From an educational standpoint you, sputnikboy, don't know what you're talking about, and it is you who are lacking in any provision of a way out of this. It seems you only promote the staying in it for the simple reason being because of them being born with it. Shame, for shame, for you to lack providing the way out of homosexuality in all of your postings. You only speak of how it is, but never mention a way of how it can be and should be, for the whole being, healthwise, for these people who think they are homosexuals. Homosexuality is not God's way! God doesn't make junk! God purifies the unholy and makes it holy and just and righteous in His Holiness! Holiness, sputnikboy is a way without sin. There is no transgression or illness, or perversion in Holiness. But you sputnikboy, you advocate for the way of homosexuals, instead of the way out of it.
Also, Nothing like taking this topic off course to distract the real issue at hand, aye! :-?
This topic is about how homosexuals and their advocates misinterpret scripture. Please. Point out how these advocates are doing so in their postings.
In this case, Sputnik boy is resorting to the carnal minded thinking and not even considering holy scripture in his reasonings.
Sputnikboy uses carnal minded thinking instead of the Holy Spirit of God for his truth. A lack of use of scripture! Why? Because scripture only proves Sputnikboy's thinking to be in error, that's why he doesn't use it to back up what he says. Again, proof that advocated doesn't understand the character of God. Sputnik doesn't even use scripture to help him gain understanding is such areas as this one.
He only says "Christians" don't know anything about the physical side of it. You are dead wrong , Sputnikboy. Sputnik, are you a "student" of psychology? Well, it is clear, that you are of the secular mind set who leaves out the truth according to the Holy Spirit of God. If you would have studied the character of God as much as you concentrate on your secular mindset, you would have some clue as to the teachings of Christ Jesus and the workings of the Holy Spirit in that through man by way of Holiness of God. But you lack faith and belief in His Holy Word. So it does not work through you, And you just don't get it. You just don't understand the principles and precepts of the Holy spirit of God, It's purity it's cleansing powers, it's healing powers. None of it. You just don't get it. do you? So sad. Seems to me you haven't payed much attention to the Holy Spirit in how He reveals things both good and bad in life and of choosing the righteous path instead of the perverse. Well, "Christians" learn of both sides of the coin, while you only pay attention to the carnal and the secular. We believe in the "Holy" truth of the word and we believe in the consequences of transgressing the absolute Holy truth. You have consistently ignored it in your writings here But only continue to advocate for the homosexual as if they can't help it. When if FACT they can get healing and health in the Holy spirit.
Your messages sputnikboy, lacks provision of the solution! And that! is a distortion of truth by way of withholding the teaching of faith, the things hoped for!
And if you don't preach healing through faith and hope in the Holy Word of God then you are not advocating the cure, but are advocating the stuck in a rut mentality as if there is hardly a way out.
You call all of us unchristian, well, Sputnikboy, you messages lack of providing a way out of that homosexual life style is un-Christian! But you only act as if it is an okay way of being. Well it is not. It is a destructive way of life and the devil only comes to kill, steal and destroy. but you don't preach that do you? :-? You don't even teach the ways of the devil as the source of wanting to stay in all of that destructive lifestyle do you?
You are a type to promote the secular, carnal, and you advocate for it, instead of against the destruction it brings about by living in it in a distorted manner.
Sputnikboy, you cannot serve two masters. You either take side with God or you take sides with carnal minded thinking, and I see you have consistently taken side with the carnal minded thinkers of this world.
Have you considered the fact that there is nothing new to God and that the scripture
is the holy truth of God?
The scriptures reveal so much more than you are paying attention to, Sputnikboy. And so, because of your insistence on sticking to carnal minded thinking, you are blinded from His Holy Truth by your own stubbornness to stay in the carnal mindset.
Notice how this subject whenever any aspect of it is examined it always gets swayed off course by the advocates of homosexuality to the hate tactic. Sputnikboy, in his last ditch effort tries to use that old hate card, but it doesn't work and never will, so he may as well stop trying to use it.
When is he going to realize we do not hate people, but that we hate the sin. No different than any normal parent hates the misbehavior, but love their own child.
Sputnikboy, tell me, how do you account for people who have come out of homosexuality?
It seems to me, Sputnikboy, you have no "faith" in the healing powers of God through Christ Jesus. Christ Jesus taught that faith is what prompts the healing from God. Why don't you teach those so called "homosexuals' you advocate for the power of belief and faith in His Holy Word? Is it because your secular organizations or certain board members to such groups disallow it? :-?
Well stick to your secular societies way of thinking and you will be slow in finding help to those people who think they are homosexuals and "LOVE" being in that state of affairs. The Holy Spirit of God does not "love" perversely, and
anyone who "loves" the mind-set of homosexuality is in dire need of some mental help. Their "spirit" is being perversely affected by destructive carnality.
Anyone who advocates for homosexuality is very un-Christian.
If you claim to be a Christian, why don't you back up Jesus Christ who says to go and sin no more? Instead, Sputnikboy, you come on board and defend the physical, by claiming it's a physical thing, but nowhere do you say it is curable or that people can come out of homosexuality with proper assistance.
If you want to discuss it from the "physical" side of the spectrum. You should make your own thread and stop hijacking mine away from the subject of how homosexuals and their advocated misinterpret scripture!
You insist on bringing this up in this thread! Well then let's have a go at it Sputnikboy! If a person is born with a birth defect..... why ignore it, just because it is a sexual one. Doctors are still quite ignorant on this as they continue to perform operations on people that are detrimental to the persons as a whole in the long run. In cases of trans-sexuality, doctors look at the physical without considering the complete well being of the person. They only see the mind-set of the person, and regard only how strongly they are "set" in living in such a state and would think to be happy after the operation. How well they would handle it is not anywhere close to a doctor to determine for the simple fact that these people are unstable to begin with and that once they operation is done, their mind sets become worse not better. They are taken deeper into the perverse lifestyle than they were at first.
You must realize this is a new medical procedure. The doctors don't even know how these peoples mind-sets will be in 20 to 30 years from the operation. Why? Because they lack the knowledge of the carnal spirit of man vs. the Holy Spirit of God and the firm foundation from which it stands.
Look at plastic surgeons these days. Cosmetics takes precedence over a persons mental state. Proof being, there have been people who have had excessive unneeded cosmetic surgeries just because they "thought" they wanted to look prettier and in fact have ended up looking like
Michael Jackson! And continue to hold onto the perverse mindset in spite of their operations!
The Carnal mind set is a dangerous thing!
The problem is , Sputnikboy. You see it from a carnal mindset. You see nothing of this from the perspective of the inspired Holy Word of God. Do you take claim to being a Christian? If so, then Stop advocating for the carnal minded acts of sin. Everyone knows the Physical can be treated by doctors that aren't type who are nothing but butchers or money hungry vultures. Nothing like a good dose of testosterone when it is lacking or, in the case of women estrogen. If it is not physical, it is a mental condition. Both can be treated properly, And, Christ Jeus teaches the healing and overcoming of any malady. Even to those who are physically disabled in other ways.
If a person is depressed do we advocate for them to stay in the depressed state of being? NO. So then, why do you advocate for the person who has a chemical imbalance to stay in the homosexual state of being if what is out of balance in their bodies are their testosterone or estrogen levels? [/size]
If it isn't a physical condition, then for sure it is a mental one. Get a clue. And the cure in either case is available. Christ Jesus preached healing, as will testify many a former homosexuals.
The choices we make are determinant of the outcome we get. Choose homosexual life style, you will be plagued with far more problems than many other people on this earth who choose to not live that lifestyle, both mental and physical.
And so, Christ teaches to repent and follow Him. To go and sin no more.
And please stop hijacking this thread with your hate cards and your physical arguments.
This thread is about the mis-interpretation the homosexuals and their advocates use to suite their own distorted desires.
What scritpures they distort and how they are distorted is a what should be worked out here. If yu advocates of homosexuality want to start thread on the physical side of it or if you think hate is involved, then start your own thread on that specific subject. Thank you.
I appreciate all the "Christians" who have shown the advocates of homosexuality to be in error, however, can we get back on topic about which scriptures they use to distort truth and how it is they do not understand the character of God in doing so?
Much appreciated.