Barbarian obeserves:
I see no problem with the account in Genesis, unless someone tries to rework it into a literal history. Nor do I see any problem with our bodies being produced as God says,
in the same way other animals were produced.
That is a serious mistake.
I don't believe God makes mistakes.
God says that like man, all living things came from the pre-existing creation which is the Earth:
(Gen. 1:21-25)
There is an enormous difference between the creation of man and this description.
Of course. He made our bodies the way he made the other living things. But we got something else, which makes all the difference. That you body is the body of an animal is of no importance compared to the soul which you are. You are not your body.
Man is a separate, distinct, differently made creation.
Indeed. Each of us. Because of that difference. It's not the body.
First, there is a policy decision:
26 ¶ And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
Of course, the "likeness" is in our soul and in our intellect, being capable of knowing good, and potentially of having fellowship with God.
Then there is the implementation of the policy decision:
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
God doesn't have eyelashes, or elbows, or feet. It's not a physical likeness.
7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
Brought forth from the Earth, like the other living things, but then He does something different with us. And that makes all the difference.
The creation of the woman is even more distinct. She is not made of the dust of the ground at all, and is made later:
As the account itself shows, this is a metaphor for the way man and woman are intended for each other. And perhaps a bit of divine humor here; man is always brought forth by woman, not the other way around.
And Adam said: This now is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man. [24] Wherefore a man shall leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they shall be two in one flesh.
Barbarian observes:
He says that we are different, because He breathes into us directly, the breath of life that makes us a living soul. Note that it doesn't say that He gives us a soul. We become a living soul.
I'm happy to see that you have picked up on this. Quite correct.
The Hebrews did not believe there was an immortal soul. Ecclesiastes says:
Ecclesiastes 9:5 For the living know that they shall die, but the dead know nothing more, neither have they a reward any more: for the memory of them is forgotten.
Back to the errors.
Do you really think that there had been such a monumental change in the human constitution in the time between Ecclesiastes (and several of the Psalms) and when Jesus spoke? Really?
Can you imagine Jesus saying what the scribe of Ecclesiastes said? Seriously? He said just the opposite.
Barbarian observes:
The question of our bodies is a distraction, nothing more. Of course Adam was born.
Of course not. The account quoted above gives no such impression. He was made like a statue, and the breath of life breathed into his nostrils. 'Born' is a total misnomer. The absence of a mother should have given you a big hint there!
You're still trying to rearrange it as a literal history. And as you know, there's no logically consistent way to do it.
Barbarian observes:
Nothing is produced with "the appearance of age." God is not deceptive. And yes, if He gave us the world we have, consistently knowable and operating by a few simple rules, and then put things in it that only appeared to be so, that would be entirely deceptive.
Come Barbarian. This is silly. Any tree, any fish, any mammal having just been created en masse (as the Cambrian layer shows extremely well)
Given that we see the first chordates as extremely simple, minus fins, eyes, gills, etc, and only later and gradually, develop into the fish we see in later parts of the Cambrian and succeeding ages, you've clearly misunderstood what's in the fossil record.
would have APPEARED to be x years/days/whatever old.
Odd then, that we see larval and juvenile organisms there. That would be an extremely clever bit of dishonesty, making not only the appearance of age, but the appearance of matings that never happened. Give that the "appearance of age" is a man-made doctrine, with no support at all in scripture, why not just accept that what He shows us is an honest depiction of what was going on?
Barbarian asks:
Why would it be less acceptable to you to have your body produced by evolution than to have it molded out of mud? I don't see the issue here.
For the good and simple reason that the Bible, which is the inspired word of God says clearly that it happened like that.
But it doesn't. It merely says that he was formed of the slime of the earth. I suppose that's what creationists mean by "goo-to-you evolution." Suppositions like "appearance of age" are merely suggestions that God is less than completely honest.
Barbarian observes:
It's not a salvation issue, since God is really indifferent to what you think of the way our bodies formed. I wish we could agree on this, but it's not the sort of things schisms are made of. It's a distraction from the real issue.
The authority of the Word of God is a decided salvation issue, and a very real one.
Then it's probably not a good idea to be adding "appearance of age" and "literal history" to Genesis, since the text supports neither of these new doctrines.
Reject that, and you're finished.
I suspect, that in spite of everything, you're going to end up in Heaven, astonished at who else made it there.
Barbarian observes:
Suffice to say that Christians who accept Genesis the way I do, (a majority, if that matters to you) also think that the word of God is true and trustworthy.
Then I question the description of them as 'Christians'.
Doesn't matter, except to you personally. If you try to push people away from God, you only move yourself from Him.
Christianity is not something in which anything goes.
Creationism, for example. And appearance of age. "Life ex nihilo." Stuff like that aren't in there.
There are clearly defined parameters, to which you either subscribe, or are no Christian.
Somehow, I don't see you showing up and Peter saying "You believed in "appearance of age? The 'down' escalator is over there." You have to honestly know it's an insult to God for it to count as sin.
Barbarian suggests:
Perhaps if you had time, a review of
Communion and Stewardship would help you understand where I'm coming from.
Maybe a careful reading of Gen 1 and 2, with the attitude which says 'Look, this is the Word of the Living God. If I fail to give it that due reverence and respect, then the consequences could be fatal' would not go amiss.
That would be good for you, also. Note what's in it. And equally important, note whats not in it.
As I see it, you are so hung up on scientific 'explanations',
The Bible is about God and man and our relationship. He wasn't making a science text. Some things, He left for us to figure out on our own. That's what he gave you a mind to do.
which are really no explanations at all, when it comes to evolution and abiogenesis as I have been showing you for the longest time now, that you are perfectly prepared to jettison the Bible.
If you accept the Bible as it is, you'd notice that God says abiogenesis is the way He did it. No poofing. And of course, He made nature. So it can't contradict His word.
The correct attitude is, if there's a contradiction between my scientific preconceptions (which will sooner or later change, and in which direction I cannot say) and what the Word of God says, then I will jettison the science, however much it may hurt.
Interestingly, I don't yet see a case where an established theory contradicts His word. I think I know why.
Of course He did. He invented evolution, remember?
And He rose from the dead. Did Darwin do anything like that?
Darwin just showed us a little more about the way His creation works. Not bad for a mere man.