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How's your weather today, where you live?


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Rain? In California? LIES! It never rains in California, everyone knows that!

Then what is this moisture falling from the sky? There aren't any Kardashians that big to cause their own weather based on their "moods."
Then what is this moisture falling from the sky? There aren't any Kardashians that big to cause their own weather based on their "moods."

If there's mysterious moisture falling from the sky you may wanna look up for birds flying over head.
Rain? In California? LIES! It never rains in California, everyone knows that!


I know California's reputation, but especially in Salinas Valley, etc., I remember learning at school years ago that they do have fog and mist there... :)
Nothing like Michigan's upper penninsula, upstate New York, or anyone else along the southern side of the great lakes but we have been known to get a little now and then. What we really have to deal with is the days after a snowstorm. Low pressure systems rotate counter-clockwise, which means northwest winds to follow. That's when your brothers and sisters in Manitoba like to send us a gift sampling of their arctic air. This morning it is -9F with a -23 windchill. If the wind picks up at all, it can get rather brutal. Still not too bad compared to what I grew up with in northeastern MN but bad enough.

Today's high is predicted to reach a balmy 7F with winds picking up a bit. Wind chills are expected to hover in the -26F range all day.

Our driveway is about 200 yards long and then we have about 1/4 mile gravel to get to the nearest county road. Since we are on the end of the snowplow's route, we probably won't see him until tomorrow afternoon. I managed to work my way through 2 foot deep snow drifts to get out of my driveway but the road is more open and the drifts were blown much harder. I eventually got stuck with my truck so I won't be going to work today. I got the tractor plugged in now and will be hooking up the snowblower in about an hour or so. Looks like my day is pretty much planned now.

Truth be told, I'm kind of an odd duck. I actually think winter is kind of fun. A little work sometimes and cold but once I get acclimated I don't mind it that much until later when I begin to look forward to the spring thaw. Now the lakes should freeze over and then it's ice fishing. Woo-hoo!


Wow, you guys have it bad in northern Michigan...(like in Canada, over the water...)

Wow, you guys have it bad in northern Michigan...(like in Canada, over the water...)
Oops, you misunderstood. Minnesota is not in the snow belt along the southern shores of the great lakes.

Expecting a little more wintery stuff tonight and tomorrow. They say it should be a mix of rain, freezing rain, and snow. I suppose it will depend a lot on the temperature, which is expected to remain relatively steady around 30F throughout the weekend. I'd much rather it come in the form of snow.
Oops, you misunderstood. Minnesota is not in the snow belt along the southern shores of the great lakes.

Expecting a little more wintery stuff tonight and tomorrow. They say it should be a mix of rain, freezing rain, and snow. I suppose it will depend a lot on the temperature, which is expected to remain relatively steady around 30F throughout the weekend. I'd much rather it come in the form of snow.

Ah, the trifecta of fun. I fondly remember those kinds of storms growing up in Southeastern Wisconsin.

Actually drove through that stuff back in '05 while returning from my brother's wedding in La Crosse. Had it all the way through Iowa. Then again in Arizona, near Flagstaff. Good times...good times.
Oops, you misunderstood. Minnesota is not in the snow belt along the southern shores of the great lakes.

Expecting a little more wintery stuff tonight and tomorrow. They say it should be a mix of rain, freezing rain, and snow. I suppose it will depend a lot on the temperature, which is expected to remain relatively steady around 30F throughout the weekend. I'd much rather it come in the form of snow.

Oh okay...
Same as before. 40F and rain. The garage at work is probably flooded (again).

Speculative: Well, maybe your place of work had gotten the land cheap in the first place if the land is susceptible to flooding...

(I worked at a place like that once; real estate is real estate...)
Speculative: Well, maybe your place of work had gotten the land cheap in the first place if the land is susceptible to flooding...

(I worked at a place like that once; real estate is real estate...)
Well, around here, no land is cheap and everywhere is susceptible to flooding in the winter. This particular case is just poor maintenance. They didn't maintain the building and let the leak get worse and worse until now it is almost a crises and they're desperately (and unsuccessfully) trying to fix it.
Well, around here, no land is cheap and everywhere is susceptible to flooding in the winter. This particular case is just poor maintenance. They didn't maintain the building and let the leak get worse and worse until now it is almost a crises and they're desperately (and unsuccessfully) trying to fix it.


Oh, how many firms operate on the 'leave it to the janitor' basis! :)

Whereas it's the accountant at the time of purchase that needs a lot of input as well...


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