Doulos Iesou
- Mar 22, 2013
- 3,498
- 32
What is the mechanism that generates that genetic variation? That is key.God has allowed each species a genetic variation potential to compensate for what ever enviroment they encounter. Bugs in general are very important to the functioning of the enviroment so it makes perfect sense that God would make a gazillion variations of bugs (not to mention they are food for us).
If only that were true... Young Earth Creationism works with anecdotal evidence, little pieces of old science or gathering little facts here and there then use it to support their already assumed conclusions. Modern science is an attempt to find an explanation that fits all of the data on the matter, one that is not assumed at the beginning.Our interpretation of the data is just a valid as yours. You are working with your bias, us with ours.
You'll notice that people who accept evolution defy all kinds of different ideological beliefs. There are Christian Evolutionists, Muslim Evolutionists, Buddhist Evolutionists, etc.
That is because evolution isn't something come to based on a certain bias, unless that bias is towards following the evidence.
YEC vs Evolution is not a stalemate, lol. This to me is akin to a conspiracy theory, because you would have to believe that people of all different backgrounds and cultures have come to the same conclusion over all the evidence.At this point, it's a stalemate, neither of us can "prove" anything.
I have no agenda when it comes to biology, except the truth.. plain and simple. YEC is not science, it is fundamentalist dogma, which is why it is rejected from being taught in schools.
You would rather trust your interpretation of Scripture over our interpretation of the whole of the natural data relating to the age of the Earth and evolution.We were not there. As stated before, with all the other related evidence, we think the picture is clear. I, for one would rather trust scriptute over man's interpretation.
One fallible interpretation, preferred over another.