- Nov 15, 2009
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veteran said:Most of the first five verses of Rev.12 are a summary from the time of Satan's original rebellion down to the future time when Christ will rule all nations with a rod of iron, which is Milennial timing. The woman there is Israel as those symbols were first given in Joseph's dream, Gen.37 I think. The "red dragon" is Satan, because Rev.12:9 does define that as one of his many titles. Rev.12:3-4 happened long ago though, because that's about the time when the devil first rebelled against God, and drew one third of the angels (stars) into rebellion with him. A system beast with only seven crowns is linked to that event of Satan's original rebellion. The one in Rev.13 has ten crowns instead.
Then at Rev.12:6 forward, that's a jump to the tribulation timing. I do not hold to the idea that every prophecy in God's Word is meant as a day=a year application, but only where God's Word says it does. I see the 1260 days, or 42 months, or three and one half years according to how it's written literally. If that were not so, then for 1260 years God's two witnesses should have been prophesying in Jerusalem, yet we haven't seen that event happen.
I would entertain the idea that the war in heaven was the original rebellion of Satan but
the only problem I have with that idea is this verse below.
Revelation 12:10 Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, “Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down.
The time of the cross was when the salvation, strength, and the kingdom of God and power of Christ have come. That is the time that salvation did not become a theoretical possibility, it became a reality and Christs atonement for sin solidified God's plan of redemption. Because of the cross Satan has been cast down as he no longer has the capability to prevent the salvation plan of God. This did not occur in the garden of Eden.
The woman is the Israel of God, not the nation of Israel. It can't be because the child is Christ and AFTER the child was caught up to heaven the woman fled into the wilderness where she was fed.
veteran said:Especially note that after the dragon is cast out of heaven, the Scripture makes mention of those who overcame him through the Blood of The Lamb Jesus Christ. That's a pointer to the tribulation time, not the whole of Church history. We also know for sure that casting out of Rev.12:7-9 is not about Satan's original rebellion of old either, since Christ had not yet come to die on the cross back then. Rev.12:3-4 is to show Satan's first casting out, and that in contrast to his final casting down to earth for the future great tribulation.
Could you explain your position a little more? I'm confused as to how "overcame through the blood of the Lamb" relates to the great tribulation time and not the whole of church history? Please explain more about the "first casting out" versus "final casting out"? I only see one casting out demonstrated in Revelation 12.
veteran said:That symbolic flood is also linked to events in Rev.9 about the locust army involving the 5th and 6th trumpets. All that is still future to us, because the tribulation has not started yet. Per OT history, that flood of waters was used as a symbol for how the enemy would come upon Israel for a spoil. The king of Assyria did that literally by removing all the ten tribes out of the land, and then later the king of Babylon did that when he destroyed Jerusalem and took Judah captive to Babylon. All that OT history serves as an ensample of the end. The main difference is historically it was a literal time of destruction, while in the end it's going to be about spiritual destruction through lies that come out of the mouths of the dragon and his locust army of Rev.9.
I will go over the verses in Isaiah that you mentioned, unfortunately I don't have much time right now.
veteran said:The idea of the woman fleeing into the wilderness is metaphorical about not being deceived, being under God's protection and sealing. That idea appears again later in Rev.12:14 after the dragon is cast to the earth. The war in the last verse is about the end tribulation timing, especially the very end when the devil will get fed up and seek to destroy Israel totally (per the army that comes out of the northern quarters in Ezekiel 38 & 39. That's the Rev.16 Armageddon event when The LORD is going to rise up off His Throne and step in to destroy that army, which ushers in the Day of The Lord events and Christ's coming.
It's possible that Rev.12:6 may represent the first half of Daniel's "one week" (7 years), while Rev.12:14 after the dragon is cast down to the earth (again) would represent the last half of the tribulaton.
I agree that the woman fleeing into the wilderness is about God's divine protection.
First off Revelation 12:14 *does NOT* state that the dragon is cast out again. The cast out here when read in context is referring to VERSE 9
Let's pull up these verses.
Revelation 12:9 So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
Revelation 12:13-14 Now when the dragon saw that he had been cast to the earth, he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male Child. But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent
Here's the problem that I have with Rev 12:6 representing the first half of Daniel's "one week".
AFTER the war in heaven, Satan is cast down THEN the woman flees into the wilderness.
How can the war in heaven (verse 7) refer to the great tribulation, when AFTER this war occurs, Satan then persecutes the woman and then she flees into the wilderness?
According to your theory, the woman would have to flee FIRST (first half tribulation) then the dragon would have to be cast out (second half tribulation). This is not referring to the tribulation period *at all*.
Revelation 12:13 Now when the dragon saw that he had been cast to the earth, he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male Child. 14 But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent.
This is referring to the time Satan was cast out because the crucifixion of Christ became a reality.
Now Satan tries to persecute the church and destroy it but the church is protected and spiritually fed for 1260 days.
I can go into detail about the two witnesses and how they are a symbolic representation of the church.
I can demonstrate how this is a different facet of revelation 12. I'll have to do that some other time though.