- Jun 21, 2009
- 10,783
- 414
not too good at talking about the Word and not looking to the source
You are very welcome to discuss the Word of God here. That goes without saying. The objection comes when one person asserts his/her own opinion about the meaning behind the Truth if the Scripture as more authoritative than another Member's thought. That is no longer general talk and crosses over the threshold into debate. Teaching the finer points of the Word of God is the job that belongs to The Spirit Holy, being The Teacher and all.
I like this conversation because it does touch on cessation of works (resting). There is no burden that is solely upon one man to reveal what he thinks is absolute and inviolate truth. "My burden is light..."
It is my prayer that He lead us and shows all that He will reveal and that our ears are made ready to listen and hear Him. So often we fall into the old "he said, she said" position. So yes, speak of the Word of God and Yes, look to the source who is God and who also teaches us to honor and bring honor to others even above that which we afford ourselves. That's all good.
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