Forgot to respond to this one, sorry for the delay.
If there is no evidence for a garbage dump at this specific spot, then why would you base Christ's teachings on such imagery?
“It seems that the location of the city-dump of the late Second Temple period in this particular part of the city had a previous long history in the late Iron Age II. The Book of Nehemiah mentions several times a gate called Saar ha-Aspot/Sopot (Neh 2, 13; 3:13-14; 12:31). This toponym is usually translated as ‘Dung Gate’, based on the analogy with 2 Sam 2,8 and Ps 113,7 (Simons 1952, 123). These verses mention the city’s poor people, who most probably were foraging the city dump for food. Even if we accept B. Mazar’s suggestion (1975, 194-95), to relate spt to tpt – the Tophet – which was an extramural high place in the Valley of Hinnom (2 Kgs 21, 6; 2 Chr 33,6), we remain in an area of dirt. This place involved an extensive use of fire, which produced burning waste such as ashes, soot and charred wood. Also the location of the Gate of the pottery sherds (Sa’ar ha-Harsit), in the south (Jer 19,2), might point to a pile of garbage (Simons 1952, 230), as pottery vessels were the type of household item broken and discarded in antiquity more than any other type of artifact.
All the various types of city-garbage (ashes, pottery shards, waste of human occupation, etc.) were moved and dumped at the southeastern side of the city of Jerusalem, in the Iron Age and Persian periods. This was the city dump to where also the debris of the smashed cult objects and related material that was created during the Josianic religious reform, were moved and dumped, mentioning particularly the Kidron Valley (2 Kgs 23,4,6,10,12)” (“The Jerusalem City-Dump in the Late Second Temple Period, Israel Exploration Journal 53 [2003], 17).
According to these scholars, the archaeology seems to indicate the garbage dump was in the Kidron Valley on the eastern side of the city towards the mount of Olives.
Feeding on trash?
“And they shall go out and look on the dead bodies of the men who have rebelled against me. For their worm shall not die, their fire shall not be quenched, and they shall be an abhorrence to all flesh.” Isaiah 66:24 (ESV)
The text seems to indicate that this is referring to dead bodies, not living human beings or trash.
Now you're on to something. Now what does slaughter mean?
At first glance there isn't anything here I disagree with.
Did you actually read the context of what Josephus was talking about? This doesn't support your case for the Valley of Hinnom being a flaming garbage dump, this was about the people of Jerusalem throwing bodies over the walls of the city during the siege to get rid of the dead bodies as they could not bury them anymore.
Are these corpses living in your eyes?
Doulos Iesou said:
“And they shall go out and look on the
dead bodies of the men who have rebelled against me. For their worm shall not die, their fire shall not be quenched, and they shall be an abhorrence to all flesh.”
Isaiah 66:24 (ESV)
The text seems to indicate that this is referring to dead bodies, not living human beings or trash.
I will always be pulling you to the spiritual side of the conversation and away from the natural, physical side. So, I have to remind us of the words of Paul.
it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body 1 Corinthians 15:44
I believe we have two bodies. A natural, physical body or "outer man" AND a spiritual body or "inner man". See 2 Cor 4:16 below.
Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day. 2 Corinthians 4:16
They are either spiritually dead and separated from God and his (eternal) life or alive and have his life (Jesus) in them. Both start out as a "natural" body, under the curse which is the power of sin and death which is a veil of separation from God. The Bible calls the natural (spiritually dead) version of each of them "flesh".
So, we can't say with 100% certainty that Isaiah 66:24 (and Jesus when he talks of this) is not referring to a
spiritual body of mankind which is also calls "flesh" or "the flesh" or "body of Sin". See Romans 6:6 This is really Satan's body (sin and death) that God will destroy. This would make much sense because Revelation makes it very clear that the beasts powered by Satan (and the harlot or false Church of Rev 17-18 based on false world system of "Babylon") will be destroyed upon Jesus return/reappearing.
I have concluded that the Bible teaches that our dead, (natural) spirit man was a part of this "body of sin" or Satan's spiritual body, before we were reborn or regenerated because he too was "veiled" or blinded from Christ.
in whose case
the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. 2 Cor 4:4
This is much like a true believer on the side of light who is now part of the "
body of Christ". 1 Cor 12:27. I am pretty confident this is referring to our spirit man inside us and not our physical body. However, there is a verse that says we (as believers) are "always carrying around the death of Jesus". Regardless of whether our natural body is part of Jesus body or not, it is
ONE body made up of many people/spirits/parts. This makes sense because who was kicked out of the garden? Was it One mankind/one body or was it billions of bodies? We were
all represented in Adam and when he died, we all died. Romans 5. Adam is/was natural mankind's "head" just as Jesus is the head of the new creation of eternally alive, spiritual mankind. Satan is the spiritual head of the Adamic creation just as Jesus is the spiritual head of the new creation but Satan is totally defeated.
Thus, I concluded that verses like Isaiah 66:24 could be referring mainly to the dead
spiritual body and not my dead, natural body. But, it doesn't excluded the natural, dead bodies either as they are part of the "natural man". God tell us clearly the last enemy to be destroyed is "death". Wouldn't it make sense for God to destroy the "dead" spiritual man? Also, what is death? I submit to you that it is the very power of sin and darkness in our natural bodies that keeps us blind and separated from God. This is what God will destroy from what I find in scripture. He calls the dead spiritual body "unrighteousness" and he calls the eternally alive spiritual body of Christ "righteousness". He only accepts any sacrifices and offerings done in "righteousness" or in the very body of his Son, Jesus.
So, IMHO scripture teaches there are
TWO kinds of flesh and there are two kinds of man. Natural and Spiritual. One from above and one from below. One is Genesis 1 (spiritual and "created") and one is Genesis 2 (natural, physical or "formed")
The natural, unregenerated man (unbeliever) has both a natural (spiritually dead) outer man (physical body)
and a natural (spiritually dead) inner man.
The spiritual man reborn in Christ (believer) who is still physically alive today, also has a (spiritually dead) outer man (physical body) still, but his true self or inner man has been given God's very ETERNAL life who is Christ. Thus his TRUE self or "inner man" will NEVER die. His true being (inner man) has already been transferred from the Earthly realm of darkness (death) into Heaven itself. He just needs to lose the natural, physical body of death he is carrying around. As soon as he does, he will instantly see where he really exists. "Absent from the (physical) body, present with the Lord"!
I am so sorry I made this so long again. I just wanted to point out there are two kinds of flesh, physical and spiritual. They each can also be eternally alive (have the life of Chris in them) or eternally dead (natural).
Just as Jesus has one body in his Kingdom so does the enemy. The enemy's is called "the body of sin" or separation or death. These bodies have both a physical side and a spiritual side. They are separated by a "veil". This is why we don't know or can see God in our natural, physical body. The great news is that JESUS is STEALING all the body parts right out from under Satan's nose and he can't see it. The darkness can't see or comprehend/know the light.
The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. John 1:5
He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him John 1:10
Sorry it's so long and confusing.