- May 23, 2009
- 529
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This is going to be an interesting topic, i can feel it already!
I would pleasantly like to say that Homosexuality is a natural occurrence.
ah ah ah! don't start typing away yet, please read on...
There has been around 1500 species that have portrayed homosexual behavior. Over 500 of those species are well documented cases. Not only that but there's quite a lot of species that are only females, these species can be found in Insects, Crustaceans, Snails and flatworms, Reptiles, Sharks, Birds, Mammals and more classes. In some species homosexual behaviors can exist within 60%-80% of the population.
I you'd like specific species, head here for:
Insects and other invertebrates
In minor relation, The vast majority of reef fish change sex at some time during their life span and continue to breed.
Now, don't get me wrong with this information. I am not saying that whatever other animals do, humans do. That is not what I am trying to portray. I am however showing that homosexuality is a natural occurrence in thousands of species.
When it comes down to the fundamentally religious view of homosexuality, it is taught as an "abomination". This is where the real issues begin. Obviously religion is a large part of today's society, and as with anything that is a large part of today's society, it can be misused.
There is a very interesting documentary out there called "For the Bible Tells Me So" that touches up on this aspect of the issues I'm referring to that i beg you to watch. The movie itself is not meant to belittle your faith or make fun of Christianity or even say that Christianity is wrong. It does, however, focus on what people aren't. Namely what the bible really says about homosexuality.
Leviticus 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them.
Reverend Steven Kindle discusses this by saying "If you read the bible on a face value level, that really disregards several very important things." and continues "The first one is a few versus before that, Moses teaches in Leviticus that it is an abomination to eat shrimp." Kindle also says "It is an abomination to eat a rabbit"
Kindle talks about the word abomination within the bible by saying "When it comes to the word 'abomination' within the bible, it is always used to address a ritual wrong." In other words, it's against [the authors' cultural] tradition or against their rituals. Kindle continues "It never is used to refer to something innately immoral. Eating pork was not innately immoral... but it was an abomination, because it was a violation of a ritual requirement."
This is all quoted about 20 minutes into the documentary I talked about just a moment ago.
As for if it's a choice or not, (the video also goes into that as well) Personally, i can not see how it could be a choice at all. (i'm sure you've heard this line) I never chose to be heterosexual, I may be able to suppress my heterosexuality if i really really wanted to, but I'd still be attracted to women in the end. My gay friends all say the same thing, they never made a choice, they were simply attracted to the same sex.
So i am curious to know if anyone on this forum still thinks of homosexuals (or homosexual behaviors) as an abomination (in this age's description of it) or not?
I would pleasantly like to say that Homosexuality is a natural occurrence.
ah ah ah! don't start typing away yet, please read on...
There has been around 1500 species that have portrayed homosexual behavior. Over 500 of those species are well documented cases. Not only that but there's quite a lot of species that are only females, these species can be found in Insects, Crustaceans, Snails and flatworms, Reptiles, Sharks, Birds, Mammals and more classes. In some species homosexual behaviors can exist within 60%-80% of the population.
I you'd like specific species, head here for:
Insects and other invertebrates
In minor relation, The vast majority of reef fish change sex at some time during their life span and continue to breed.
Now, don't get me wrong with this information. I am not saying that whatever other animals do, humans do. That is not what I am trying to portray. I am however showing that homosexuality is a natural occurrence in thousands of species.
When it comes down to the fundamentally religious view of homosexuality, it is taught as an "abomination". This is where the real issues begin. Obviously religion is a large part of today's society, and as with anything that is a large part of today's society, it can be misused.
There is a very interesting documentary out there called "For the Bible Tells Me So" that touches up on this aspect of the issues I'm referring to that i beg you to watch. The movie itself is not meant to belittle your faith or make fun of Christianity or even say that Christianity is wrong. It does, however, focus on what people aren't. Namely what the bible really says about homosexuality.
Leviticus 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them.
Reverend Steven Kindle discusses this by saying "If you read the bible on a face value level, that really disregards several very important things." and continues "The first one is a few versus before that, Moses teaches in Leviticus that it is an abomination to eat shrimp." Kindle also says "It is an abomination to eat a rabbit"
Kindle talks about the word abomination within the bible by saying "When it comes to the word 'abomination' within the bible, it is always used to address a ritual wrong." In other words, it's against [the authors' cultural] tradition or against their rituals. Kindle continues "It never is used to refer to something innately immoral. Eating pork was not innately immoral... but it was an abomination, because it was a violation of a ritual requirement."
This is all quoted about 20 minutes into the documentary I talked about just a moment ago.
As for if it's a choice or not, (the video also goes into that as well) Personally, i can not see how it could be a choice at all. (i'm sure you've heard this line) I never chose to be heterosexual, I may be able to suppress my heterosexuality if i really really wanted to, but I'd still be attracted to women in the end. My gay friends all say the same thing, they never made a choice, they were simply attracted to the same sex.
So i am curious to know if anyone on this forum still thinks of homosexuals (or homosexual behaviors) as an abomination (in this age's description of it) or not?