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Bible Study How Did Circumcision Create A Covenant With God?

It was a manner of giving his "seed" to God irrevokably. (Could not be revoked)
And God had already promised the "Seed of the Woman who will crush the head of the serpent" which would allow mankind back into the Garden in Eden and man and God could Tabernacle together once again.

So God accepted the Covenant. And the legacy of lineage of the "Seed of the Woman" would be with Abraham.
Circumcision was the rememberance and sign of this covenant about the Messiah to come. (For both sides of the covenant)
Failure to become circumcised showed a lack of faith in God or identity or something.
It is explained in Genesis 17:1-14. It was a sign of the covenant God made with Abraham and all other Hebrew generations. It was just to show the connection to God's promises.

So in other words it was like "if you want something from me this is what you have to do" kind of thing? Also, I assume that it was just part of the old covenant since unless you're Jewish, (which is rather ironic because that means an entirely different thing than back then when you were considered a Jew as I've found out on here before) I don't believe that it's expected of God today.
God's covenant He made with Abraham still stands today and forever. We being Gentiles grafted into the branches through that of Christ being the root are also under that same covenant and keep the command to circumcise. It's all about obedience to God's commands.
God's covenant He made with Abraham still stands today and forever. We being Gentiles grafted into the branches through that of Christ being the root are also under that same covenant and keep the command to circumcise. It's all about obedience to God's commands.

Are you sure? Not trying to doubt you but I never heard that said up until now and I know a lot of Christians who don't circumcise. It seems like a personal choice to me, and there are risks with it too if my memory is serving me correctly. Not to mention the fact that we're not underneath the old law anymore.
That's what I thought. I'm baptized but nobody is going to tell me whether or not I should circumsize any future sons of mine.
Not to go too far off topic, but yeah, as part of the covenant we are no longer required to circumcize, however, people still do it for sanitary/hygeine reasons. But for the covenental purpose baptism is all that is required, which incidentally is our biblical support for baptizing infants and children.
Not to go too far off topic, but yeah, as part of the covenant we are no longer required to circumcize, however, people still do it for sanitary/hygeine reasons. But for the covenental purpose baptism is all that is required, which incidentally is our biblical support for baptizing infants and children.

Actually I think that's still on topic as it covers circumcision. I don't believe in baptizing children until they are old enough to decide for themselves though.
Are you sure? Not trying to doubt you but I never heard that said up until now and I know a lot of Christians who don't circumcise. It seems like a personal choice to me, and there are risks with it too if my memory is serving me correctly. Not to mention the fact that we're not underneath the old law anymore.

Matthew 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. 18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

Matthew 22:34 But when the Pharisees had heard that he had put the Sadducees to silence, they were gathered together. 35 Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying, 36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law? 37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

There are 613 Levtical laws, but not all those laws are from God as man added many laws of their own within them.
Matthew 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. 18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

Matthew 22:34 But when the Pharisees had heard that he had put the Sadducees to silence, they were gathered together. 35 Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying, 36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law? 37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

There are 613 Levtical laws, but not all those laws are from God as man added many laws of their own within them.

Umm,.. what does that have to do with circumcision? :confused Please don't take this the wrong way but Knotical was more on topic with this than you are. Sorry, I'm just feeling a little hostile at the moment because I don't like being told how to parent. :hips

Can you show us that in the scriptures?

Can you please show us in scripture where it says that we are still commanded to circumcise because your last Bible quotes sure didn't. Don't you recognize the similarities though between baptism and circumcision? Both are submitting to God and tbh I think baptism is more important.
Actually I think that's still on topic as it covers circumcision. I don't believe in baptizing children until they are old enough to decide for themselves though.
This is the baptist approach to baptism. The Reformed approach takes direction from the accounts where new converts were baptized. It wasn't just them, they and their entire household were baptized. This does not mean they were all saved, but baptism is simply a sign to indicate they are all set apart by God.
This is the baptist approach to baptism. The Reformed approach takes direction from the accounts where new converts were baptized. It wasn't just them, they and their entire household were baptized. This does not mean they were all saved, but baptism is simply a sign to indicate they are all set apart by God.

Really? I thought that infant baptism was a Catholic and Methodist thing? Now we really are going off topic though.
I don't understand all of the words in this article but look at how many risks are there.

Actually many of the things talked about in this article aren't real risks.
And what isn't really addressed is the whole cleanliness thing and appearance thing.

Most guys are circumcised...for a reason. It's much easier (orders of magnitude) to keep a baby's genetalia clean when circumcised vx not. And considering the years they spend in diapers these days the circumcision really helps in this capacity.

As someone who has had kids and done plenty of babysitting...go ahead and get the procedure done long before the kid awakens from his first nap from being born...he won't even cry tears. It won't even hurt him. The nerve endings don't enter the foreskin until around the tenth day after the boy is born. (IOW he won't feel a thing)

He might feel cold from the clamp, he might see the light used to light him up so the moil can see. But then again maybe's a baby usually not even a day old.

Usually kids have more trouble out of losing the leftover umbilical cord to their belly button than out of their circumcision. (Truth)

And considering that one day they will have to shower for PE with's best to not have them stand out.
Actually many of the things talked about in this article aren't real risks.
And what isn't really addressed is the whole cleanliness thing and appearance thing.

Most guys are circumcised...for a reason. It's much easier (orders of magnitude) to keep a baby's genetalia clean when circumcised vx not. And considering the years they spend in diapers these days the circumcision really helps in this capacity.

As someone who has had kids and done plenty of babysitting...go ahead and get the procedure done long before the kid awakens from his first nap from being born...he won't even cry tears. It won't even hurt him. The nerve endings don't enter the foreskin until around the tenth day after the boy is born. (IOW he won't feel a thing)

He might feel cold from the clamp, he might see the light used to light him up so the moil can see. But then again maybe's a baby usually not even a day old.

Usually kids have more trouble out of losing the leftover umbilical cord to their belly button than out of their circumcision. (Truth)

And considering that one day they will have to shower for PE with's best to not have them stand out.

Okay, so what about circumcision in a biblical sense whether its still commanded or not?
Okay, so what about circumcision in a biblical sense whether its still commanded or not? I stated above, a long time ago in a land far far away.
It was about Jesus coming to die on the cross.
He has come, and He died, and He arose from the grave.

He is coming again, but there is no covenant sign given about it that is an outward sign like circumcision was.
Umm,.. what does that have to do with circumcision? :confused Please don't take this the wrong way but Knotical was more on topic with this than you are. Sorry, I'm just feeling a little hostile at the moment because I don't like being told how to parent. :hips

Can you please show us in scripture where it says that we are still commanded to circumcise because your last Bible quotes sure didn't. Don't you recognize the similarities though between baptism and circumcision? Both are submitting to God and tbh I think baptism is more important.

First I am not telling anyone how to parent. Second of all circumcision is part of the obedience of God's commands to the Jew first and then all Gentiles that are graphed into the branch. What I gave in those scriptures I posted shows that the laws have never changed nor are they done away with.

#17 of the Mosaic laws commanded by God: To circumcise the male offspring (Gen. 17:12; Lev. 12:3)

Those other scriptures I gave shows that nothing has been fulfilled yet other than Christ fulfilling the sacrifial law so we are no longer under the curse of the law. Jesus didn't come to free us from the law as He came to free us from sin. The obedience to the laws never enslaved us, but to bring us into obedience to God's commands.

Water baptism is an outward appearance to others that you have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior and will be obedient to God's commands. Water baptism is a symbol of being washed clean through the blood of Jesus who washes us of our sins.