Insults, arguments, holier than thou - here we go again.
Of course we have gentile-ized Christianity. We have also Westernised it, modernised it, rationalised it, modified it, argued over it, insulted over it, killed over it and civilised it.
Anyone who thinks that Christianity is now the same as it always has been is woefully ignorant of the history of the last 2,000 years.
In our own vanity, we each assume that we 'know' what God would really want us to believe and obey that is contained in the bible. Do we really have to accept the guidance about how to treat slaves or can we make up our own minds based on our 'modern' civilisation? Do we really have to kill witches still? What about stoning people? Shouldn't wives obey there husbands? Maybe we should still be testing suspected adulterers with bitter water? I am sure you understand my point (I don't want to argue each of those by the way).
If we ignore the thousands of small Christian cults, there are about 200 major sects, orders and denomination who call themselves Christian - some of them staggeringly different. Within each of those groups there will barely be two thinking people who believe exactly the same thing because we all believe we know best. We don't accept what we are told if is doesn't seem right to us so we have completely lost any uniformity in Christianity.
Instead of obedience and uniformity, the modern conceit is to imagine that we each have a 'personal relationship' with God. In most people that justifies whatever they want it to and encourages them to dance on the head of a pin over some trivial words or beliefs that really have no importance or substance.
We all know that there was long, bitter, aggressive and destructive argument over what originally went into the bible yet some people want to carry on with that fruitless argument from a position of almost total ignorance. Why ignorance? Because virtually all of the conflicting documents they were arguing over were burned 1700 years ago.
Just pray for your fellow man and stop arguing over trivia. What was it Emperor Constantine said to the original Synod at Mycea when he felt they were taking too long? Something like, 'stop wasting your time over trivia'. Nothing changes does it!