Good morning,
I hope you will be part of the solution.
A bit over a year ago we had over triple the members and most of them scholars or arm chair politicians. The result was brother pitted against brother and friend, outside looking it it brought out the ugly in Christendom. The body was so fragmented and pride dominated. Honestly, much of it was a cest pool where anyone with biblical knowledge was tested and poked at looking for chinks in his armor to penetrate.
We will not be going back to that...
But yes, i agree. We need more people who can teach biblical topics in a none aggressive manor. Both
for_his_glory and
JLB as well as
OzSpen do an amazing job at this. And they have all grown and learned how to play in the sandbox together when they disagree.
I would like to see more biblical teachers on this site, but you know what they say about too many cooks in the kitchen. In short, they need to play well together, and honestly that's hard to find on the internet because it's so easy to be mean to others online, which is something we don't want here.