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How do you feel about Pagans?

How do you feel about pagans?

  • They are just like you and I

    Votes: 8 34.8%
  • I feel negatively towards them

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • I enjoy their company

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • I don't understand them and fear what they are capable of

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • I'm indifferent

    Votes: 11 47.8%

  • Total voters


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I'm wondering what the general opinion on this forum is towards people of pagan-based beliefs. What are some of your experiences with them? Do you dislike, or hate pagans? Have you ever met a pagan? Have you had any negative experiences? Positive experiences? Ever helped, or been helped by a pagan?
I put "I'm indifferent" because it honestly doesn't bother me what "other belief" anyone has...if they are not Christian they are in need of God's saving grace. Doesn't matter if someone is Muslim, Mormon, Atheist or Wiccan...if they don't receive Jesus' atoning death for their sins...they are all in the same boat and in need of God's love and grace.

When I live in an apartment complex...the last I lived in before getting married...I had pagans upstairs from me and a really scary guy next to me. Believe me, I preferred the company of the pagans. They were quite nice and had nice cats. Far better than the truly scary guy that lived next to me. Once I saw him stare into a box for about a two minutes...a long time just to stand there and stare. Then he started screaming and beating and kicking the box...just beat the heck out of it. Like I say, scary.

I'm curious as to why you're asking? Are you a pagan?
First of all "pagan" is such a huge term and has a several different meanings. I'm sure my meaning differs from others. To me a pagan is anyone who isn't a Christian. To the secular world a pagan is anyone who isn't a Jew/Christian/Muslim. And to the religious scholars a pagan is anyone who believes in a polytheistic or animistic religion.

I said that "I'm indifferent." I'd have put "I pity the foo" but it wasn't an option :biggrin
First of all "pagan" is such a huge term and has a several different meanings. I'm sure my meaning differs from others. To me a pagan is anyone who isn't a Christian.
I agree with that.
I have few of them. Some are very cool.
It doesn't matter: pagan or no pagan - follow Christ.
To tell you the truth I would have voted somewhere between enjoy their company and indifferent. I sure am not suspicious or scared of them.

What I found about them is they are deeply spiritual people like us. Often just like us they are brought up in pagan families and have no idea about Jesus at all. For that reason dont make assumptions. Others choose that way of life after knowing about Christ though I have found that to be a smaller amount of the ones I spoke to, most had no idea of the concepts of sin, devil, Jesus or what's in the bible.

They know lots about energy stuff.

They are not satanists or anything. There is some common ground pagans and Christians dont like satanists.

Treated with a bit of respect and dignity I have found them to be really nice to me even knowing I am a christian. On a forum some of them treated me with more tolerance, respect and helpfulness than I have seen anywhere.

Many times I heard comment from them about the negativity we project onto them. They dislike us doing that. Unfortunately some of them I spoke to have had fairly bad experiences with meeting Christians carrying unfounded and outright stupid superstitions into the meeting.

Why this is is because we are told to keep away from anything evil. For this reason we never take the time to fully understand someone before formulating a correct opinion of them.

Yeah they are OK, given a chance and some nice words you might find someone seeking spiritual experiences who might be interested in hearing about the amazing things the holy spirit does. And for maybe the first time in an exchange of ideas you might be able to tell what Jesus is all about if they have never been told before.
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I have nothing personal against those kinds of people other than any religion that promotions a concept of God that isn't supported by the bible is evil and demonic. If it's isn't from God it's from the devil.
I don't approve of their religion, obviously, but I don't think it would affect my interactions with them. I think modern day neo-paganism is just the spiritualized version of todays mushy minded multicultural, post-modern, relativist society. Do what you want, as long as it doesn't hurt anybody. Idolizing some warm and fuzzy Mother Goddess who doesn't have rules or punish sins. Imagine an afterlife of endless reincarnations or...whatever you want it to be, I suppose. With the right thoughts, herbs, and chants, you can make something happen.

Honestly, it seems kind of boring and dull. One reason I like Christianity is because it seems to intensify my life and feelings. Paganism seems like Novocaine for the psyche.
I am rather glad I found this thread actually. and I have enjoyed the majority of the answers I have found here.

I am actually Pagan. An Eclectic Wiccan to be Exact. Now I want to make a disclaimer right here. I am not trying to persuade anyone to change religions and nor am I trying to promote any particular faith. I don't want to change anyone's spiritual beliefs. I only wish to shed light onto what many Christians do not understand.

I actually find Christianity a beautiful religion filled with Love and Understanding. All true Christians I have met have accepted me as I am. They did not agree with my faith of course but did not judge me by it. I asked them actually how they were able to accept me so easily when (unfortunately) most Christians do not.

Their Reply was beautiful. What they said was this.
"Jesus teaches us to love they neighbor. He teaches us to not judge others. God has the right to judge for we don't know a persons heart like he does. If we were to have any hatred or judgment in our hearts then we would not be fully accepting Jesus into our lives"

I was totally blown away (in a good way) by them and totally changed my entire view of Christianity. In fact it was because of them that I have joined this site in an attempt to bring together all peoples of the world regardless of faith. Jesus teaches love. Why should anyone (christian or not) have a problem with it?

Also if anyone has any questions about Wicca or would like to make a point feel free to message me or respond to this post. I won't promote either religion but simply answer the questions truthfully.
Blessed be
I love them. I was once a nonbeliever, and I am not one to condemn or judge, that is God's job. As a Christian it is my job to try to bring those who don't believe to Christ. We MUST love them. It's so simple to me - I don't know how to put it any other way. Christ teaches us to love all, even our "enemies." It is not the flesh that is our enemy, but the forces of evil that corrupt minds and cause doubt in the heart.
I actually find Christianity a beautiful religion filled with Love and Understanding. All true Christians I have met have accepted me as I am. They did not agree with my faith of course but did not judge me by it. I asked them actually how they were able to accept me so easily when (unfortunately) most Christians do not.

Their Reply was beautiful. What they said was this.
"Jesus teaches us to love they neighbor. He teaches us to not judge others. God has the right to judge for we don't know a persons heart like he does. If we were to have any hatred or judgment in our hearts then we would not be fully accepting Jesus into our lives"
I don't personally ever say someone is "going to hell", because I will not make that call. I'm comfortable telling them (and you) where you can be assured the Promise of Everlasting Life. That is in turning yourself over to Christ and accepting His Sacrifice for your sins. It's interesting that you are able to deem who is a "true Christian". If you use the litmus test you've described here, it will fail sometimes.

There is a difference between judging someone sinful in comparison to oneself and judging that s/he has chosen anything but the Path that leads to Life. I believe it's fine to accept you for who you are, but Christians are not doing you any good by accepting your belief system the way it is. Any religion that dismisses Jesus as the Only Way is a wrong religion. I'm sorry for you and hope you will give more thought to the choice that we are Given. There can be only one Truth, and I believe you should pray on this and think it through seriously. You will not be able to tell the Lord that you weren't Given His Revelation.

Fluffy1 does not look to be coming back to discuss this, but to the OP itself, I didn't choose an option, because none seem to fit. I've described my reasoning in my response to Truesoul above.
. It's interesting that you are able to deem who is a "true Christian". If you use the litmus test you've described here, it will fail sometimes.

There is a difference between judging someone sinful in comparison to oneself and judging that s/he has chosen anything but the Path that leads to Life. I believe it's fine to accept you for who you are, but Christians are not doing you any good by accepting your belief system the way it is. Any religion that dismisses Jesus as the Only Way is a wrong religion. I'm sorry for you and hope you will give more thought to the choice that we are Given. There can be only one Truth, and I believe you should pray on this and think it through seriously. You will not be able to tell the Lord that you weren't Given His Revelation.

Fluffy1 does not look to be coming back to discuss this, but to the OP itself, I didn't choose an option, because none seem to fit. I've described my reasoning in my response to Truesoul above.

Thank you for at least being polite. I have actually given plenty of thought in my choice. I won't go into why. Its not because I cannot (for I could if this were an even debate) but I am not allowed to post anything that would be condemed as "promotional" towards wicca. If you would like to know why someone who was a christian for the majority of his life would turn away from the church and follow a Pagan path I will be more than happy to tell you via PM. But I am not here to argue or to pursaude anyone. I simply want to shed some light on some of the misconceptions about paganism.

And by what I mean by "true Christian" is someone that actually follows their own bible. Not the ones that go to chruch on sunday and then beat their wives on monday.

And the KKK likes to call itself a "christian" organization but I"m assuming many of you here would not like to be tied to such an organization. Anyone can call themselves christian but in my opinion (as a former christian) you are only a christian when you LIVE by your faith.
They are people just like the rest of us. :)
I should know, since I used to be one. :yes

People from all walks of life that need to accept Jesus...
Be they witch or Wiccan, Neo-pagan or Atheist, they all need
to accept our Saviour, Jesus and His offer of Salvation.

Perhaps, Truesoul, your journey is not yet complete, and you will
return to Jesus. Not to the church, so much, but to Jesus. For He is
truly the Way.

I'm wondering what the general opinion on this forum is towards people of pagan-based beliefs. What are some of your experiences with them? Do you dislike, or hate pagans? Have you ever met a pagan? Have you had any negative experiences? Positive experiences? Ever helped, or been helped by a pagan?
Do you want to know what emotion(s) people experience with regard to pagans ("How do you feel?) or do you want to know what people think about pagans?
The answers are so beautiful and this is so very thoughtful. Wicca is a recognized religion in the United States since 1987 and was likely founded in the 20's or 30's by a uh... interesting guy, Gerald Gardner. I make it a point to educate myself on various topics, like the old days. It's amazing the things you can find books on nowadays, informative and otherwise.

I was once a Wiccan. I still think it's a beautiful thing-and harm none is more strict than you might think. Gossip for example: it does hurt people eventually. It forces them to think long-term. People have told me many times in the ten years that Wiccans are the most polite, considerate people they know. Pagans might inform, but they aren't looking for converts-in fact, most recognize that Wicca/Witchcraft/Paganism is not for all.

This is a most excellent resource on the matter for those who wish to educate themselves without delving into the weirdness that is Wicca. This sort of reasoned conversation is so much better than what I expected.

I am a Christian now, but I have utter respect for them. If Wicca taught me anything, it is reverence for all creation-after all, God made it, didn't He? To wit, what convinced me to turn back to Christianity was this: Wiccans many times acknowledge that their God and Goddess are but two faces to some higher, unknown deity. Does that sound familiar?

"Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars' hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious. 23"For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you."

-Acts 17:22-23 (Wikipedia)

These answers are what you should get from most followers of Jesus that
have not been frightened by some authors that say they are former
As to those, since they have only fantasy/horror fiction to go on, can hardly
be blamed for some trepidation. Especially if they are not well versed in
scripture and grounded in their faith.

Wicca was indeed founded by Gardner as he pulled things from various
sources. I am fairly certain it was in the '50s though. I haven't bothered
to look it up in a long time.

While learning to revere our Lord's creation is a good thing, there is much
that is seriously wrong with paganism's most prolific branch: Wicca
The worst of which is that it leads people to worship god's rather than
our Lord Jesus. This gives them no hope when they pass on and end up
separated from God for all eternity.
When thinking of the people on that path, realize that hell is real and they
need Jesus just like the rest of us so they won't have to go there.
Some Wiccans do indeed follow the Rede in a strict fashion, others merely
give it a nodding on the way past it. It depends upon the person and
the flavor of Wicca they are following. After all, there are more flavors of
Wicca than flavors of Baptist. :yes
And that's not counting all the other forms of paganism...
Some looking for converts, some not.
Some polite folks, some not.
Just like folks everywhere, there are all kinds on that path.

the pagans that i know(most are odinists) are quite a fun group of guys, my question is more on the how do you guys feel about nihilists?
the pagans that i know(most are odinists) are quite a fun group of guys, my question is more on the how do you guys feel about nihilists?

As other members have said, from a Christian perspective a "pagan" is any individual who does not accept the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. This includes nihilists.

As to the specific pagan belief system of "nihilism":

If morality is subjective, than actions have no consequence. If I were to murder you, be found guilty, and executed that would still not even come close to repaying the suffering I wrought on you & your family. Even though it is not in my best interest to oppress you, there are a variety of motivations to do so; Mainly greed.

The point of "morality" (God's Laws)
is to convict us. To prove to mankind that he/she is incapable of following it. It exposes us as hypocrites.
However, through the grace of God, Jesus freely pays the debt we owe so we can experience salvation. Jesus accepts the punishment we so rightly deserve. All we have to do is acknowledge our ability for lawlessness and, believe that God's only Son intercedes for us.

I realize for most Atheist/Agnostic belief systems, it's more than just "morality". It's "creation" as well. If one ascribes to the notion that human life has no value, it is because of the belief that human life has no purpose. That the universe, let alone our existence in it, was a EDIT: cosmic eventuality.

As others have said, I too am indifferent to pagans. My only concern is that they accept God's love.
As other members have said, from a Christian perspective a "pagan" is any individual who does not accept the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. This includes nihilists.

As to the specific pagan belief system of "nihilism":

If morality is subjective, than actions have no consequence. If I were to murder you, be found guilty, and executed that would still not even come close to repaying the suffering I wrought on you & your family. Even though it is not in my best interest to oppress you, there are a variety of motivations to do so; Mainly greed.

The point of "morality" (God's Laws)
is to convict us. To prove to mankind that he/she is incapable of following it. It exposes us as hypocrites.
However, through the grace of God, Jesus freely pays the debt we owe so we can experience salvation. Jesus accepts the punishment we so rightly deserve. All we have to do is acknowledge our ability for lawlessness and, believe that God's only Son intercedes for us.

I realize for most Atheist/Agnostic belief systems, it's more than just "morality". It's "creation" as well. If one ascribes to the notion that human life has no value, it is because of the belief that human life has no purpose. That the universe, let alone our existence in it, was a EDIT: cosmic eventuality.

As others have said, I too am indifferent to pagans. My only concern is that they accept God's love.

it is refreshing to meet/hear from someone who actually understands classic nihilism, although i dont view myself as a pagan as i lean more towards the infidel(i dont know and dont presume either way) side of things. as to the life having no value point it depends on what one chooses to do with it that determines the value of it. do nothing it becomes worth nothing do something with it, it becomes worth something to someone. im more of the modern nihilist mostly with no moral absolutes, does this mean im a bad person? dunno. does it mean ill be going to hell when i die? again dunno. do I accept gods love? ..... difficult to say without going into too much personal beliefs and history, but id prob listen if i met him/her.
it is refreshing to meet/hear from someone who actually understands classic nihilism, although i dont view myself as a pagan as i lean more towards the infidel(i dont know and dont presume either way) side of things.

Haha, I don't think any of us here at CFnet presume you to be an "infidel". Simply because you do not accept Jesus Christ does not mean you are an enemy of the faith, as the word is used in Islam.

as to the life having no value point it depends on what one chooses to do with it that determines the value of it. do nothing it becomes worth nothing do something with it, it becomes worth something to someone.

So, human life is not intrinsically of value?

im more of the modern nihilist mostly with no moral absolutes, does this mean im a bad person? dunno. does it mean ill be going to hell when i die? again dunno. do I accept gods love? ..... difficult to say without going into too much personal beliefs and history, but id prob listen if i met him/her.

Having no moral absolutes does not necessarily make one a "bad person".

I assume you are somewhat familiar with the Ten Commandments; have you ever lied? Stolen something?

What about murder? Ever killed someone?

Even if you do not believe that taking a human life is objectively immoral, I doubt you are a supporter of killing people.

How about adultery?

Even if you are not married, the behavior remains the same.

I ask you these questions honestly.
Haha, I don't think any of us here at CFnet presume you to be an "infidel". Simply because you do not accept Jesus Christ does not mean you are an enemy of the faith, as the word is used in Islam.

So, human life is not intrinsically of value?

Having no moral absolutes does not necessarily make one a "bad person".

I assume you are somewhat familiar with the Ten Commandments; have you ever lied? Stolen something?

What about murder? Ever killed someone?

Even if you do not believe that taking a human life is objectively immoral, I doubt you are a supporter of killing people.

How about adultery?

Even if you are not married, the behavior remains the same.

I ask you these questions honestly.

in regards to the lack of value of life no i do not believe that it automatically has value, if a person does nothing with thier life then it is wasted and therefore is worthless.

also Infidel: (from websters) noun
1.unbeliever: somebody who does not believe in a major religion, especially Christianity or Islam
2.nonbeliever: somebody with no religious belief

as to murder or killing someone, yep, dont want to get into it but I spent 3 years in Iraq.

interms of adultry... meh if she wants someone else, whatever.

the rest of the commandments i forget em....:o


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