Um, didn't we cover this just a few moments ago? Eternal = everlasting for both life (reward) and death (punishment).
Eternal= everlasting? If aionios means everlasting or eternal; without beginning and ending as per Dr. James Strong, could you state what then is the meaning of prov aijwvnioß crovnoß?
Prov= _______________?
aijwvnioß= Everlasting/Eternal/Without beginning or ending?
crovnoß= _______________?
The adjective aionios rests upon the noun aion. Can you demonstrate that aion means everlasting or eternal?
Zoe aionios eternal life, occurs 42 times in the New Covenant and is not endless life, but life pertaining to a certain age or aeon, or continuing during that aeon. I repeat, life may be endless. The life in union with Christ is endless, but the fact is not expressed by aionios. - Dr. Marvin Vincent-