- Dec 4, 2010
- 15,569
- 2,789
Exactly as Paul teaches in Romans 1
Stan, I'm sorry but you appear to have lost touch with the subject as has Oz from all appearances. You can beat the lost man over the head all day long with you 95 pound Study Bible and he will do the same thing I, as an Atheist would have done with this answer to the presented question. I would, immediately ask you for the emperacle science to back that up. You have quoted Oz and it appears you are backing his position without thought being given to the subject of the title and elaborated on in the OP.Title=How can you believe in something that can't be scientifically proven? OP=This is one of the questions that many secular people will ask.This is one of the questions my brother used to ask.He was a scientist.What would you tell them?
The Book of Romans is a great source for the faith building of the Christian, as it is for the seeker that has prayed and asked God to build his or her faith but for one wanting science to back up the God of creation, it will not help because there is no help in the field of science.
The Big Bang Theory and the Theory of Evolution have been tested long enough that the Scientific Community has been, for some years now, producing dyed in the wool scientists that are searching for a new theory to postulate and present because these have failed the test of science. The Bible, as we know it today, has been tested for about two thousand years and has stood the tests of time but if you hit them with Romans 1 they will laugh at you and tell you that is not a scientific answer... and they are right.
I believe every word and every principal set forth in the scriptures but that is because I have the faith my God has given me.