I'm sorry, K, but this post is so borderline right on so many levels and I'm sure you don't see it at all. Might even take umbrage at what I'm saying. I'm going to ask you to count the number of times you used "I" and "should" in this post.
Well, first of all, if im giving my partial testimony, then im allowed to say "I";)
So, Id ask you to count the number of times im right in the post.
Isnt that the main thing?
I can feel your joy at how blessed you are and I share in your joy for you. I also believe with you that all of God's children could prosper and be in health. What is troublesome is the underlying message that if His children are sick and poverty stricken, there is something wrong with their part of the Body. I do not think that is an encouraging message. It sounds more like a schoolyard taunt.
Well, you are perceiving an underlying message that does not exist.
The fact is, sickness and poverty are excluded from the Jesus's Kingdom.
So, if we are sick and broke, it is not his fault.
Sometimes we die young, sometimes we as Christians suffer a harvest that is related to our sowing.
The thing is,.........God's system, is not flawed, but.........we are.
And if we dont use what is available, then whose fault is that?
In the end it comes down to lack of knowledge and lack of understanding and lack of faith and obedience and so........destruction follows.
No Christian has a right to be sick, even tho many cling to their situation as if its God's will for any of his children to be sick.
This right was taken away when sin was pardoned and the law and the curse was eliminated.
However, many Christians will never believe that they have the authority to stop sickness anymore then they will believe that God does not want his children to be sick.
Let me ask you this.....Was Jesus ever sick?
Why not?
And now we have the same "heir" position in the family that he has....as a matter of fact we are seated with him right now next to Father God.
So, why dont so many Christians accept their position and recognize who they are now become, "in Christ".
Is it pride?
Is it just lazy theology.
Is it denominational brainwashing?
Is it fear?
You know..........ive noticed that people will stay in a horrible "love" relationship for way too long, because they get use to it, and because they are afraid of CHANGE.
And many times, people will stay stuck in life, because they are use to it, and because they are afraid of change.
Change is scary.
Change is hard.
And for many.... leaving a false and puny understanding of Salvation is a big change,....huge.....and not only that.....There is something about wrong doctrine that once you become infected with it.....the devil will use the scriptures more and more to keep you deceived.
He is so very good at this, that its almost impossible for someone who is really off the chain regarding messed up theology, to come back.
For example, take a look at some of the water baptism professionals here who respond to me.
"Kidron....yes i know its by faith in Christ alone.....BUT........BUT..........BUT.......>
And, one last thing, your use of the word "church" as in "my church" and "your church" is truly wrong. The entire Body is the "church". And as Paul pointed out, no one part is more needed than the other. In fact, I believe he said the less honorable parts are the ones that get the greatest covering.
Tessiewebb, i think you know that we all refer to the church we attend as "our church".
So, there was no implication by me that im not aware of the body of Christ at large, Tessiwebb.
My point, and its always the same, is to get you to examine yourself based on something real.
This is why im here for a little while.
So, if i tell you that "my church", supports 40 full time missionaries , and has produced over 140 full time Pastors who started full time churches.......then, im telling you this to compare it to yours so that you have the correct way to think about "church" and its true reason to exist.
See, im an evangelist, and that is why my anointing is very convicting.
i know how to use the tools that God has gifted me with so that the reader is allowed a different experience then what they are use to regarding sites like this one.
My words have authority and confidence because i know what im talking about.
I dont bend the bible and i dont play around with opinion.
Im not new to this, im not a novice, and my theology is very very sound.
I can guarantee you that many people here read what i have been writing and they feel as if they are reading something that finally makes perfect sense.
Why is that?
Its because i have an anointing to teach, and that is why what i say seems so clear and so simple.
Sometimes, for example, a Christian just does not have a way to understand salvation so that it makes real good sense.
"Imputed righteousness.
Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.
Justification by faith."
say what????????????????
So, when i say........"if you take Jesus then God takes YOU".
Well, this is so clear that even a water baptism obsessive can figure it out.
Sometimes a Christian gets so caught up in Christianese that no unsaved person can interpret the foreign language.
So, when i teach, i use my gift of clarity to make an impact.
Lastly, and personally, I reject your implication that my faith is not "real and useful". First because I, like all of His children who are actively seeking His kingdom and righteousness, am "working out my own salvation with fear and trembling".
Real and useful Faith....is exactly the same kind that Jesus has.
It is the device that activates God into a situation.
Its real because it is alive based on the understanding that as a Son of God, we have the right to expect God to answer and solve something ever time we pray according to his will..
Useful Faith is the kind that God uses to change what is dead or dying or wrong, into Life, living, and right.
I wrote 3 threads that have the power to change someone's faith from a dead definition to a God activated force.
Secondly because the posts you believe we should "print out and study" have the same taunting tone that this one does, it would be very difficult for them to be helpful to me or anyone else who senses the disdain.
What you perceive as "disdain" is actually just a very direct approach to the heart of the matter.
I take it for granted that 99% of the Christians on any Christian forum, are more interested in Facebook and Cable TV and eating then they are with winning a soul.
The average Christian spends more time reading emails then they do reading the bible, so is it any wonder so many are depressed, sick, broke, and taking XanaX?
I can promise you that not 4 people here, out of all the readers, have led more then 5 people to Christ.
Most here dont even witness.
This is the age of the self centered Christian who is more interested in their opinion then they are with spiritual revelation.
So, regarding my 3 Threads.
Get the info found therein, apply it, and you will find that your Bible will begin to show you what ive been teaching.
It'll show you.
And when this happens, your faith will change and your entire perception of who you are to God......that is to say.....what you are "in Christ", will revolutionize your Christian experience.
Step 1 is to get saved.
Most Christians never really get past this initial starting gate because it gets harder once you get saved and most return to their past sins and well worn habits only to find that something goes really wrong inside when you do that .
Step 2 is to come to the revelation of who and what you are in Christ, and once that happens, your Christian life is really going to change.
Above and beyond all that, though, kidron, I believe you do have a heart for the Body at large and desire that we should all prosper.
Of course.
Im no different then Jesus., according to God.
And neither are you.
He is sinless, and so are we.
He is a Son of God, and so are we.
He has eternal life, and so do we.
He is seated at the right hand of the Father, and so are we.
He is in the earth right now forgiving, healing, saving, and so are WE. (is the idea)
He is coming back to rule and reign, and so are we.
He and his Father are one, and so are we.
He was sent to restore what was stolen and destroyed by the devil, and so are we.
Everything he can do, we can do "in Christ"-"through Christ".
Everything he has access to, we have access to.
He is in us and we are in him.
All God has, and All God is, and All God can do, has become our Sonship right of provision for equipping us to do the will of God everyday in every way.
All we have to do is get the revelation........(see above)...................^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
be blessed,