Uhhh, I don't know what it is with people. Not just you brother, but a lot of people. Why would God have to be flesh and blood for us to be made in His image? There's very much more to it than the bipedal image of arms and legs. Our Lord is a spiritual being and no one seems to want to take this into account, yet it significant, probably moreso significant than this measly flesh and blood. Again, we are not human beings on a spiritual journey, we are spiritual beings on a human journey.
I don't really see that. We are complete beings, not just some kind of ghost in the shell on a temporary journey. Hence the ultimate redemption of mankind is the resurrection, not some eternal ethereal existence.
Genesis 1:27, we take "Image"
Image (H6754)
From an unused root meaning to shade; a phantom, that is, (figuratively) illusion, resemblance; hence a representative figure, especially an idol: - image, vain shew./(E-sword)
This is strong's concordance, and it is not a lexicon.
7512 I. צֶלֶם (ṣě·lěm): n.masc.; ≡ Str 6754; TWOT 1923a—1. LN 6.96–6.101 image, idol, i.e., a created and formed artifact that is worshiped as or as representing a pagan deity (Nu 33:52; 2Ki 11:18; 2Ch 23:17; Eze 7:20; 16:17; 23:14; Am 5:26+), note: for another interp in Ps 39:7[EB 6]; 73:20, see 7513; 2. LN 58.58–58.62 image, likeness, i.e., that which is a pattern, model, or example of something (Ge 1:26, 27; 5:3; 9:6+), note: the exact reference of whether this is moral, ethical, physical, nature, etc. is not clear; 3. LN 6.96–6.101 model, figures, i.e., a two or three dimensional painted or sculptured representation of something, but not necessarily a worship object (1Sa 6:5,11+)
Swanson, J. (1997). Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains : Hebrew (Old Testament). Oak Harbor: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
The way in which I am referring to image is in the idea of being a model, reflecting representation of God's dominion over the earth. Not in a physical sense at all, given God is not a physical being, hence the whole argument about coming from apes betrays the notion of the image of God baseless.
Resemblance. This could and most certainly means quite a bit more than the silhouette of our bodies.
No idea where you get this notion. I don't see anything physical denoted.
f we were to go by that alone, then, I guess apes are made in Gods image too, and that's just too much to fathom.
We are apes, but we are certainly set apart. Gorillas and Chimps were not given dominion over the earth, we were. Hence your physical interpretation of the word "image" yet again fails.
This means more than that, something of a spiritual nature. When we fell from grace, we lost our identity. This is what is to be reestablished with our redemption and relationship with Him when we're saved and start walking with the Lord again. It will be completed with our transfiguration when He returns.
Are you saying that the image of God was lost at some point for some?
Live for the Spirit, be led by the Spirit, let the Spirit man dominate in us and leave the flesh man behind. We do not need to rely upon our knowledge and wisdom in these things, we are to become as little children, and be led by God, let God's Spirit teach us, and to look to Him in all things. That's part of it brother.
This is awfully Pentecostal sounding.
Here we are, sitting around debating about evolution when we really shouldn't be.
I doubt anyone is going to be convinced, but I think the truth on this issue matters.
All focus should be upon the Lord and focus upon renewing ourselves and our very lifestyle and habits to be as Jesus was (is), to have His mind and Him within us and solely concentrating upon Him and our relationship and regaining our identity in His image.
Jesus is first, but I certainly don't think it's possible for that to be the only thing we set our minds to. Just being practical.