So then if he is a sinner not judged by written law.
He is still judged.. by what or who?
It says they are a law unto themselves.
So there was always law and order in principle or by nature of creation..
Paul must be speaking of the written law.
Didn't Kain know it was evil unto him when he killed Abel?
He knew because I was not God's nature.. his own conscious condemned him.
I don't really know, just curious here..
Maybe not law but by self-condemnation?
He is judged by God without the Law. God doesn't need a written law to judge. Even without the law, men are guilty. Even without the law, they are without excuse before God. This is the message of (Rom. 1:18-32).
See (Rom. 1:20) 'without excuse'. (Rom. 1:28) 'they did not like to retain God in their knowledge'. (Rom. 1:32) 'Who knowing the judgment of God'.
Paul is not speaking of 'written law'. He is speaking of the constant witness of creation that there is a Creator, and the imprint upon man that he is created by God. (Rom. 1:19-20) No written law is necessary.
Cain is a prime example of one who is not under law, but is a sinner, and is guilty of murdering his brother. Note that God did not kill him and even protected him from man who would have killed him. (Gen. 4:15) God had not yet given a law. But Cain was still guilty. But God did not enforce judgement against that wrong immediately.
As far as how much Cain knew, of course Cain knew it was wrong. But he didn't know it was wrong by a written law. But, he did not care. Cain did not doubt God's existence at all. He spoke to God. (Gen. 4:13-14) But Cain acted by who he was of. And he was not of God. (1 John 3:12) He was of satan.
When God said in (Rom. 5:13), that 'sin is not imputed where there is no law', doens't mean the person goes scott free. It means God does not bring immediate judgement upon them for that sin, as there was no law. The person is still guilty, but does not face the 'immediate' judgement of God. The person is a sinner, but not a transgressor.