard part to believe when you realize all your faults, all your habits, all your issues, and all your problems.
Its as if........"how can i do what Jesus did, when i am really quite a mess".
Well, of course you are a mess.
We are all a mess in progress towards becoming more like Christ.....However, the power of God ...for it to be released to change your world, does not require you to be less of a mess, it only requires you to believe what he said you are, and act upon it by your faith as you leave a mental ascent type faith and come into a living and valid circumstance changing faith.
And once again, this comes by renewing your mind constantly so that your mind becomes very much like that New Testament where Paul is speaking about all this that im telling you..
And remember that God is touched by our hurts but he is activated by our faith.
Do you believe this?

And also..
Your mouth is your blessing port or its the damning place where you curse your own life and lifestyle.
So, from now on, notice what you say, and how you speak about yourself.
Keep in mind that everything you say is ither for your good or for your ill.
Prayers are not just said before you go to bed.
Prayers are living entities.....change agents.... that come out of your mouth everytime you open it.
Every word you say is a seed, and every seed you plant in the atmosphere has the power to change , even if you dont have any faith.
Do you believe this?
Words are the seeds of change, so be careful what you plant with your mouth or you will end up reconstructing your future so that you suffer for all you've said.
And perhaps you've cursed yourself in your life?
Have you said things like......."aw, this will never change"..."id be better off dead"..."nothing ever goes right for me"..."heart disease runs in my family, i'll probably get it"...."i'll probably lose my job"....."i'll always be poor".
See, people constantly say their FAITH which is damning their lives.
Do you believe this?
You have to realize that what you say is what you get., if you believe it.
This is not a joke...its a spiritual law.
And this life altering dynamic called FAITH, works against you as well as for you.
This is why so many people, Christians, are sick.
They have cursed themselves by some comment they said outloud that they BELIEVED...and WHAM, here comes the cancer, the heart attack, the stroke, the poverty..
Do you believe this?
Jesus was not kidding when he said that, "you shall have whatever you SAY", in Mark 11:23......and this spiritual truth is as real as...."believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and tho shall be saved".
However, most Christians dont believe this, and so, they dont use the power of their faith combined with their words for their own good, but rather, they just say anything and often this anything is a faith filled word seed that actually brings trouble and harm to their lives to stay.

I'm only just coming into understanding all that is our birthright. And I know now that the way to acquire all that is mine is to believe that it is mine, that Jesus died for it and God wants me to have it. The work of God is to believe in the One He sent.

The work of God is for you to believe on the one he sent which saves you, and then the work of God is for you to become exactly like the one he sent, and this means to do the same works the same way Jesus did them..

I've probably been a Christian for more years than you've been alive and it took me this long. Your taunting tone is not helpful, do you understand what I'm saying? Your nah nah na nahnah is off putting instead. "No Christian has the right to be sick?" Is that what Jesus said to the sick and lame?

Im probably older then you are, but i have a lot more youth:thumbsup.
And you are absolutely Christian has the right to claim that God made them sick, as this is the same as saying that Jesus came to harm the broken hearted, give cancer to the blind, and break the bones of the lame.
So, isnt that incredibly stupid?
No, its way way way beyond stupid.
Yet, many Christians will lay the blame for their illness at the feet of the very Cross that trickled down the healing blood of the Holy one who came to heal them by his stripes.
Its just the most incredible thing that many Christians claim a right to be sick, "coz God is testing me", or "because God wants me to grow spiritually".

Even if your type of message doesn't downright discourage the hearers/readers in their conditions, it will certainly not assist anyone towards looking into what is their RIGHT as God's chosen elect. I actually pray that towards your converts you are more helpful and compassionate than your posts would lead us to believe.

And I'm done with this discussion.

Listen tessiewebb, if you will deal with the subject matter of my Threads, and forget about what you perceive as my "tone", then things will be just fine.
My Threads, including the things ive said to you today, ....just use your bible and meditate on the principles.
Thats the key.
Start and stick and become.
Thats the means and the method and the way.

Sister, be blessed,

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Galatians 2:20 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

Greater works will we do if we believe in that work of Christ while He walked the earth as Jesus was one who understood that of God being that very Spirit of God come in the flesh, yet the Disciples were without Spiritual knowledge until the day of Pentecostal when their Spiritual eyes were opened and then they understood the teachings of Christ and the signs and wonders among those who did not believe.

The key word is believe and as Jesus was one on earth, now are many in belief and have answered the call to pick up their cross and continue in the greater works of the Lord. We are not above our master nor could we ever do greater things then what Christ already started, but walk with him by our side. We have no need to worry for anything in our own life if Christ is truly in us.
I don't see any questions in my post. Jesus fulfilled the law and if He did not then it's not "you are under a curse" but we are ALL under a curse. Including you. Since it was God speaking the words in Deut 28, I hardly think He meant He would cause the cursed to be demon possessed. You might want to check the NT.

Who do you think made the demons? Why did He do it? And what would your definition of a curse be, if not to have demons? Jesus came to tell us about this spiritual world, but satan comes to hide it. I clearly see who people are listening to when they say statements like yours.
Who do you think made the demons? Why did He do it? And what would your definition of a curse be, if not to have demons? Jesus came to tell us about this spiritual world, but satan comes to hide it. I clearly see who people are listening to when they say statements like yours.

So far as I can tell, demons are fallen angels. The Bible doesn't really say and I haven't searched it out enough to say that is true conclusively. I assume you are saying God did. My definition of a curse is the same as the Bible's. Deut 28. (I'm going to ignore your last statement becuz you don't know any better.)

Jesus said to the Pharisees who said He had a demon and that He cast them out by Beelzebub "A kingdom divided will fall." So if God sent them into people, why would His Son cast them out? Are you thinking that God made satan enter Judas Iscariot or that Judas invited him in by his betrayal?
Actually Jesus didn't say it. Scripture tells us that satan entered in to Judas.


i hope you are doing well?

when you have time....take your New Testament and turn to John 6:70,71.
read it.

Jesus speaking.....verse 70....."JESUS answer them....Have i not chosen you 12 and one of you is a devil?

verse 71....."He (Jesus) spake of Judas"

you enjoyed that as much as i did?
glad i could bring you some joy to start your day...
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine...:yes

And, it is interesting to watch TV preachers these days, isn't it?..
And im pretty sure that some of them use big screens to reproduce their faces to be say...10x10 sq feet?
So, if you factor in front teeth, you are looking at teeth that are at least a foot high.
Mature Sperm whales dont have teeth that large...(or that white).

Now there is one TV preacher, (whom shall remain nameless),.. however, ive seen extended closeups of his face that he likes to continually offer his audience during his presentation, and all you see are teeth.
Teeth, teeth, teeth., like a neon white picket fence surrounded by lips.
He's like watching a 30 min add for advanced dental whitening, while you generally get a watered down feel good gospel message also for your time well wasted.
I find this very entertaining.

One other thing i like to compare is who has the best tanning booth tan among the TV evangelists//TV preachers.
I know whom i think it is, but i wont say, as this could be perceived as disrespect here among the devout brethren.., and i'd never want to disrespect a TV Preacher's tan, ...especially after they spent so much time and money to perfect it.


We all notice this, don't we?

Funny people indeed.

i hope you are doing well?

when you have time....take your New Testament and turn to John 6:70,71.
read it.

Jesus speaking.....verse 70....."JESUS answer them....Have i not chosen you 12 and one of you is a devil?

verse 71....."He (Jesus) spake of Judas" K

You are so arrogant. I know very well what Jesus said; Scripture also says what I said it does. Deal with it.

And while you're at it, get your Bible and think deeply on this verse: Romans 12:3 For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think [of himself] more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.
So far as I can tell, demons are fallen angels. The Bible doesn't really say and I haven't searched it out enough to say that is true conclusively. I assume you are saying God did. My definition of a curse is the same as the Bible's. Deut 28. (I'm going to ignore your last statement becuz you don't know any better.)

Jesus said to the Pharisees who said He had a demon and that He cast them out by Beelzebub "A kingdom divided will fall." So if God sent them into people, why would His Son cast them out? Are you thinking that God made satan enter Judas Iscariot or that Judas invited him in by his betrayal?

I think you got understanding. It is by disobedience that we come under the curses of the Law (Deut 28). but when God framed this thing, He set forth blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience. That is why it is important to keep the Law, and not only 'do not murder or steal'. When God said " Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee." He was giving us a choice. Honour your parents, live a long life. Thereby saying also, don't honour = live a short life.
I know very well what Jesus said; Scripture also says what I said it does. Deal with it.

Actually, Jesus does say it.
So, if i quote the verse , ....does this make me harsh?

Jesus knew who Judas was and what Judas would do before he picked him.
Judas had a role to play, and he provided it.
God did not design him to do it, but he knew he would as that is the foreknowledge of God in action.

God also knows what we are and what we are going to do every second.

Today i went to the beach.
God knew it before i was born.

The tone of this discussion has not been fruitful. If it continues, I'll need to close it up. Do not continue to make this personal, because I don't want to do that.
It is by disobedience that we come under the curses of the Law (Deut 28). but when God framed this thing, He set forth blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience. That is why it is important to keep the Law

You are entirely missing the point of Christ's death and resurrection in this. No one has ever kept the Law (but Jesus) and so we are all under the curse unless we recognize that we are not under Law but under Grace. Grace and Truth that came with Jesus and is ours if we will open our eyes and ears to the Gospel.