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How We Know We Are "NOT" In The Last Days


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Im not denying anything. All i said was one of the identifying marks of the end times was the raising of the dead and healing the sick. I dont know and have never witnessed any of those things. I would like to hear from someone who has please

Where can I find this in the bible?
Ezekiel 32:7
"And when I shall put thee out, I will cover the heaven, and make the stars thereof dark; I will cover the sun with a cloud, and the moon shall not give her light."
How We Know We Are "NOT" In The Last Days
Really, we don't. Though generations before us, like those who suffered through the trials of the depression, WW2, etc... could have asked the same question.
My answer is always, we don't. But why worry? We're ready. Right?
Good. But you really gotta learn how to dance better before it really comes to the end.

Im not denying anything. All i said was one of the identifying marks of the end times was the raising of the dead and healing the sick. I dont know and have never witnessed any of those things. I would like to hear from someone who has please
I don't know if healings and dead raisings are a sign of the end times or not, but you said you wanted to hear from someone who has witnessed those things. I have. Not a raising from the dead, but a healing that was true, instantly complete, clearly visible, permanent, and verified by the person's doctor the next day. I know for an absolute fact that it was not faked because I knew the person well and I was the elder who was asked to anoint the person with oil, lay hands on him, and ask God to heal him. And God did just that, right then and there, in front of about 15 witnesses. Just as in Jesus' time, a crippled man rose up and walked, leaving his crutches behind. He even ran with joy, praising God that night, something his doctors told him he would never be able to do. It was a once in a lifetime experience for me, and non-believers and skeptical Christians have called me a liar, but I know it was true because I was there. So there you have it.
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Phil, one of my good friends is on the field in Guatemala where he and others have been used of God to heal and to raise the dead. My memory is getting weak but four or five years back one of the members of one of our Pentecostal churches, over seventy years, passed during the Worship Service. Two EMTs examined and pronounced him as having expired.

The EMTs loaded him on the gurney and the Pastor held them up for the laying on of hands and prayer. The gentleman walked out of the Church to a friend's car for the ride home.

Then one day a Spanish Lady walked into our Baptist Service and asked for prayer because the following morning she was to check in early for surgery to remove a grapefriut sized growth thought to, possibly, be Cancerous. I. the Pastor and six other men laid hands on her and prayed.

Surprized, we saw her return two weeks later. she reported that the Doctor was right there, waiting in Recovery, for her to shake off the effects of the drugs and to awaken. When she did he asked her if somebody had prayed for her? She replied with the account of our assembly laying on hands and praying to wit he told her that had she told him before he had preped, she would not have the new scar because he, being a believer, would have taken one more X-ray and would have cancelled the surgery because there was absolutely nothing unusual where the aboration had been. She had been healed by God because we and she had the faith to believe, to ask and to lay on hands and to pray.

These healings are predominantly taking place in third world countries where the faith is new but they still occur here and in Europe where there is genuine Faith.
I don't know if healings and dead raisings are a sign of the end times or not, but you said you wanted to hear from someone who has witnessed those things. I have. Not a raising from the dead, but a healing that was true, instantly complete, clearly visible, permanent, and verified by the person's doctor the next day. I know for an absolute fact that it was not faked because I knew the person well and I was the elder who was asked to anoint the person with oil, lay hands on him, and ask God to heal him. And God did just that, right then and there, in front of about 15 witnesses. Just as in Jesus' time, a crippled man rose up and walked, leaving his crutches behind. He even ran with joy, praising God that night, something his doctors told him he would never be able to do. It was a once in a lifetime experience for me, and non-believers and skeptical Christians have called me a liar, but I know it was true because I was there. So there you have it.
The, single, most incredible event in our lives is to be used as an instrument of God. You know that and praise God, so do I.
I don't know if healings and dead raisings are a sign of the end times or not, but you said you wanted to hear from someone who has witnessed those things. I have. Not a raising from the dead, but a healing that was true, instantly complete, clearly visible, permanent, and verified by the person's doctor the next day. I know for an absolute fact that it was not faked because I knew the person well and I was the elder who was asked to anoint the person with oil, lay hands on him, and ask God to heal him. And God did just that, right then and there, in front of about 15 witnesses. Just as in Jesus' time, a crippled man rose up and walked, leaving his crutches behind. He even ran with joy, praising God that night, something his doctors told him he would never be able to do. It was a once in a lifetime experience for me, and non-believers and skeptical Christians have called me a liar, but I know it was true because I was there. So there you have it.

Thank you for that eye witness testimony. Praise the Lord!
I'll just add to that pentecostal praise.
:sohappy :woot
Phil, one of my good friends is on the field in Guatemala where he and others have been used of God to heal and to raise the dead. My memory is getting weak but four or five years back one of the members of one of our Pentecostal churches, over seventy years, passed during the Worship Service. Two EMTs examined and pronounced him as having expired.

The EMTs loaded him on the gurney and the Pastor held them up for the laying on of hands and prayer. The gentleman walked out of the Church to a friend's car for the ride home.

Then one day a Spanish Lady walked into our Baptist Service and asked for prayer because the following morning she was to check in early for surgery to remove a grapefriut sized growth thought to, possibly, be Cancerous. I. the Pastor and six other men laid hands on her and prayed.

Surprized, we saw her return two weeks later. she reported that the Doctor was right there, waiting in Recovery, for her to shake off the effects of the drugs and to awaken. When she did he asked her if somebody had prayed for her? She replied with the account of our assembly laying on hands and praying to wit he told her that had she told him before he had preped, she would not have the new scar because he, being a believer, would have taken one more X-ray and would have cancelled the surgery because there was absolutely nothing unusual where the aboration had been. She had been healed by God because we and she had the faith to believe, to ask and to lay on hands and to pray.

These healings are predominantly taking place in third world countries where the faith is new but they still occur here and in Europe where there is genuine Faith.
Where I go to church there is also a Spanish service led by a Spanish speaking pastor. A few weeks ago (I wasn't invovled in or a witness to this one personally) a baby died. I mean, she had no breath and no heart beat for over 20 minutes before someone told the pastor what was happening and he had the paramedics called. I know, I know. Don't ask me why no one called earlier. Many of his congregation are illegal aliens and are hesitant to call any kind of authorities for any reason. They assumed the bgaby was already dead and there was no sense in risking many of them being arrested for nothing.

Of course the pastor knows better so he assigned someone to call 911, then immediately laid hands on the baby who was even starting to feel noticeably cooler by this time. Immediately, even before anyone could start doing CPR, the baby took a deep gasp of air and started crying! Even the pastor, as he ws telling me this story a few days after it happened, still broke down in tears at the power of God while he was telling me about it!

So even up here in the Northwest corner of the United States, far from the 3rd world, there are still people with enough faith to heal, to be healed, and even to raise the dead.

Like I said, I don't know if these things are a sign of the end times. I don't recall ever reading that in scripture. But they are happening.


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