Tina said:
Of course it's bad ... any resistance to the Word of God (Bible) whether violent or non-violent is bad !
Do you think we should kill these people as well?
Tina said:
And I don't understand how YOU can go on to IGNORE every Scripture we've shown to prove to you that homosexuality is blatantly sinful and wrong ... and yet choose to believe in some gay pastor's distorted and biased interpretation of scriptures. He claimed that "the Bible really doesn't deal with homosexuality because it has no concept of it" .... when in fact, the Bible does amply deal with homosexuality and I believe the scriptures have already been laid down for you crystal clear.. You obviously choose to believe his distorted claims over what we are trying to present to you as truths in this thread .... Reducing the word "natural" to mean "customary" does not automatically make it right or make homosexuality sinless .. If what this Reverend did or said was nothing wrong and nothing to be concerned about, he wouldn't have been defrocked by the Methodist Church to begin with .. He strayed from the truth !
No actually, I haven't, in fact in my original post I posted scripture that showed that homosexual behavior was against tradition/rituals. What I have done, however, is show you that your concept of the bible is only produced by the words within it, but not what the words traditionally mean. You simply cannot understand what the bible truly means if your understanding of it is only within a modern mind. Just as you will not truly understand Shakespeare before you understand the language he spoke in. You may be able to pick apart bits and pieces, but the overall meaning of whatever he wrote may be lost because of your lack of understanding of his culture and language. The exact same thing applies to the bible.
You are very correct in saying that "reducing the word 'natural' to mean 'customary does not.... make it right or make homosexuality sinless" That wasn't my point, the point was that if we have the dangers of reading the bibles words without understanding the bibles words than misinterpretations can be made. In this example, the use of the word natural can make a average reader assume that it literally means natural. Then assumptions can be made that homosexuality in itself is not natural, when in tern what was originally meant wasn't literally "Natural" but "customary", which then gives a totally different meaning to that whole verse.
Tina said:
Geez man, you're hysterical ... I never meant to embarrass you ! ..
Ah, your case is much more severe than I first thought. Embarrass me? no, i'm sorry, in fact you made me laugh. Perhaps you should re-read what was previously posted by me and yourself. Here's a quick summary just in case you misunderstand, again.
~ I stated "I can prove how Praying deals with psychological factors too"
~ You stated "Ok, prove it"
~ I then gave you a long list of articles (
some from Christian sites, some from Christian authors and all from Christian tests, which were funded by Christian Churches)
~ Before acknowledging the list, you simply posted saying that you already made up your mind because you "knew" I was going to give non-theistic studies as evidence, and presented yourself as a close minded person (refusing to believe anything outside of your comfortable zone [aka, "nothing out of Christianity is true"])
~ I then showed how your intense distaste for anything non-Christian made you make a massive (and embarrassing) error of assuming that I'd only give non-theistic examples simply because I am an Atheist. which not only is rather arrogant of you (which is a sin by the way [Mk 7:22 NIV; Isa 2:17,11 NIV; Ro 1:30; 2 Cor 11:20; Isa 13:11]) but also bitter of you (also a sin [1 Tim 6:20; 2 Tim 2:16]), is Despising one of God's Children (sin = Mt 18:10), and trust me I could go on.
~ What happens after I show you how your intense distaste for anything non-Christian lead you to be close minded and wrong? Well I showed you why that was true, and showed you that all the links i gave you are in fact Christian based in some one.
Your inability to accept anything other than words from a christian (and even then I have my doubts you'll accept even truth from a christian if it goes against what you perceive in the bible as true), makes you so incredibly blind to anything outside your little world of a face value level bible false, that you are incapable of learning even the basics of
anything if you think it is at all threatening to anything you believe in. Which in itself is a denial of knowledge. In other words, I couldn't convince you that fish live in water if you thought otherwise.
Tina said:
Just trying to show you that your "Christian" viewpoints are not really christian after all ..... But how would you know, you're not a Christian !
... Do you even know that your addressing anymore? The "Christian viewpoints" i was talking about were the
articles. You know, the ones that talked about tests funded by
Christian Churches? I think you need to take a rest from this topic, because your incapable of understanding what is even being talked about now.
Jasoncran said:
so the ending there in romans 1 is death for those that break custom? wow, god is harsh.
I agree
Jasoncran said:
evo, you are preaching that we cant change them nor can they be changed. and that is natural. duh
Are you ignoring what I've been saying?
I've said numerous times that initially, it's not a choice - because it's natural - but if someone really wanted to they could suppress those natural urges, possibly permanently as well.
Let me break that down for you. In the beginning of a persons life, they do not choose who they are attracted to, it comes naturally. Later on, however, one can potentially suppress those natural urges, possibly even for ever - aka, change.
In fact, could you please quote one of my posts that shows me saying that homosexuality cannot be changed?
Jasoncran said:
it aint natural. if God made men and women to be gay then he would have plainy said it..
I've shown you on countless incidences that it is in fact natural. However, scripture doesn't say that it is unnatural in the literal sense. No one can understand scripture until they understand the customs and the language of which the original was written in.
Jasoncran said:
hint: if you got to twist and rend scripture to make the point then it aint the truth or proper exegesis.
It's not twisting scripture around, it's not altering it in anyway. What you are reading is only what the modernized, literal view of scripture. The bible wasn't written in the sense that can be interpreted, literally, in modern times.
In fact, the act of taking the bible literally only really grew in strength in the 1920s. so we have nearly 2000 years of Christianity where the bible wasn't read in the sense that you read it as.
Jasoncran said:
at the age of ten, is when i had the first thought.
at the age 23 is when i stopped being bi.
Interesting. So then you'd agree with me that initially it wasn't a choice? Also an interesting note is that those are both ages that are drastically close to ages where high hormonal activity is present.
For both Tina and Jason, here is an interesting article I just read that may be able to answer some more questions.